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Posts posted by Redrascal2

  1. 33 minutes ago, grifty said:

    I didn’t say you said that? I asked you a question?

    The way you phrased it “£25million plus and cleared out players on high wages” came across as that’s what is our transfer kitty. Hence my question to clarify that.

    if we spend £5m on players to improve the squad, I’d be happy with that. stick £20m in the bank for security and as @Mr Popodopolous says the year after may be the year to go for it more.

    Let's hope we are both happy at the end of the window. COYR.

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  2. 27 minutes ago, grifty said:

    Do you really think we should go and spend all £25m in the summer window? As I’ve already said, much of the Semenyo money went towards building players and towards the FFP limits.

    Id prefer for us to sign effective players for a reasonable price.

    More Dickies for a million than Kalas’ for £8m. There seems to be a clamour to spend all of the Scott money as soon as possible. We have a good basis of a squad, let’s be sensible and improve it with good players for good fees. Not go and spaff it all on marquee signings to keep fans happy.

    Ive no interest in rugby so wont be telling Pat Lam anything.

    No I don't think we need to spend all the money and never said that. But why let what I actually said get in the way of your argument. Manning was promised he would be backed in the transfer market. Let's wait and see what happens. And the issue of Bristol Bears was referencing Lansdown's current approach to the salary  cap and funding their playing squad. In view of what we are discussing, I would suggest  it is very relevant to our discussion.

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  3. 45 minutes ago, grifty said:

    You said the Lansdown mantra is to do everything on the cheap. That just isn’t true.

    The Semenyo money when part way to funding some signings (Mehmeti, Cornick, Knight) plus a bit in the bank as a buffer for FFP.

    The Scott sale was close-ish to the transfer window closure. I would much prefer us to take our time with signings (especially high transfer fees) in order to find the right player for the manager/position. If this player was not available in those 2-3 weeks I would prefer we didn’t sign anyone who either the manager didn’t want or over pay for the wrong player.

    The reason SL has had to cut back on expenditure in the last few years was because he over spent because he wasn’t doing things on the cheap and it nearly cost us a points deduction.

    We seem to be doing smarter with our signings (Dickie -£900k being a prime example). I’d much rather us pick up Player of the year Dickie for £900k than an injury prone (in the last two seasons anyway) Kalas for £8m with no resale value… I guess you feel differently about that.

    Well Lansdown has got a "bit in the bank"from the sales of Scott and Semenyo. What about 25 million  plus and we have cleared out some players reputedly  on high wages James and Weimann  plus a few others and we have had plenty of time to take a considered look at what we need and who we would like. So let's see what support Lansdown gives Manning this window. Oh and by the way try telling Pat Lam that Lansdown is not cost cutting with the decision to spend below the salary cap when the likes of Bath, Saracens, Leicester etc are fully using it.

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  4. 4 hours ago, grifty said:

    What a strange view. No-one can say what SL does is on the cheap. Kalas, Fammy, Wells, Tomlin, etc all expensive players. The Stadium redevelopment, Training ground.

    The issue is his decision making and who he gets in to run the club in senior positions.

    If anything he is wasteful and overpays for staying mid-table!

    What of the money received for Scott and Semenyo. How much was used to reinvest in the team. All the expensive players you have listed are from years past.   Only Wells is still with us. Surely you cannot fail to have seen the trend of reducing his investment in players. Both at City and Bristol Bears. No offence but it seems strange to me that you have not noticed it.

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  5. That is the Lansdowns mantra. Do anything you can on the cheap. And that will be the priority this  summer just as it is for the Bears. They are spending below the salary cap which is why Bath seem to always win the race for the big names. So I would expect the same in this window as that. But will be fascinated on our search for a good striker. They are not cheap. So does that mean we won't be getting one.

