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Posts posted by sh1t_ref_again

  1. 2 hours ago, Shauntaylor85 said:

    We really need to sign a couple more forward players. We are very predictable. You have to question Tinnion and Manning if not. We are close to being able to win games like that but we need better quality players in final third. Thought it was the priority? Appreciate Yu is out but Mehmeti, Sykes and Bell are average to poor and won’t get any side at this level top six. 

    Are you trying to win the most negative poster award, as you were already streets ahead of everyone else even before this post. At this rate you could do a swindon and have it won by Christmas 

    • Like 6
  2. 13 minutes ago, The chief said:

      Maybe SL saw him as a troubleshooter and once he’d fixed the mess, got rid! 

    Exactly this

    Posted similar back at the time, NP was being seen less and less around the HPC which was detailed and commented on prior to the sacking, you then start to question why am I paying this guy a massive salary and the message it sends to everyone else. Nige came in did a fantastic job of sorting the club, finances and culture out, but you then have to decide do you stick or twist. Nige was a manager who was not out on the grass, so once he has it operating nicely, has he worked himself out of a job, add to this he was struggling for some time with illness that looked likely to continue for an indefinite period.

    Nige also to a degree forced the sacking, he was the one who put it out in the open about his contract renewal, and in effect said back me or sack me. As Nige alluded in his last interview about making sure you have a watertight exit from the club when you join, he knew he was going to get a very handsome payoff which left him time to recover without the stress of being a manager, so whilst I know does not play well on here, I think Nige was happy to go once he knew he was not getting a new contract.

    Nige will always be one of my favourite managers and grateful for what he did, only time will tell if LM is the right man, I was very dubious at first but have warmed to him and want him to succeed.

    Don't go along with all the SL did not like being told how to run the club, the one thing that Nige was excellent at was being thoughtful and clever in what he said and the way he said it, so would be wise enough to tailor his message to make his point and get his way.

    • Like 1
  3. 20 hours ago, arrytheb said:

    Hello. If you have 1 set left (I realise you'd prefer to get rid of all 3 though) I could be interested in a set. Club probably won't pay me back for them though so I would want them to be 'very cheap' 🤣😉

    I just offered all 3 set's to someone, but think he only wants one, so sure can sort something out

    • Like 1
  4. I have 3 sets of new Precision Sprung Corner Posts (Sets of 4) that normally retail for about £60 a set, you can have them very cheap (preferable all 3 sets) or if a good cause free

    Mods - hope this is ok to post if not delete, I know I could just put a general post on FB but would rather someone connected to the forum and football can make use of them


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  5. 53 minutes ago, PHILINFRANCE said:

    Yet, as I mentioned earlier in this thread, TC actually withdrew from a Scotland squad meeting in order to return to City and acquaint himself with LM's plans for the future.

    Was his depressed look due to the fact he had just realised what the (his) future entailed?

    Can't believe people are looking back at a few fleeting moments of a video when LM has first arrived and determine that he was not happy with LM or his future role. 

    It could be 1001 reasons why he did not look happy and that's just the ones not to do with football and just as many to do with, 

    • Like 5
  6. 3 minutes ago, cheese said:

    Quite right as I guess the story effectively goes back to things that TC might have said but I'm inclined to believe it because the story goes Celtic showed interest last January, TC was told that he would get a nice shiny new contract at £x so Celtic wasn't persued.  Then, when the contract arrived it was at £y or not at quite the same favourable terms so it was clear the verbal offer was just made to deter Celtic.  Personally, everything that follows then makes sense.  Now the club could have decided between the verbal and formal offer that belts had to be tightened, or TC wasn't worth as much as they thought, or TC didn't feature in the new manager's plans etc etc.  I'm sure they could justify it somehow and there could be a myriad of reasons.  But, sitting as TC I would be pretty hacked off and can see why he wouldn't then negotiate.  Allegedly.

    Its a good story, but the only TRUTH, is that none of us know what really went on or why. Unfortunately rumours can sometimes be spot on, have a one sided element of truth to them or spread to cause mischief (not by the person who posted on here), in my opinion, it makes no sense, even if TC was not in LM plans he is worth a lot more to the club on a contract than be left in a situation where we are now desperate to off load so he does not walk for next to nothing in a year, which he still could. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, cheese said:

    Nope, several people have heard it from different sources at the club as have I.

