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Posts posted by bcfc01

  1. 21 minutes ago, wood_red said:

    What great "family" supporters you have, showing their kids (and other kids) a great example on how to behave. Letting their own children shout "paedo" at some bloke, whilst some parents give it the big 'un.

    A complete embarrassment to anyone looking in. 

    Probably the same people from the "family section" who abused their own managers daughter on social media.

    Disgusting, vile, cowardly shitbags.


    • Like 3
  2. 2 hours ago, Newquay-Red said:

    Your visit reminds me of when we were about to play Man City, and you made an account to go on their forum, find a topic about us, and basically try to be their friend and rip us down at any opportunity.

    How boring and unsatisfying must your life be to the point where that is a fun, amusing and worthwhile way to spend your day?

    That was him was it ?

    What a very sad ****.

    One of a few on that little closed shop they call a forum.

    Insular bunch.

    • Like 2
  3. 4 minutes ago, Bob Taylor is GOD said:

    Bristol Rovers.... They do make me laugh ?

    I know what you mean.

    Whenever I hear of them, such as the two muppets in the pub last night chatting about them and their new stadium (as if it was done and dusted), it always brings a smile to my face.

    Bless 'em, self awareness is a bit of an issue with that lot.

    Enjoy our Matty scoring today Pikeys :sub:

    (we know you're there)

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    Is that inclusive of add ons though, the £30mish figure.

    Thought the Reid fee had an element of add ons. Don't forget possible sell on clauses for Flint and Webster will subtract from it.

    However these are small details- the thrust of your post I fully agree- we're in no FFP issues and while we have SL, MA and LJ at the helm this will not be a concern for us IMO.

    I didn't include add-ons or sell-ons nor any other historical sell-ons in our favour such as Bolasie or Adomah (if any).

    Just the fees in the public domain.

    It all probably evens out or thereabouts.

  5. 1 hour ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    Presumably you mean the debt to ownership in that? Not so relevant to FFP.

    A lot of this will be infrastructure related expenditure IMO but will look again at this in due course, these areas a big note closely. I recall there was a large debt write off in League One in Jan 2014. £35m as per a BBC Article.

    This isn't relevant to FFP.

    FFP is something as a club we take very seriously- at times this is to the chagrin of some of our fans!

    Could probably amend the ground sale issue to make it possible if we were so minded.

    There are other fixed assets on our books that we can inflate in a transaction to a related party if necessary.

    We know all clubs at this level are financially reliant on their owner to a lesser or greater degree- doesn't mean there aren't loss limits within this however.

    Let's look at YOUR club in some detail shall we.

    1. You extend accounting reporting period from May 31 2018 to July 31 2018- the due date from February 28 2019 to April 30 2019. That's fine, all legal within company laws.

    2. Your owner says at a fans forum in JANUARY 2019 that if there us no promotion you'd be in BIG trouble.


    3. He mentioned a breach by 8 figures.

    4. The accounts that were already due by April 30th 2019 didn't actually appear until a month on and later still.

    5. 11th July 2019 on your website- JULY!?

    6. 16th July 2019 at CH.

    7. At least they were dated and signed by due date yeah? Err- no! June 21st 2019- well past CH revised let alone initial due date!!

    8. Any sign of it at Land Registry yet? Last time I heard there was not.

    9. What definitive proof is there that this transaction was completed within, or at least began within the correct reporting period? Eg up to May 31 2018 or if revision accepted July 31 2018. EFL shouldn't accept it if not.

    10. Does it show in the Cash flow statement in its entirety as a once off move? Derby's did, Reading's did. Can't say I saw it on first glance but will look again of course. Aston Villa's should in 2018/19 accounts...

    I'm no fan of the Derby ground sale and leaseback but set against your clubs actions in this sense, they look a model of pure probity and have a halo above their head. Only club worse at this level financially speaking IMO were Aston Villa.

    The one thing, you've FINALLY sold a striker, finally- Joao for several million. Non renewal of contracts also helps but you've signed a number of players too albeit on frees- loans from PL last season can't have been freebies. Lazaar, Aarons and Onomah I believe.

    Rhodes was off the books which helps and a loan fee inbound too, but now back on and presumably on full wage. Management compensation- still though it's a nonsense tbh overall.

    As for us.