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  6. 2 hours ago, Antman said:

    i know it looks like it's just JL bashing, but WHO the **** is responsible for the shite designs they churn out?

    in the Joe Williams pics he's wearing another different 'logo'/city design that actually reads as CITV - because some numbnuts has shortened the 'Y' too much.

    it shouldn't be this difficult to create some better designs for merch, and maybe keeping a degree of consistency would help too - y'know, build a brand and that?


    He just  loves playing with crayons and a colouring book. He finds it so much more fun than signing players. 

  7. On 21/05/2024 at 11:57, And Its Smith said:

    Generally a positive piece.  But if you can’t be optimistic before a ball is kicked, when can you be?!

    When the Board support the Manager in the transfer market.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Gazred said:

    As per title...


    Could see him being tempted by that one.

    Looks like we will soon see how competitive our offer was to Williams. Would be a big loss who else adds that bite and aggression in midfield. I really hope we made an offer that reflected a determination to keep him. But fear with Lansdowns new mantra to try and get it all on the cheap, we might lose him. What a start to our window that would be.

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  9. 32 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:


    What I would say is that following Bears' outstanding second half of the season, playing the style of rugby he wants, it wouldn't surprise me if SL did loosen the purse strings a little more... 

    I am sure he will be doing that anyway however the Bears were playing. Their tremendous end to the season will be used to justify his increasing lack of investment in the squad.

  10. 13 minutes ago, Dr Balls said:

    This is all part of the same piece. SL is fed up of losing money through Bristol Sport, and is trying to reduce his losses by investing less in the first place. It’s more risky for City than the rugby team as they aren’t at risk of relegation, whereas we know that relegation for City would blow a hole in the financial planning and any chance of a sale. Even in that case we should still be a better option for a sale and investment than the “Blue Few” but perhaps not while we are bundled in with all of the other BS issues.

    How do we get unbundled. Because without that who is going to replace the Lansdowns or invest in City. So many clubs are getting outside investors. Even Wycombe have been taken over by a Billionaire. Yet no sign of anything for us. Or does someone know something.

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  11. Didn't read or listen to Lansdown. But concerned to see that next season Bristol Beats will not be spending up to the salary cap as most other Rugby clubs will be, as for example Bath, who seem to buy any player they want. They will rely on experienced players developing the young players. It doesn't fill me with much confidence of our spend this summer. I was never that confident anyway but reading this suggests the spend will be kept as tight as possible. I cannot see it anywhere near meeting Manning's idea of being backed in the transfer market 

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  12. 1 hour ago, Topper 123 said:

    It’s about time someone took hold of shop designs and gave the fans what they want , casual wear is going to sell better than tops with BRISTOL CITY emblazed across them . Fans these days prefer small club badges on coloured TShirts other than red , nice pastel shades + plus cargo shorts with small robin on left leg come on city give us some clobber we can wear , ie nice short sleeve shirt with small robin on pocket that’s all we need these items would sell far better than a top with Bristol City wrote up the arm x

    Unfortunately it appears what supporters want with regard to the shop and it's merchandise is not a factor that is considered by the club. So many fans have expressed their disappointment with the shop and the merchandise but this has been ignored.

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  13. 16 minutes ago, redkev said:

    I do agree with what your saying , but I could have all the training in the world but doesn’t mean I could be a professional football player , 

    As for getting the job it’s not his fault daddy is a million / billionaire or what ever he is , by no way am I defending him completely as he has made some big mistakes , give criticism to the correct areas of his mistakes not just chuck any sort of criticism at him 

    Let's turn it around and ask what has Jon Lansdown  done that he deserves to be congratulated for. I can think of nothing.

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  14. On 25/04/2024 at 15:35, GrahamC said:

    Agree, his first game in charge was a 0-0 draw v Birmingham, which by the standards of their season is probably one of the highlights.

    The ball is going to be in the air an awful lot when they have it & Evans is out of the Warnock school of low possession, loads of time wasting managers.

    Not expecting too much in truth.

    Whatever school of managers he is from, to get Stevenage up and around the playoffs in league is one hell of an achievement. 

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