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Everything posted by sh1t_ref_again

  1. One of my favourite players, but seems to be struggling this year. Not sure if suspended for Wednesday as 5th booking?
  2. I can't remember the last time we scored from a shot from outside the box, sure there must be others this season, but seems a rare beast
  3. The negative post are easy to find, they always have your name at the top
  4. Quite the opposite, I enjoyed the game and the result and did not come on here trying to be negative and nit pick for the sake of it, but not surprised by your take on it as yet to read a positive post from you
  5. Feel sorry for you, your glass is not half full, but lost, as you are with out doubt the most repetitive negative poster on here, always looking for something to knock
  6. He had to do a trial with Grace, although loosing he turned it around when some mealworms tried to do what everyone else wanted and suffocate nella Our Nige, no news but hope he is doing well
  7. Going to be a tough run of games who ever is in charge, looking forward to seeing any changes to our play. Middlesbrough are on a good run of form so any result will be good, but get the feeling a few are getting excited by the thought of a loss and maybe hoping for one, so can post more drivel
  8. Going to be hard to get promoted next year with Man City, Chelsea and Everton in the championship
  9. Yes obviously the sign of a bad manager, noticed on MOTD Ange Postecoglou and Eddie Howe do the same, guess they are shifty and not confident either
  10. QpR played the ref much better than us, the diving has been top level
  11. Mehmeti, Conway and Weimenn have been poor, only thing they have managed to do is be offside
  12. So because someone years ago had a problem doing a particular job, they can't every do one similar again, even though they may have learnt a lot since
  13. Covering the loses from the spending spree, trying to get promoted, what an awful thing for them to do. I keep on seeing nonsense stating they have to put in money because of their mistakes, whilst it's true they covered the loses based on their actions that did not work out, the real problem is the cost of running a championship club even without extravagant spending makes a huge loss, unless you can start to offset by trading players. So by reducing our spending and culling the wage bill we will still likely to make a average 10-15 million loss, if you use transfer money in to offset over the next few years. At a guess and very rough figures, if you have a 10 million loss and say we have 12,000 adult season ticket holders, we only have to pay an extra £800 a year each, every year, but obviously before wanting to bring in more players. Sure these figures can be argued upon, but the principle is SL subsidises every one of us to watch city with no real chance of getting that money back, because all championship clubs run at a loss. As for the ground its been covered before and standard practice amongst clubs to protect it and very likely to be part of any sell.
  14. Always remember Dickie sat there surrounded by piles of 2nd hand tv's. Still the same character now, but extremely wealthy having just sold off all the Maravion Rd site for housing
  15. Sure they were but in the scheme of things paying up these contracts, assuming 2 of them did not walk without a payoff, is not going to be massive and akin to signing players
  16. I think some of the nonsense against Tinman is ridiculous and OTT, he has a lot of experience within the club and may well prove to be excellent at TD, everyone has to start somewhere and lack of previous experience does not mean they will be bad at it, otherwise no one would ever get promoted
  17. Not needed to touch the nest egg, 4 out and 3 back in, probable on lower salaries, although I expect unless I have missed it we will appoint a fitness / medical guy.
  18. Its not how many, but how effective, only time will tell if they are better than Nige & co (which BTW, I was gutted to see leave), but as fans we only get to see a tiny amount of what goes on within the club and if the structure or the way the job was being preformed was the best use of recourses
  19. interesting article When you read between the lines a number of mentions of coaching, I get the felling the club were not happy with NP's involvement with the players on the training pitches, I remember NP stating before he was a Manager not a coach, so guess once you have sorted out the culture and the parts of running the club you can affect, how much have you to do each day if you are not involved heavily with training? Quotes desiring someone who was more involved daily with player development and tactical coaching on the training pitches. Once we had gone for ‘the head coach’ and not manager, you want really a young, up-and-coming, on-the-grass, develop the players, develop the style But he’s a head coach because he loves coaching. Chris Hogg loves coaching. They’re brilliant coaches on the grass. We will try and help to keep them doing that, to have everything else in place, so he can concentrate on that
  20. Never realised there were so many closet city fans, never known such a new user sign up
  21. Surprised, had hoped he would be kept on as always came across very well.
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