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Everything posted by TonyTonyTony

  1. Why are you making up negative scenarios? Try and be positive about things
  2. They booked out the executive lounge all morning to film a 4 second clip with no sound? Anyway. Welcome Liam. Lots to crack on with
  3. Weren’t you the poster who started a thread on Antoine Semenyo being a bit shit and never a striker? Not exactly famous for your predictions
  4. If you are a Spurs fan, you are going home proud of your team despite getting beat 4-1.
  5. Shit team Chelsea. A collection of individuals - less than the sum of their parts. Fair play to Tottenham for being so brave. Game of the season
  6. Mental game of football but i hate bloody VAR
  7. Id go for @italian dave. Always considered, never knee Jerk plus we could do with some good old fashioned Italian football shithousery
  8. You know that the Lansdowns make a decision, then find any old bollocks to back it up right ?It happens a lot, for example when people get made redundant in a company. They pick person they don't like, then "justify" the redundancy by scoring them unfairly. As long as a process is followed, its allowed. Pearson was scored unfairly, and was gone. Totally unfair. Nobody believes we have a top 2, or even 6 squad no matter what JL and BT says. They won't sack Manning for not being top 6, unless he completely bombs, as it was all bollocks in the first place. I wouldnt put it past them to throw Tinnion under the bus, however. Do you want Manning, if it is him, to fail, so you get even angier at the Lansdowns and proclaim they are total sheisters? We know that anyway. What then? SL still owns the club - its not like you can get rid of him. Next up : Minds being blown when Manning is given January transfer money, when Pearson was told their wasn't any. Is it more bollocks, yes - but thats what they do.
  9. Are you judging him because he got sacked, or sacked by MKD?, because every manager with the exception of Guardiola and Jurgen Klopp has been sacked. Sacked from MKD because they are a small club? Did you see what he achieved with them the season before he got sacked, and then the club sold their best players? Sounds familiar right? You have stubbornly made your mind up, and its incredibly myopic.
  10. 100% agree. Some people have an aversion to what they would describe as management lingo.
  11. How is your position untenable if you own the club (SL), and you are employed by your Dad (JL)? If Manning fails, they will throw BT under the bus.
  12. There are always key times and battles on the pitch. Maybe its being tactically prepared? I think you need to give him a break. Far too early to judge. Am i underwhelmed? A bit, but give the guy a chance
  13. Christ this is hard work. You have already labelled him a bullshitter like LJ, but im not seeing it. If you have specific examples of what he has said pleas share
  14. Okay, but what has he said to bring you to the conclusion that be speaks bullshit? Examples, because its not obvious to me from the interviews ive watched with him
  15. No i agree with you. I was just wondering why @W-S-M Seagull drew comparisons with LJ (other than being a young manager)
  16. The First X1 bus driver? Is he ITK? Im losing track tbh
  17. Im still laughing at the "false 9" position being woke. Classic
  18. Miserable bunch of buggers. 3 points at the weekend, and a beautiful sunny Autumn morning. What will be will be
  19. 3 points - that will do. Didnt go today but a mate just told me the atmosphere was shit.
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