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Posts posted by James54De

  1. 2 minutes ago, Tristan Cork said:

    Now now no need to start calling people names is there? I haven't once hidden the fact that I'm a reporter for the Post on this forum. In fact, that reply you quoted was in response to someone joking that I should complain to myself about the bright lights. I think that whole exchange maybe went over your head, perhaps?

    A journalist whom struggles to compose a simple sentence. Sad indictment of Reach, and perhaps, the wider news media. 

    • Flames 1
  2. On 24/11/2021 at 08:57, Tristan Cork said:

    Ha ha. Now Gregor's gone I don't know who to complain to!!!
    But nah, it would be better to complain to the club direct...


    5 minutes ago, Tristan Cork said:

    you alright mate? life must be dull if you screenshot my twitter page, post it here and call it 'interesting'. :laugh:

    I was replying to this you freak. Any how, it’s probably in the best interest that people are aware you are a journalist. 
    *Twitter as well, hun.

    • Haha 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Eddie Hitler said:


    The difference was that there is a long-established safe vaccine for influenza and initially there wasn't one at all for Covid.

    Now that the elderly and vulnerable, plus anyone else who wants it, are vaccinated then yes we should simply learn to live with Covid and produce vaccines tailored to each strain as happens for 'flu vaccine.


    I don't think people are being obtuse here but rather reading what they want to read rather than what is actually written; which brings me back to this being a "polarised debate" rather than a sensible one.

    Flu jab changes every year, and is different in different parts of the world. Want that tested for five years every time it is changed? 

    • Flames 2
  4. 5 minutes ago, Numero Uno said:

    No, some of them aren't and so I would have expected a lot more to have been vaccinated and particularly for clubs to make sure they are vaccinated if they are a bit thick. These are valuable assets after all. So the question is why?

    Probably social media. There’s a direct correlation between education level and proportion of population vaccinated. Sad, I know, but a reality 

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, Numero Uno said:

    Well it wouldn't be a simple answer if he was a lone wolf but I get the distinct impression he isn't and there are far too many footballers playing the game who would only refuse to take a vaccine if they were advised not to. I've had all my jabs and I'm not into conspiracy theories but it does make you wonder why many footballers are effectively being "allowed" to catch the virus.

    Football players are not renowned for being particularly intelligent. 

    • Like 1
  6. 34 minutes ago, Harry said:

    I see James54De hasn’t managed to find a shred of evidence to his quite extraordinary claim. We’re 3 days on from his post now. Is there any evidence at all for this 600% increase in hospitalisations in South Africa????


    From 687 in week 46, to 5.944 in week 49

    • Flames 3
  7. 6 hours ago, pillred said:

    Where the hell did you get the figure of 600% it's 83%, still a higher figure than I thought admittedly but the stays are down from 6 days to less than 2 days on average. and the vast majority of people are having mild symptoms. You also have to factor in the fact that less than a quarter of S Africans have had any vaccinations at all as opposed to over 80% here.

    No, it is not

  8. 14 hours ago, pillred said:

    It's been around for at least a month, more than enough time for doctors or scientists to have been able to come to some sort of conclusion, so far the vast majority of people who have had it are now recovered and were not hospitalised I mean a 255% increase in cases in S Africa and a tiny rise in hospital cases how much more proof do you need?

    It’s no where near a “tiny rise”. Hospitalisations have increased by 600% in South Africa. 

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, spudski said:

    The virus doesn't choose to be different from country to country. We are all humans. It affects us the same way. The ' experts' do agree it's mild.

    Seriously this is not about health and spreading anymore. 

    The government listen to the experts, then put in rules that don't make any sense.

    It's totally symbolic. 

    You've got world leaders mixing, putting on masks for the cameras, then taking them off when meeting others, shaking hands and hugging.

    Why anyone else can't see this amazes me.

    These Governments, world leaders listen to the experts and scientists first hand. They get all the info. Yet they don't abide by the rules they set for us.

    As human beings, you would do as advised by the Scientists. You wouldn't ignore it. So why are the Government going about their lives like there is nothing to worry about...they aren't in fear of getting ill. What do they know that we don't. They would comply whole heartedly if otherwise for their own health.

    scientists don’t agree it’s “mild”. It has been stated that verrrryyy early indications suggest it may lead to shorter hospital stays and less deaths. Encouraging indications? yes. Agreement? Absolutely not. There was also the same things being said about Alpha, and that ended up cause higher rates of hospitalisation and death than previous strains. 
    In fact, hospitalisations are now ticking up in the UK, about a week after cases did, so who knows. 

    • Like 3
  10. 20 hours ago, Port Said Red said:

    I hope this doesn't happen on match day. 



    Would be a nightmare...

    Just download it to your wallet when you get on, then you wo t need to access the app

    20 hours ago, E.G.Red said:

    It's working again now, but I can imagine 2.45 on a Saturday afternoon the system could be overloaded

    As above

    19 hours ago, Pezo said:

    I'm with @Harry.

    I've been double jabbed for ages (after being initially sceptical and having to do a lot of research to find out it's basically a flu vaccine that's customised for COVID - so has been in use for a long time), I wear a mask, clean my hands regularly ect ect - perfect little sheep.

    That being said I don't want to have to prove my status for anything just to travel and attend events in our country (I get it if going abroad - there's some quiet nasty stuff out there), to have to prove it to a club that I attend on a regular basis and to what will likely be stewards that we all know form more uninformed opinions than this forum (and quicker as well) - na not doing it.

    I will be staying away and watching via NordAirways.

    Hate to piss on your bonfire, but it really is not that. 

    10 hours ago, Red Army 75 said:

    My covid passport is only valid for 2 days. Twice I have tried it. Any ideas why it’s only giving 2 days at a time. Thanks for any information 

    Click the travel pass, verify your account with the picture it asks you to take. Then should last for 30 days. 

    10 hours ago, lenred said:

    That’s always been the case for me. Never heard of the app showing a month’s pass. 

    As above

    9 hours ago, CheddarReds said:

    Do you mind me asking where your registered with your GP? 

    In Wales it only seems to give a 48 hour covid pass. Could be why?

    Hi, how do you get a hard copy? I've tried to find one online but can only find a digital QR code. Thanks in advance. 

    I’m in wales too and have a 30 day pass. Do as above. 

    • Thanks 2
  11. On 23/10/2021 at 17:30, harrys said:

    So they don’t get ready cash, so what are these services that people in Cardiff or Newport get that I don’t get? 

    Free prescriptions; greatly increased grants for students; quicker doctor appointments; etc. 

    On 23/10/2021 at 18:03, BS3_RED said:

    Clueless. Cardiff start building theirs early next year ( I live in Newport)

    I live in cardiff. Not got planning permission yet, nor even Business case agreements. This has also been in the works since ~2007. Even if everything goes swimmingly from now it’s been accepted it won’t be open till at least 2025. 

    Plus, the Motorpoint is almost certainly being knocked down rather soon.

    Who's clueless now?

    • Haha 1
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