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Everything posted by sh1t_ref_again

  1. I was there, interesting seeing the goal as the 1st we knew we had scored was when the players came back over the half way line celebrating
  2. Disappointing to lose Nige and replace him with someone with no experience at this level, I will support him / the team, do not know enough about him and his style so difficult to have an informed opinion if he will be a good fit. It appears he failed as a footballer, so has not played the game at any high level, always think its easier for a coach that has been there and done it to get the respect of experienced players, particularly when results are bad as they start to question the plan. Always thought this was GJ problem and to a degree LJ's. Hope it works out, but not filled with excitement or hope.
  3. Think Tommy looks to have lost a bit of pace from his injury, but also missing NW who creates a lot of space for him and combines very well,
  4. Whilst I agree and never rated Jay as a defender as to small, he joined them on a free so giving a longer contract in effect has not cost them, compared to having to pay a transfer fee. Still would not want him any more than a back up.
  5. Thought had a very good game and on these performances I hope we sign him
  6. I think you are correct and this plays a part in the fallout and definitely an issue. A sceptic could ask if players were being held back from returning, maybe correctley to protect them or for other reasons, or maybe just a coincidence to have so many players back today. I am not suggesting either.
  7. If you cannot see that businesses do not or cannot put out all that goes on behind the scenes, then you are very nieve. Yes it is PR spin and frustrating but what happens in the real world. You are correct it was speculation and I posed it as a question and thought of a different angle, based upon personal experience and Nige's health issues. But like everyone else on here I have not got a clue what's gone on, so speculation and thoughts the same as ever other post. I am disappointed Nige has gone, but think there is a lot more to it that we are unlikely to ever know, NP will not say anything as will have signed a NDA upon leaving, as is normal practice for senior personnel in business. Not sure if you were at the game and bored to reply during the game or protesting and staying away
  8. Good point, maybe unintended consequence or maybe pushed for something to happen but was not after leaving
  9. Heard S82 starting a few chants at about 85 minutes that no other parts of the ground joined in with
  10. Don't think we will see Nige doing much in football until his health issues are resolved. Also some time ago I remember seeing posts about if Nige wants to continue and maybe having interests outside of football. Hope we get to see him on TV as a pundit, as such a great speaker
  11. Sort of agree with your point, but if Nige was aware of some discontent about results for a while, it was him that pushed it in to the open forum and made it back me or sack me
  12. But that is missing the point, that perhaps Nige did not want to carry on under those circumstances and the thrust of my post was Nige is happy to be out the door now if he was not going to get a new contract, as he has other more important issues to worry about
  13. The truth is none of us know but I tend to agree, I think he did want to stay, but when that is not looking likely (and maybe even more unlikely if taking a lot of time off now or over the next few months) I can imagine Nige getting disillusioned and thinking I don't need this, back me with a new contract now or sack me. He could of walked out, but then makes him look poor and no pay off, You instigate your removal, which happens in business as your know your contract will be paid up and you will sign a confidentially contract Working on a transition, I think Nige is an all in or not at all sort of person, so out I think is preferable, particularly when he has his health and well being to consider.
  14. Sorry to start a new thread, as if we do not have enough, but thought this was a slightly different angle. It struck me that Nige is a clever and canny bloke and has perhaps instigated his move out and quite happy about it. NP is in a very difficult position with his health with an unknown prognosis, so if you are coming towards the end of you contract and have the feeling it is not going to be renewed, you could be of a mindset, do I really want to be putting all my time and effort in to the job when likelihood is I am not getting a new contract. So rather than having months of stress and trying to manage a family, treatment and work life balance by pushing the buttons of the powers to be when he put contract and maybe getting sacked soon, into the public domain, he forced the issue. I am sure Nige is of an age and financial stability where he does not need to work and having health issues and a few close friends recently pass on, it does change your view on what is important in life and if you don't need the money, work is not always one of them. Its difficult to know from the outside, if there has been a bust up and if so how severe, but the SL nest egg comment was strange as it was all about putting money ready for either next season or the next manager, NP will know exactly why this was said and perhaps has known unless we somehow got promoted then no way was he getting a new contract. I am upset NP has gone as really like him and will go down as one of my favourite managers, but I am also wise enough to know we do not get told the full picture and as per JL interview, mentioned there is a lot that cannot be said to the fans, which I accept. So if NP did or did not force his sacking, I am pleased he can now concentrate on the most important thing, getting better and wish him well for a speedy recovery.
