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Everything posted by B1ackbird

  1. True, also Eubank hasn't got a jab..
  2. Degale or Eubank? I'm going Eubank pts...
  3. Yes, would have lost that in the states, aggression rewarded... Joice round 1-3..
  4. Poor reffing, done nothing about the head work...
  5. It's bleeding and he hadn't been hit at the start of the round...
  6. Let's hope he doesn't fight like Laing...
  7. Fm Selbys opponent has a bit of a Kirkland Laing hairstyle going on...
  8. I think Bruce's the right manager, but will he get time? That's the problem..
  9. Evening Owl, I see your boys were good enough to let Swansea score a goal to let me cash in on my goals galore today...
  10. I think Smith should defend three or four times in the next eighteen months as this is his peak time.. Kovolev or Alverez would be great...
  11. Evening all, I wonder if Degale will take a breather on the ropes like his channel 5 days, or Eubank won't let him.. Caught up with a couple of American shows I recorded, Lopez looked very good and Krusher won his title back..
  12. The uncle Tom thing was ill judged from Ali, Joe Frazier never forgave him for it. It's embarrassing in this age..
  13. I know he's just doing his job but I hope Miller gets knocked the **** out...
  14. A cricket thread stuck on Nelson, I hope we're all hopping on one foot... ?
  15. There was two if I remember rightly... "Devon White is full of holes, Devon White is full of holes, he's full of holes, holes and more holes, Devon White is full of holes..." "We love Devon neighbor, we love Devon neibour..."
  16. 119 110 Garcia... If you don't have that work rate you've gotta be able to bang..
  17. Got cheeseman sharing the third, that's all atm...
  18. I'll have a glass of red and watch the boxing, seems weird I haven't seen the boys this year, first season since 1988.
  19. Not great mate, reffered to Papworth, but hay, I'm just glad I'm here at all..
  20. Evening Stortz, yeah I heard it got a bit messy...
  21. Evening JJT. The boy just got home, not the greatest idea in the world to let the Jack's out at the same time as us... They seem to do that a lot when it seems obvious it'll kick off..
  22. Oh dear, wins rounds 1,2, knocked out in 3,4....
  23. Yeah, I talked to Tins about it, everything sorted out, just the fitness test and his Mrs went into Labour, got a call from Sturrock and chose Wednesday instead.
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