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Sir Geoff

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Everything posted by Sir Geoff

  1. So please do tell what improvements you see in Tommy's game since Manning arrived.
  2. Should certainly be starting ahead of Knight in the advanced no.10 role. With Wells not instead of.
  3. Welcome back. We've missed you the last couple of weeks.
  4. Extrapolated over 46 games is 64.4 points. Top 8 / 10.
  5. There was one, but everyone fell asleep, so it never got published.
  6. So your alternative to changing the manager is to change the squad. How many would you change ? What if they don't want to leave or no one wants to buy them ? Which players do you suggest need changing ? Surely it is easier to change the manager to one that suits the way the squad / club has aligned us (style of play) over the past 12/18 months
  7. And only 3 or 4 of those could be called 'young up and coming managers'. Rodgers, Adkins (maybe), Parker, Edwards possibly 5 if you include Cooper but he was at Swansea for 2 years prior.
  8. But that's exactly what we did on the other side under Pearson and people on here complained about playing long ball. Max would ping it out to Pring who was positioned on the half way line. We either won the second ball , the ball would go out for a throw in 50/60 yards upfield or Pring would win the header and Bell would be 'on his bike' ready to chase after it down the wing. Now as you rightly say we progress 4 yards by playing 48 sideways passes, 16 triangles and waste several minutes doing it.
  9. Matt (club representative) Withers. Don't tell me he is turning against Manning, after telling us for months on 3 peaps that he was enjoying the football and could see what Manning was Trying to do. His Co hort stated on RB Saturday that Manning should be given more time.
  10. There were. And he did a Tinnion to get the Swansea job, allegedly.
  11. It's on Sky. Thats motivation enough. Southampton / WHU H. West Ham away on MOTD. Bit of a coincidence that those were our best recent performances (all covered live or by TV).
  12. Maybe. But if you're looking for a value bet then it has to be up there. I don't gamble, but there is logic to covering it.
  13. Disagree. Twine and Medube are clearly Manning driven signings.
  14. Helps withe the possession stats though
  15. Just realised, he's the ultimate BS bot.
  16. You wouldn't put a fiver on to win a grand ?
  17. We play at least 5 of the teams below us. One win and a couple of draws from those should see us ok, as long as the win isn't against Rotherham. Might have to sit 10 behind the ball A to Stoke on the last day.
  18. But it is reasonable to expect some improvement, whether it be results or playing style, otherwise why make the change. Manning is as culpable as anyone. He has regressed a decent group of players from being in touch with the top 10 to (Let's see) to being just above the relegation zone.
  19. Ha ha. Lets hope you're right very soon.
  20. Southampton was a one off where the players raised themselves because they were on TV. Same as the cup games. The malaise has been going on since before Southampton.
  21. I noticed a few times in the first half yesterday, Dickie turning down the chance of a quick ball through the thirds to Williams and Conway, in favour of turning sideways and playing it safe to Vyner. Surely an instruction. Dickie has also stopped taking the ball forward into midfield and beyond.
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