  15. I don't disagree they could handle things differently but thats easily said without being a fly on the wall and knowing what reality is. but in truth would not make any difference to a lot on here who just like to jump on a band wagon without giving much thought to a possible bigger picture
  16. I'm afraid in business it just not done to wash all of your dirty laundry in public, otherwise it would just become a public slanging match which is not good for anyone. As fans we see only a tiny proportion of what goes on behind the doors of the club, on the forum we may get tip bits from a couple who are ITK, but this may be 2nd or 3rd hand rumours or we get plenty of waffle stated as facts. At a guess, the relationship between NP and the board (possible including Tins), had broken down, maybe to do with selling Scott and further player recruitment or player training and fitness, NP's alleged absence from training, concerns about his health or maybe just a general bust up. With any of these issues, their would be 2 sides to the argument and what had been discussed, so whilst most see NP as the good guy (as we like him and relate to him, including myself) and the board as evil, we don't know the full picture. It would seem that there was no way NP's contract was going to be renewed, so in a way would have left us in a degree of limbo, as the board were not going to let a manager they did not see as the future spend money on players or have no money left for a new manager coming in, hence the "nest egg" comment. Whilst I am gutted to see Nige go, as he is near the end of his contract, which was not going to be renewed, it was probable for the best and they have been looking for the opportunity however limp to out him, but at least a new head coach can come in, assess what we need and no doubt have money to spend in the next window, so in terms of progress as long as the new quy does not **** it up, we may be better off. We know that JL is not comfortable public speaking, and to make it worse he is having to spin the narrative about results for NP's departure, whilst knowing the full true story, but that is what happens its PR spin, although may have been better advised to keep quiet, but can not comment to heard the interview. In a funny way, I think this may have done Nige a favour, he can now concentrate on the most important thing, his health without the stress of football management or contracts.
  17. I will happily wait another 3 years, or perhaps 5 if you could make it then instead for the follow up.
  18. I know inflation has gone up, but it was being touted as £140m on here a few weeks ago,
  19. It happens when player power want to get rid of a manager, but no one to get rid of they can affect, only likely to damage themselves with a future manager. They are paid employees, anyone who works for a company does not always like the decisions made or the people above them, but they have to get on with it.
  20. They are extremely well paid professional players and would be very surprised and disappointed if they did anything less than 100%, also may have anew manager watching which could shape their future
  21. Don't disagree, I said on another thread the trouble seemed to start around or before we sold Alex, and I am disappointed that we did not bring in a couple more players. NP always said we like to get our business done early and in fairness we brought in some good players, only a few people within the club know the truth of what was agreed or not agreed about the sale of Alex and any replacement, but NP would have known he was likely to be off well before he was sold as Alex has said since he was keen to get a move done.
  22. So how many times have I read on here over the years we need a football man running the football side of the club, we have one and someone with a history at the club, obviously good and bad, but still knows the club well and has a passion for it. Not that long ago, they were plenty of threads of what a great job BT is doing, but all of a sudden he does not follow the OTIB way of thinking and he is a snake **** and got knows what else he has been called jumping on a bandwagon. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to see that there was a big bust up and disagreements behind the scenes and from comments made in that interview probable to do with training and player injuries, anyone who thought the reasons given are the full story are naive and equally those who think the club will come out and explain and give details of whats gone on are even more naive, businesses rightly do not wash there laundry in public. Yes I am gutted NP has gone and now hope we get a new manager who takes us forward, its good to hear we are not changing direction, only history will show if it was a good or bad decision.
  23. Not so sure, think Robins stock may have dropped a bit with the money spent and performance this season, although SL always seemed to have a sweet spot for him.
  24. so how many football clubs in the Championship make a profit?
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