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Everything posted by B1ackbird

  1. I think everyone wanted him to beat Provetkin, but as Freddy Roach said "I wish Amir Khan well in his career but you can't train a chin..,"
  2. Evening Stortz. I'd imagine Owls pretty happy with our result... Price on soon, should be good.
  3. Mundo got messed about waiting for GG, must have at least three fights this year being that these are the times he needs to make his money.. Feel a bit for AJ As I believe he wanted Wilder and Fury in the next 12 months, Fury got an offer he couldn't refuse and Wilder never had any intention of fighting Joshua...
  4. Does anyone know if Cardiff have to pay the agents fifteen million on top of the transfer fee of fifteen million?
  5. Looks like this is going to get pretty messy with Cardiff saying Sala wasn't under contract at the time...
  6. Have you watched it Stortz? Don't want to give any spoilers away, but I haven't seen a fight like that for ages...
  7. Taped the BT card, if you can watch the Sam Maxwell fight, unbelievable..
  8. Agree, just doesn't hit hard enough.. The Spaniard I mean...
  9. If he's not a big puncher it's hard to see what he's trying to do apart from tire Edwards out...
  10. Just playing the waiting game Atm. Like most, I'm not a fan of international breaks, but it helps England are on top of the game, and playing some great stuff...
  11. Evening all. Buatsi's as smooth as a Miles Davis album.
  12. Doesn't seem like AJ will get either Fury or Wilder this year, which is a shame,
  13. Whoever matched Barnes with this Mexican didn't do him any favours.
  14. Paddy Barnes had his nose broken in the first few seconds... Now down.
  15. St Paddy's day, Conlan in NY.. Now on Box Nation.
  16. Morning, has Spence just jabbed him to death?
  17. The plan is to watch the Wolves Man U game, go to bed, and wake up at 4 for the fight...
  18. Is Spence just too big for Garcia, what a result if he can pull this one off..
  19. The odd thing is you sacked your poster boy, Clarke and promoted one of his coaches to replace him.. I get your optimism, be interesting to see where you end up...
  20. Sorry Tom, thought I was alone, yeah he looked pretty good, Martinez is the gatekeeper to the world's top ten, interesting to see how he does against him...
  21. Anyone watching the next gen show?
  22. Billy thirteentrees would have F****d that over..
  23. . Wael has until recently been carried up and down the Glos Rd by appreciative Gas heads and has become used to not having to pay for a bus ticket, but now Rovers fans seem reluctant to transport him to the city centre using his favourite method. Not put off by this, Wael discovered gangs of semi-tumescent Sunderland fans wandering around pointing at all things Bristol Rovers and commenting on how much more they love the Gas in comparison to the Ted's in fact they were more than happy to carry the president where he wanted to go... His usual destination was Dixons because he wanted to buy a big screen TV. But was unable to because they didn't sell the bracket that went with it, plus he went in about six shops and none of them sold training grounds...
  24. Nowt left from Degale, missed a rematch with his nemesis Groves, agree with Stortz go any higher in the rankings Eubank will be found out..
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