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Everything posted by Rebounder

  1. You can wash them you know?
  2. Fond memories of that game. Think Phillips made a great double save. I remember the first game in the 90's too as the Everton fans made a very young me cry when they invaded the pitch.
  3. I'm not against it and I generally oppose the idea that sport is set apart from politics, however it does pose an awkward question on how many other countries compete despite the awful crimes committed against their own people and also other countries. FIFA and other sporting bodies have made it hard to apply these sort of rules due to their own indifference and corruption in the race for money in recent years. Definitely think the players and individual nations can make their own choices so it's good to see solidarity. It's probably that which will force the authorities hands.
  4. I think the sacking was harsh, but didn't the teams below have 2-3 games in hand when they were top which does slightly alter the situation imo.
  5. Yep just had a little Google and watched the highlights of the FA Cup game. I was quite young then, but remember playing the likes of them and St Alban's which was a while before.
  6. Didn't realise that they weren't the same team.
  7. I'm curious to know why in the middle of January he has left Carlisle to go to Adelaide. Mind boggling.
  8. And there's a goalkeeper I read his autobiography can't remember his name. Ah here he is: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lutz_Pfannenstiel I agree they have to move a lot and be average.
  9. The answer is Trevor Benjamin. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trevor_Benjamin
  10. Going to look on YouTube, but any mainstream channels showing highlights? Thought BBC might.
  11. He's been asking to leave hasn't he? Been a long running saga with Arsenal wanting to keep him, but him asking to leave if he's not going to play.
  12. Apparently he was acting similar against Derby so seems part of his persona.
  13. Warburton was under a bit of pressure for a bit too.
  14. That's just madness isn't it? I'd struggle to keep a check on reality if I came into 50k a week now. If I was 18 and they were paying it to me every week I'm not sure I'd be here. Even 5k a week is an astonishing amount of money even in a short career. I like Richards too and he was really good at that age. Bit sad to hear he's in property, but appreciate its the done thing and there's no context there.
  15. So so bad. I had planned to book some time off for this, but I'm so glad I didn't.
  16. 7-10 minutes in if I remember correctly.
  17. Good post. I'm also reminded of Warburton at QPR who was under a fair bit of pressure not that long ago, but slowly turned it around. I can understand why people are frustrated with the performances though.
  18. Don't see why missing a couple of games would result in a recall. That's a reality of football, and whilst you want your young players playing you also want them to understand the fight to get back into the team. I could understand why we take him back to loan him higher. I am over that way next month so will tempted to drop in if they are there.
  19. Showing as avaliable for me? Currently waiting on a result after test on Sunday....
  20. You can definitely use data effectively, but there would be better ways to use data about mental health provision than comparing suicide rates.
  21. Hardly anyone I know has done anything because Johnson and the Tories have told them too. In fact most have gone further particularly this time last year when it was fairly clear the government were ******* around. Also all the weird rules like being able to go to the pub, but not being able to do something that seemed much less risky. Political party didn't really come into it as most of us work in health care and so I guess see it from that angle. It made sense to try and limit the spread as much as possible. There's also that desire to want to help protect vulnerable people, either by stopping the spread, or supporting those that were isolating etc. Worth pointing out that none of us have been perfect in this so it's not a case of "I'm better than you." I think generally the public have at times taken their own measures that were more proactive than the ones the government were suggesting. Of course if society was set up differently in the first place and preparations put in place then it probably wouldn't ever have got as bad. We'll hopefully learn a lot from this.
  22. I'm not really sure you can compare suicide in Victorian times with now. There was a distinct lack of knowledge about mental health then and as far as I am aware no support beyond putting people away. There are serious problems with mental health provision in this country, and not all of it results in suicide, but does lead to long term damage to everyone involved. Suicide rates only tell a small part of the story and aren't really a good way to tell how good and effective provision is. There is still a distinct lack of knowledge now too.
  23. Kind of fortunate for Harry that the mods deleted his Nazi/Syringe picture last night as that highlighted his true character. (See it's now your avatar. Classy.) I'm not huge on covid passports. Comparing it to the restrictions that were in place during Nazi Germany is cold. Keeping in mind this government have done the absolute minimum they could get away with at times it doesn't even add up to some great big conspiracy. The government don't need a pandemic to exercise it's control over us and most of us. See you mentioned the policing bill earlier. Considering your attitude towards it last year that raised a chuckle. Start a petition or something eh. It was this thread that made you flounce last time let's hope you can hold it together a bit easier this time.
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