    Sorry that still does not make it true and even it is, without the reasoning and context as to why a contract is reduced it may not be a stick to beat the club with, perhaps if they did so it was for a very good reason, but as I put in my other post financially it makes absolutely no sense, as has cost city a lot of money to not have TC on a new contract. 

    • Like 2
  8. 3 minutes ago, FNQ said:

    I heard it from what appears to be someone of good character on a recent FBC podcast.. when your mate Ian Gay who was also on the show didn’t dispute it I assumed it to be true. Do you know differently then?

    Its a RUMOUR, without ever any substance shown behind it, as per my reply to Sir Geoff yesterday, unfortunately as berating city is a popular sport on here people seem to want to believe it and state it as fact like you just did, without any clue as to the truth


    Not sure where you got my mate Ian Gay from, think he is an idiot from the bits I see posted on here as I am not really on X

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  9. 28 minutes ago, Sir Geoff said:

    Is that the exceptional contract that was pulled when he spoke to Celtic. Or the lower value one he was offered afterwards ?

    If you keep repeating enough it still does not make it fact.

    Just because someone heard a rumour second or third hand it still does not make it a fact, that's not to say they were not well intentioned, by passing on.

    With these type of things you need to try and decide does it make sense? By TC signing a contract his asett value to city significantly increases, so why would they loose that over a reduction of few thousand a week, chuck away millions for a few grand.

    If there is some truth, what's not to say TC went back to city and said Celtic are willing to pay me X a week, so city say OK show us the deal and we will match it, but TC is unable to back it up, not saying any thread of truth in this, but without knowing the full story we never know if the contract being reduced is true or why 


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  10. 12 hours ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

    I think it's just our shear desperation to sell. 

    It would be like me or you having to sell our car because we were desperate for money and writing in the advert that we are desperate for money. What that does is attract low offers from people trying to chance their luck at getting a bargain. 

    With the approach we've taken with Conway we have devalued him further. Probably to the tune of a couple of Mebudes. 


    The fact he only has a year on his contract has devalued him  most clubs in our position are desperate to sell a asset that's maybe worth 5m rather than getting next to nothing in a years time, city being desperate to move on now will not be any surprise to other clubs, who themselves would do the same.

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Lrrr said:

    You assume a different club wouldn't know the ins and out anyway without having to talk to the agent. 

    Quite the opposite, it had been said that putting him the U21's had alerted them to he was not going to sign and therefore devalued him, I disagree with that thought process, as I think most interested clubs will have a good inkling of what was going on and with the negotiations ended, his agents job would be to make sure everyone knew this

  12. 57 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:


    ie No Less than.. The demotion to the U21s will undoubtedly have damaged his market value but pretty much irrespective of club there will be a minimum no less than price that we will consider acceptable.

    Sorry disagree, his agent will make sure any club interested will know talks have finished and will not be signing a new contract, so being sent to U21s makes no difference on this account

    Had he played in pre-season and scored a load, then yes value could have increased, equally he could have looked poor or got injured which would be a disaster, no one is buying TC based on pre-season friendly, it will be based on an in depth analysis of all the games he has played

    • Like 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, Supersonic Robin said:

    I suppose it's a game of chicken.

    City can say to Conway "You can't risk being stuck in the U21's for a year"

    Conway can say to City "You can't risk missing out on up to £5m"

    Its a fair point, now we have significant values coming out, before most on here were say we would be lucky to get 1.5m for him

  14. 40 minutes ago, Numero Uno said:


    The one spanner in the works is Tommy saying “no way am I going to Middlesbrough”. That weakens our position significantly then.

    That was 1 of the reasons I was for putting him the U21s, it sends a message we will not except him running down his contract and putting himself in the shop window at the same time for a year. No ambitious player at his stage of his career could chance u21s for a season, so whilst team B or C may not be preference if that's the only bid we accept he has no real choice

  15. 5 hours ago, Sir Geoff said:

    If you remember, Massengo said his goodbyes to the crowd on the final day of the season, before he left. Massengo then messed the club around all summer and didn't get his transfer. Instead of banishing him to the U21's, NP integrated him in to the first team squad during pre season. From day one of the season and after deadline day Massengo was very much a part of the first team until his atrocious display A to Birmingham in November after which, Pearson's patience with him was exhausted and he was dropped. He then went on loan to Auxerre in January until his contract expired.

    How can you possibly compare that to the Conway situation.

    As per my reply to Mr Pop, I accepted that I was mistaken and also set out why the action with TC appears to be correct 

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