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Everything posted by Gazred

  1. Subbed earlier. Rovers making hard work of this.
  2. Reminds me of the movie, The Usual Suspects. Which one's Keyser Soze?
  3. Thought we had a poor fitness and conditioning team last season. Doesn't sound like Rovers want Pitman fit...
  4. Hope you followed protocol before posting here...
  5. Yep that loan deal was personally sanctioned by Sir Steve himself.
  6. As it would probably mean another court date! But i take your point, he's doing some outstanding work.
  7. Think those court cases could be a blessing in disguise. By then they'll be looking to get rid and it won't cost anything. Blokes a useless gobshite of a manager.
  8. It's an interesting point. I think we've caught up in some areas with the continent, which certainly makes more players desirable across the board. Don't remember too many young players moving, Robbie Keane to Inter stands out. It was always the top players in their prime, Lineker, Gazza, Platt, Ince etc.
  9. Lets not go too exotic Tone. He'd need a load of jabs, quarantine etc...
  10. I think it's good to see the number of young English players going abroad increasing. Used to be a bit of rare thing to have homegrown players turning out for renowned European teams. See more of the world, experience another culture and learn another language. All while making a tidy sum to kick a ball about. Not a bad life.
  11. Bet he doesn't play if they meet Barca in the CL.
  12. That's a sucker punch. Reasonably comfortable performance, room for improvement of course but i like what i saw in the main. Goals may continue to be a problem though. Wells and Martin adequate but i think we need a strong, pacey type to compliment the effort being put in off the ball. We look far more organised and focused in our play than we have in a long time, just need more edge up top.
  13. We look pretty comfortable. Lovely finish by Martin. Think we could/should be producing a bit more.
  14. Seems they might have a fan involved at the Olympics... https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/olympics/58127366
  15. Club President Wael Al Qadi has today penned an open letter to supporters... Dear Gasheads, I have been here with you now for nearly five and a half years. I hope that through that time you have seen and felt my passion for this club, my openness with supporters and my understanding of the emotions that you feel on a day-to-day basis. We have a diverse fanbase, as was celebrated in our recent kit launch campaign and all supporters are welcome at The Mem to enjoy watching our club together. However, the past four days have been tough for us all and I have seen first-hand that there is division within the fanbase which is not what we want heading into a new season. Firstly, I think it is really important to confirm that as a club we stand firmly against any form of violence. Any individual that is found guilty of any such offences will be dismissed immediately. I understand the concerns expressed by a number of you. However, in line with the basic principles of British law, it is my view that you are innocent until proven guilty. I have seen and understand the response to the statement that was released last night. Given that this is a legal matter, what we can and can’t say as a club is heavily restricted. That said, I think it is important that some context is given to the comment regarding victimless crimes as I know that has caused some distress. The phrase is a legal term referring to cases in which the victim is either unknown or has not made a complaint/engaged with the police enquiries. We in no way meant to belittle charges of domestic abuse. I know that this may have been misinterpreted in the statement last night and I wholeheartedly apologise to anyone that was offended. As has been well publicised we are partners with the team at HerGameToo and continue to play an active role in supporting that initiative. Furthermore, before we were aware of this issue we agreed last week to support a Domestic Violence campaign which we will continue to do heading into the new season. In addition, in 2018 we partnered with the Southmead Project who provide free counselling and support for survivors of abuse and addiction across Bristol and surrounding areas. All of these causes are at the heart of our football club and we will continue to do all we can to support those in need. This period will have undoubtedly strained relationships, however, I hope that we can retain your trust and confidence as we look to continue to build the club and support our wider community. I hope that you can all join me in getting behind the team this season, we need your support now more than ever. FTG Wael Club President Bristol Rovers Football Club
  16. Odd that the court has recorded that she herself called 999 and asked for him to be removed from the property. Genuinely hope she wasn't bullied into making that post.
  17. Literally got one coming in 30 mins. Can't beat Mario's. Got to try this place in Weston a couple of weeks back, you wont be disappointed, everything is good. https://www.thetexaskitchen.com/order-online
  18. He's right. No reason they can't be in the 1st team squad this season. They've generally done well when called on and that needs to be encouraged. Perhaps see how they are nearer the winter window, then look to send 1 or 2 out on loan if they aren't getting minutes.
  19. I might be wrong but i think the poster @Spike has posted some home made kit designs and badges before. Might be able to help. Good luck for the season!
  20. He was a marquee signing at the time. Just turns out that they had enough of those already and had nowhere to pitch him ?
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