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Posts posted by James54De

  1. 5 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    There's always a tipping point...severe backlash potentially on the cards, this could be one.

    The French, say what you will but...they let their views be known!

    If literally a large minority choose not to comply, again see the Polltax. Had the vaccine? Maybe, or maybe not.

    If you haven't, all I can do is urge you to go and get one. Protect Yourself, Protect Others. Oh, and I'm sure you want to get down Ashton Gate after September. ?

    • Sad 1
  2. 14 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    Well aren't you the smug one- but.

    I suspect there will be pushback if rolled out widely, and a sizeable minority opposed can certainly constitute a problem. Not that I advocate it of course but people will do what people do- and who can blame them tbh.

    The fact you wish to bounce people into a partially rushed vaccine says plenty about you- sizeable minority opposed- see Polltax.

    Hahaha. Like they did against lockdown, etc. Strange how your argument has fallen apart so quickly. Presume you have had the vaccine? 

    • Confused 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, Bannerman said:

    You are a sarcastic half wit and patronising and for your information I didn’t copy paste moron. Again you made a presumption. If choose to correct myself it’s none of your damn business how I go about it. Go and rest your intellectual brain for a while

    That white background on you text looked very much like a copy and paste to me, but what do I know? 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    Well, maybe not then- merely my guess would be that you support Vaccine Passports for big events from a health POV- seems like overkill to me given the number of aging and vulnerable who are now vaccinated, and b) That those under 50s in hospital cited elsewhere, absolute numbers and then % with co-morbidities would take the problem down somewhat.

    Well done, you clever clever man. 

    • Haha 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Bannerman said:

    Open your mind and learn Hague world not European and study under Nuremberg Code trials regarding vaccines 

    Again, absolutely not related to anything near the “Covid Pass” being proposed. Nor is the Nuremberg Code, (which looking at the formatting of your you’re not particularly clued up on, seeing as you had to copy and paste it to spell it correctly) particularly applicable related to Covid. 

    • Like 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, Bannerman said:

    Wrong, it also comes under international laws as well, but the clue is what you stated.

    And open the first page of your passport is another which already passed into law.

    Furthermore, just because it’s legal does not mean it’s lawful. We have abundance of case laws that cannot be overridden.


    You can say wrong all you like. Vaccine passports are not illegal under any law, as has been tried in the ECHR already. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Bannerman said:

    It is illegal to discriminate at any level, regardless of views on here. Lawyers are inundated with thousands of claims and will go on for a while. One case alone as cost a company £8,000. A lot of lawyer firms can’t take anymore claims of because of being inundated.

    Not quite. You can’t discriminate against ‘protected characteristics’. You can not allow entry because of other things. E.g clothing, personality, inebriation state, mask wearing, etc.   

    Again, the position on vaccine passports would have to pass into law, thus would be completely legal, no matter what you, or said ‘lawyers’ believe. 


    9 hours ago, wayne allisons tongues said:


    if the number was worked out using the governments reporting methods that is 1758 per 100,000

    England is an average of 525 per 100,000 at the moment.

    But according to the PL there procedures are working (even though players seem to ignore them).

    How many of that 40 are infecting family and friends without knowing it.

    The true rate in England is likely to be around 2,000 in 100,000. So the PL testing probably displays that it is pretty aligned with the woder population.

  9. 5 minutes ago, TonyTonyTony said:

    I wonder why they picked the Dolman, rather than the Lansdown. Even with 2K in the Dolman, it will still take bloody ages to get out.

    Im dont know whether to go or not tbh. Im torn

    Logistics I’d imagine. With the south stand concourse busy, and the NHS workers testing centre in the car park, They’d probably want to keep people away from those areas. 

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, phantom said:

    Luton Town Football Club would like to clarify the situation with regards to the ‘return of fans’ pilot programme starting this weekend.

    On Tuesday at around midday, having received an email from the EFL asking for clubs to volunteer to take part, we put ourselves forward. We responded within the hour because, like many clubs, we are desperate to have our supporters back inside Kenilworth Road.

    To stage a game with supporters here would take a lot of preparation time, and unfortunately, despite asking again from very early this morning, we had heard nothing from the League until a few minutes before they issued their statement stating that we were one of the clubs taking part.


    Sadly, this does not give us enough time to get ready so we are unable to host spectators here for the Derby match.

    We understand that the EFL are beholden to DCMS, but to request clubs to offer and then not back up quickly, knowing there is such little time to prepare, is very disappointing and we are sorry to disappoint supporters who may have raised hopes of attending Saturday’s match.

    We remain committed to working with the EFL, DCMS, SGSA and local authority to getting our wonderful supporters back inside the Kenny as soon as is safely possible.

    TAKEN FROM: https://www.lutontown.co.uk/news/2020/september/pilot-programme-statement/

    So they've put themselves forward, despite clearly not being in a position to do so. Wow. They've only had six months to plan for such a thing. I'd hope those at Ashton Gate have provisional plans to cater for a range of different number limits where plans could be implemented quickly.

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