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Everything posted by KegCity

  1. We’ve conceded 45 goals already. Kalas has been sloppy for the last 2 seasons. We need an entirely new set of defenders and shifting Kalas is a good way to fund them. He’s been hit and miss since Webster left so taking his wages off the books and signing a centre back who can head a ball seems sensible to me. Kalas is not the defensive messiah some view him as. He puts players around him in trouble with dodgy passing at times, doesn’t organise and doesn’t deal with anything in the air. If we can get a Webster style centre back to do that for him then great, but I don’t see that happening without sales.
  2. Quite happy to shift Bentley and Kalas, Max is a competent number one and I think there’s surely better value for money centre backs than Kalas. I don’t think he’s justifying his wage at the moment.
  3. We’ve got the potential to have a core of academy players that can get us into the top 6. Said it before but we should be tying these players down as soon as possible, rather than clamouring to sell them to bring in more deadwood.
  4. Absolutely, Fulham have a much better side than us, however the scoreline was down to our errors rather than their technique. If we had more mental resilience, the ability to win a header in our own penalty area and the desire to close players down it would’ve been a different game. For want of a better phrase we lack defensive IQ massively, needs addressing before we worry about the midfield or attack. I’d like to give praise to Max O’Leary, considering he conceded six due to the shambles in front of him he dealt with difficult backpasses really well and got us out of jail a few times with excellent distribution. Quite happy to cash in on Bentley and give him the number one shirt.
  5. Scott, Massengo and King weren’t looking too bad aside from standing off the guys shooting from range. Bizarre call from Pearson to take Massengo off and take away the legs in the side.
  6. Talk of signing a striker is nonsense. Desperately need a secure back line.
  7. They’ve both been piss poor with dealing with crosses since Holden took charge. Can dress it up however you like but mitrovic wasn’t challenged at any point today. I wasn’t expecting anything today, but if you defend like that against anyone you’ll get beat. Such a shame after the first half hour where it looked like we’d turned a corner
  8. “Fulham are a good side” is no excuse for any of the goals conceded today. Completely fell apart at 2-2 after matching Fulham for the first half hour. If you stand off the opposition and let them pass it round you you’ll get punished, whether you’re playing Fulham or Manor Farm.
  9. ? Two goals came from standing off a man to let them run in and curl it, all of mitrovic’s goals came from shit organisation at the back. Kalas and Vyner can’t deal with aerial pressure.
  10. True, doesn’t excuse the schoolboy defending that gifted them a win. All 6 goals were easily preventable.
  11. Kalas has been awful in the air for the last 2 years. Makes you realise just how good Webster was
  12. Tough game today, could see us nick something though. Good record at Craven Cottage and played well last weekend.
  13. I, for one, am looking forward to another meltdown when Reid/Bryan get boos again.
  14. Hence why he’s not going for Lloyd Kelly fee. The decisions we’ve made as a club over the last few years makes it pretty believable to me.
  15. You’d think the pair of them put the south stand together the way some people have talked about them, Jesus Christ. Turns out giving the opposition grief doesn’t make you a real fan! Frankly if they aren’t given a tribute message on the big screen every time they touch the ball next time they come back then I’ll be disgusted.
  16. Cue COD scoring an absolute rocket, but he’s all fart no shit 99% of the time. Hopefully we can con someone out of a fee for him.
  17. Yeah to be fair I always give Greg Cunningham a standing ovation when he returns to the gate so can't have double standards.
  18. The reasons for some booing them have been put in the thread already, if you don’t think they’re valid then fair enough. The majority of the crowd do nothing all game anyway so that’s not really a point either way. Not heard a peep out of the Lansdown/Dolman all season so them not booing is hardly a shock.
  19. Oh it's fair enough, doesn't mean they aren't open to some stick from the stands. It's all the pantomime of going to the football, some like to sit and analyse the game, some like to create an atmosphere and have fun. This isn't a new phenomenon though so don't understand why knickers are getting twisted.
  20. If I'd gone today I'd have joined in, I also didn't and wouldn't go to those lengths to abuse a player. For me those comments combined with his seeming ambivalence towards the club (heavily rumoured to have tried to leave in that January although granted I wasn't sat in the boardroom; couldn't be bothered to put out a generic goodbye message to his "boyhood club") have put me off Bryan. Thanks for scoring against United, Swindon and the Gas but he can handle a few boos now.
  21. Nope, most fans get it. It's entertainment to us, they've portrayed themselves as "villains" so they get their stick. Nobody's stopping you getting the Reid and Bryan chants going and making them feel at home.
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