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Everything posted by B1ackbird

  1. Can't really separate them Atm, Canello getting through more now..
  2. Don't know why I'm keeping score, it goes the distance Canello wins..
  3. Imagine going down the pub on im, you probably wouldn't even get the right one.. Our captain would phone up, where the **** are you? Cribb starts in ten minutes.. Bollocks, I've ended up in Wraxall...
  4. If that's the case Phants, it doesn't say a lot for the ECB Does it...
  5. Hales seems genuinely annoyed to be withdrawn from the England squad after his latest drug test result was made public, what did he honestly expect? Yes it's fine to stagger about off your tits on Coke or Crack or whatever you use on a night out, because you've got the world record...
  6. Evening all, anyone watching the BT card tonight?
  7. Who's about for Khan? Round 1-4 Crawford @ 4/1 for me.. I suppose the smart money's on 5-6-7..
  8. Great body shot, what a sickner...
  9. Is Allen big enough to stop Browne, if not he's got to be fitter than the last fight.. ?
  10. Thank **** for that, c'mon Rhino...
  11. I've got a shut out for Dell Boy...
  12. This is a weird one, doesn't throw enough for me and his opponent hasn't heard of a feint, perhaps he's not as heavy handed as he seems..
  13. Evening all.. TBH We"re probably better off playing good sides away from home than struggling to break down sides at AG
  14. I not sure but I think Surrey have ten international players, the commentary team only stated it 107 times..
  15. Are Sussex going to grab defeat from the Jaws of victory?
  16. Sadly, no.. I like Khan, a fast fighter, good skills but the chin isn't up to it, I've had the feeling for a while that he wasted his best 2-3 years sat in a nightclub waiting for Mayweather/Packman to say yes to a mega fight. As for vanity fights, they will carry on until someone is killed (or perhaps not even then)...
  17. Ref did Crolla no favours, looks like he'd been hit by a truck..
  18. Im f****d if I'm paying £19.95 to watch Khan win 1 and a half rounds before being rendered unconscious by Crawford's first meaningful punch. But I'll probably get up to see Crolla rescued by the ref somewhere between the two national anthems... ?
  19. FM BT a bit optimistic making Khan Crawford PPV. I s'pose its like 'rubbernecking' at a Motorway pile up. Anyone know how much it is?
  20. SF by three, although I had the first two rounds even...
  21. Really hard to split them so far...
  22. Suppose a D is better than a L on his record..
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