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Sheltons Army

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Everything posted by Sheltons Army

  1. Bloody well played lads ?? and great backing from the cider army ?? Really good team performance with many tremendous individual performances
  2. We’ve done absolutely the right thing Two up, Kept our shape , solid , no need to chase a third They haven’t had any sustained / goal threatening pressure in all honesty
  3. Should have said Sykes too , defensively as good as I’ve seen him All round a good team performance with good discipline , shape ,& commitment Everyone played a part
  4. Been critical of JD , but he’s been at his very best tonight , as good as I’ve seen him for us
  5. Give it a ******* rest You ooze negativity ,pre match , during and post match Constant criticising of players one by one Weimann taken over from Martin as your whining obsession You go nowhere near games and are nauseating
  6. Was thinking more of you could almost see him thinking Right , I need a performance here after that
  7. Agree , I wonder whether fluffing that early opportunity has actually worked in our favour with Nahki
  8. The ref is Madley isn’t it ? Was a Prem Referee until he got in trouble for Joking about disabled in a phone message
  9. Keep our shape and discipline and we will catch them on the break for a third later
  10. really ? And the second shout against Williams was outside the box
  11. The three centre halves have all been solid and kept shape etc Klose with his talking helps all three massively
  12. Get in meeeeeee babbbbbers ????? Wells deserves that , after not making most of that golden chance he’s worked his azz off
  13. Get In ! Preston one up On a serious note , assist for Jay and a goal , yes a goal for .......Scouser Joe Oh my word
  14. Livermore ...quelle surprise Complete thug Lucky he only got yellow
  15. Fair play to the travelling reds , coming across regular and loud
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