    Academy products sold for big cash represent pure profit. Lloyd Kelly £13.5m up front- that's £13.5m to offset losses. Bryan was around £6m, offsets very nicely. Reid- that had addons but offsets. Flint probably had a sell on fee to give part of and some remaining amortisation to offset against but a profit nonetheless. BIG Webster profit but then again sell on fee and remaining NBV- add ons too, add ons which may or may not have been hit last season, could complicate.

    Overall we're compliant and we seem to have done this in the correct manner.

    Academy products amounted to around 30m (Reid, Kelly, Bryan).

    Plus Flint 7m, Magnússon 2m, Eisa 2m (?), Webster 22m (some say 20m up front). So around 30m+ from those transfers.

    60m+ from outgoing transfers.

    Offset by incomings and expenses of course, and the club needs to keep an eye on wages and the amount of players we now have, but it would be difficult to see City in any sort of FFP bother especially given the increasing rises to off field income to take into account as well.

    Not sure why the Sheffield lad thinks otherwise ?

    • Like 1
  6. 13 minutes ago, Southport Red said:

    Interesting on slagchat, when they talk about the league below them, they all seem to call it ‘Division 2’. Is this a kind of denial thing (implying they are in Division 1). Because, if we’re playing that game, the division just one below them is Division 4. 

    Its a bit like when they were relegated from the league it was into league 3.

    Made 'em feel better I suppose but still delusional.

    Edit: BCFC11 beat me to it - but I had a pikey telling me in the pub that it was league 3 in all but name :D

  7. 16 minutes ago, WhistleHappy said:

    A40 Somerset? … (or similar) a neighbour had one when I was a kid..

    My 1st funnily enough was also an Austin A40 (farina) in Red n Black (paid £40 for it in '73 was already an old banger but I loved it! :laugh:)  

     (Austin loved their 'counties' though, Devons, Dorsets, Somersets, and gawd knows what others, then the University towns, Austin's Cambridges, Morris's Oxfords Winchesters etc...  British car industry brilliant for all its faults)

    Don't forget Hillman, my old man had a Husky followed by a Super Minx - had a hell of a kick back when starting it on the crank handle.

    And Triumph, I had a Dolomite Sprint and followed that up with a Stag - both blew head gaskets twice. Loved both of them though. But the love of my life was my first motor, a Lambretta Li150 which got me and my Mrs to Weymouth and back on many occasions.

    Back on topic, that memorial "stadium" looks like a tinpot shower of shite which belongs a few tiers down in the football pyramid. Its shockingly bad for a football league club. How much is a bit of paint FFS.



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  8. 18 minutes ago, RedRaw said:

    We are talking about two different sites albeit the Arena island and fruit market sites are close. The problem with the arena site was that there was one road in/out and next to no parking provision although plenty of central parking within a 10/15 minute walk.

    the problem with the fruit market site is general access and infrastructure for a football stadium in an area that is planned and already being developed as housing/commercial.

    the sags seem to suggest the council are “on board” yet seem to forget that the council has never turned down any previous stadium application. They have fallen through usually because they have been pie in the sky, no finance and/or third party objectors.....the latter sounding like their biggest issue this time round.

    thats assuming the latest “saviours” are real/have the right intentions 

    The highlighted bit is where there is a problem imo.

  9. 1 hour ago, Coombsy said:

    I don’t think they have done their homework on the fruit market 

    as just out side there is a ransom strip

    so to knock down the market and rebuild 

    without  buying the strip can not be done 

    and to answer any questions 

    i am not selling it


    Which bit is the ransom strip ?



  10. 6 minutes ago, Red Right Hand said:

    Well, Ali Durden did say on PW that the consortium were `property acquisition based` but made pains to add that there would be `a significant football presence` involved.

    So, a group of property developers headed up by Peter Ridsdale it is then.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    I don't think anything will go wrong from the developers point of view.

    Buying out the Al Qadis will give them the Mem to develop - they won't be bothered about the football club.

    The fruit market, if obtained, which is very doubtful, will be developed for housing, much more lucrative than running a tinpot little football club. 

    End game is getting close for the deluded few and the idiots don't realise it.

    Not long now Pikeys :sub:


    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, BCFC11 said:

    Well that didn’t take long did it, coming for us again, don’t know about anyone else but I’m absolutely shitting it at the thought of them coming for us (again, and again, and again)


    I bet One Turd In Bristol has lit up like a ******* Christmas tree with panicking shitheads with all this going on!

