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Everything posted by James54De

  1. https://twitter.com/westham_central/status/1674449250506137600?s=46&t=_e24k7xy2QDlaZ61tNJkAw
  2. Comes across as a knobhead who thinks they’re hilarious.
  3. If Nige was angry, nothing would have been said. Let alone “the door is always open”.
  4. Oh, that makes what you've said 100% fact. Nige talks about it openly, and very respectfully.
  5. Yep, having read the rest of that thread, it’s obviously a wind up.
  6. Agree, think we will get him. Whether he will fill the hole, post Alex, is another question.
  7. Club are using same vendor as Liverpool and alike. If your phone has a wallet function, it has NFC.
  8. There will be no barcode. The season ticket will use NFC technology like when you pay using Apple Pay.
  9. Currie is the obvious shout. Though if we were still interested you’d have thought there would have been more said or done.
  10. Interesting that Brighton have labelled it undisclosed whilst we have said free agent.
  11. Robinson is a better player than Bryan. Thus he gets in ahead of him.
  12. Hahaha. One of the best centre half in the world. Clueless.
  13. We went through three years of this. A squad full of decent/good players which would not or could not play together.
  14. You done this with the change of kits as well. No rules have been broken. Similar things have been done countless times by other clubs. Still looks shit.
  15. https://www.uswitch.com/mobiles/studies/mobile-statistics/ An easy thing to google. 96% of internet users (which itself is 95% of the UK population), own a smartphone.
  16. Can’t imagine it’ll be a QR code. Liverpool’s system uses the contactless feature. It’s quicker and cracked screens don’t cause an issue.
  17. So, we actually rejected a £22 million bid in January.
  18. Doubts over the futures of all three. Neves and Moutinho, especially, look like they’re on their way.
  19. A couple of English lessons would certainly help you.
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