    ???  What a w4nker

    I don't know why we should panic even it was a viable proposition which it obviously isn't.

    A very brief scan of the figures reveals that.

    Seems to me that this consortium is after a valuable piece of land for development and it aint the Fruit Market.

    Best of luck with that Pikeys :sub:



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  12. 20 minutes ago, MC26 said:

    There it is! Nothing to do with their owner being a complete fraud - of course it's a 'Ted' holding up their progress. 




    That "one group" happens to be the major shareholder. If they decide to stay put, they all stay put -and they have given very valid reasons why they won't be moving unless it is a really stupid amount way over market price. They've also said that moving in two years is a fantasy, which just about sums up the whole issue.

    The vast majority on that limited closed forum are ill informed, deluded, fantasists, just like Wally.


  13. 20 hours ago, 1960maaan said:

    Miah and the rest of that un Godly lot can now rest easy, a mate has said there is a £45m consortium in place and it's all going ahead.
    Lawyers and Council are sorted apparently , definitely going ahead .

    It won't be going ahead with 45m.

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  14. 12 minutes ago, wendyredredrobin said:

    Can anyone provide an estimate of what it would cost to buy the land, clear it, put in an access structure and actually build a modern football stadium?

    I suppose they could just dismantle the Mem tents and pitch them at the market along with their caravans and untaxed and uninsured pick up trucks and claim squatters rights.

    Estimate for the stadium build alone would be 45m - 50m for a standard finish.


  15. 5 hours ago, Monkeh said:

    It’s almost as if everything we predicted and told the blue few has come true and they are too busy with their head buried in the sand to take notice

    they will lose there ground soon as well as debt overtakes the assets value and credit stream dries up

    We can see the inevitability of it.

    Why can't they ?

    Stupid ?

    Denial ?

    Let us know Pikeys - we know you're there :sub:

  16. 7 hours ago, Gert Mare said:


    At the time for me it really hurt. It was the fact that we had thrown the title away when it was in our hands, and fair play Rovers took advantage and won the title, but what followed really made me despise Rovers.

    My first recollection of something distasteful about Rovers was after a defeat at Ashton Gate (which was commonplace in the mid 80’s). I was leaving the ground in complete disbelief how we had lost a match to our closest rivals after literally battering them for 90 minutes. I was walking past the Rovers team coach and looked up and Ian Holloway was sat there laughing like a child and pointing at us. He was clearly loving it and was taunting us as we walked past. I thought ‘what an absolute ******* *****’.

    Fast forward to 1990 and Rovers beat City convincingly at Trumpton to effectively take the title at the very last moment after City had been at the top for the majority of the season.

    Not content with just winning the Championship the people I know (just like Holloway) couldn’t wait to gloat and taunt us. Rather than enjoy it for what it was it was all about ******* City and that was the moment I went from not being to bothered about Rovers to absolutely detesting them, and my feelings have never changed.

    I still see the same reaction whenever misfortune of some kind happens to City, and if it’s Rovers who inflict the damage then it’s 10 fold.

    I’m not bothered about 1990 any more as we won the League One title without breaking a sweat in 2015 and that truly put that to bed, with the icing on the cake being the previous season watching Rovers fall through the trap door (that one exorcised the ‘taunting’ demons of 1990 and that one will hurt your lot forever). 1982 means nothing either as we have moved on.

    Rovers however are stuck in the past. That is all you have got. 1982, 2nd May, Dean Windass, Tote End......all dead and buried like your clubs hopes for the future. Nothing personal Miah as I think you are a decent poster and I know quite a few decent Rovers lads, but nothing would please me more than to see your poxy club go under because of the mentality of your fans base and their “City’s losing” monkey spanking antics.


    Good post.

    I know a few supporters of that tinpot little outfit and, as long as you don't mention City, they are ok. Of course, I never miss an opportunity to wind them up as it is so easy. As you say, I would really like that shite to go under and leave Bristol to us (nearly there anyway, no one mentions them and Bristol in a football sense).

    1 hour ago, Rich said:

    When the groundsman was seen watering the pitch in the corner, to make sure it was called off. They received a warning from the FA over that. Like the time at Trumpton when the game was called off due to a flooded corner of the pitch, when the  watermain mysteriously burst just prior to our game, we were flying at the time and they had a couple of injuries. Just shows what a shithouse of a club they are.

    Yep. Horrible little tinpot shit of a club.

    And their supporters are worse.

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