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Supersonic Robin

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Everything posted by Supersonic Robin

  1. Yes, was about to post that this is what I think he's done. He surely means "120% of what it was" rather than "+ 120%"
  2. I hope we hold the club to the standards they've set out for Pearson. Apparently the squad is good enough for promotion as it is - with no more additions and regardless of the injury crisis. Therefore, we should be expecting the club to smash this next appointment and achieve promotion in May without signing any more players this season. Any less than that, and I'm sure the club will take action to compensate supports and remove JL, Tinnion, and the new manager from their roles due to under-performance?
  3. There's something rather apt about seeing Jon Lansdown do the interview in front of a wall of children's drawings showing disfigured reinventions of the club's badge.
  4. In fairness, they're not quite as bad as some people are making out. Eustace was doing a good job at Birmingham. Rowett has done a decent job at Millwall. Agree with you last point though - Pearson to Rowett (who seems the most rumoured) feels like a rather sideways move. Pearson has been fired for being the manager of a midtable Championship club who have failed to get into the top 6 despite working on a small budget, whilst he has also received criticism (rightly or wrongly) for the style of football his team plays. Meanwhile, Rowett has been fired for being the manager of a midtable Championship club who have failed to get into the top 6 despite working on a small budget, whilst he has also received criticism (rightly or wrongly) for the style of football his team plays. I don't really see much logic in going from one to the other.
  5. It is rather sobering when you look at the bigger picture. No CEO. Experienced manager doing a decent job - sacked. Rennie gone too whilst we have a full starting XI out injured. As far as I'm aware, the recruitment team still hasn't been sorted out. What do we have? A disinterested and petulant owner. An under-qualified chairman who is only interested in colouring in (and still manages to do a f****** awful job of it). Behind the scenes, we increasing resemble a club run by a crazy foreign owner who has no idea what he's doing.
  6. Yes, this is the potential silver lining. I've been trying to encourage this thinking within our fanbase for quite a while - very few have joined me and some have even resisted it. It seems Pearson has shown our fans what a winning mentality looks like and a few have acquired a taste for it. Hopefully we can now cease to be a club who accept mediocrity. Instead, we should start to expect that we achieve at least as much as other clubs with our potential have done.
  7. Really hoping it's Eustace they have lined up from the 3 names mentioned
  8. I suppose this would be the 'high risk high reward' option. Comparatively, an option like Rowett would be much safer, but equally you pretty much guarantee that you're not going to end up with anything spectacular.
  9. I'm frustrated with Pearson's sacking, but surprised that people are so negative about a few of the names being mentioned. Eustace especially seems like a decent option
  10. As frustrated as I am about Pearson going, I can't say I'm particularly bothered about the assistant coaches (neither about losing Euell nor retaining Flemming).
  11. Thanks for the kind words. Yes, we are an attractive club and, in theory, a club who should have achieved a hell of a lot more over the last few decades. However, as today's events may have illustrated, we'll continue to be a club "with potential" who achieve absolutely **** all whilst we have an owner who prioritises employing friends over employing winners.
  12. Well said. MASSIVE pressure on the Lansdowns to get this appointment right given the controversy of Pearson's sacking.
  13. I think Pearson did a great job here. One of the best measures of a manager's reign is whether they left the club in a better state than they inherited it - Nige undoubtedly did. Many people forget how poor we were before Pearson arrived. On the pitch, we weren't competitive. Statistically, we were pretty much the worst side in the Championship. Off the pitch, we were a points deduction waiting to happen. Pearson managed to achieve a number of important objectives to take us away from that situation: Avoid relegation Address the awful club culture and instead create a hardworking & energetic team Lower the wage bill (massively) and make the club FFP compliant Develop young players and integrate academy players into the first team Turn the club around such that we were ready to start "looking up the league" again I was still slightly unsure about whether Pearson was the right manager to take us into the top 6. He had successfully turned the ship around, and for me, this was the season in which he could prove that he was now able to progress us up the table. Unfortunately, a lack of investment in the summer combined with the current injury crisis made that assessment much harder to make. Alas, we will never know how things might have turned out. Ultimately, Pearson's greatest contribution might have been his impact on the club culture. We finally had a manager that knew what a successful club looked like and wasn't afraid to call out issues as he identified them. Ironically, this is likely to have been what the Lansdowns disliked about him most, and perhaps that tells you all you need to know about the ownership of our football club. Thanks for your efforts in incredibly testing circumstances, Nige.
  14. I've seen a handful of comments like this over the last few years (mainly from Mark 'not allowed within 100 yards of a school' Carter). It makes no sense to me at all. Firstly, have you been watching a different team to the rest of us? For the most part, we've been a relatively high scoring team who have been lacking defensively under Pearson. We have not been remotely "uninspiring" or "tedious" - we've played with passion and commitment, and generally been involved in high scoring games. Secondly, even if we have been "uninspiring" (which we haven't), is that more important to you than the club moving in the right direction? The club Pearson inherited was a complete mess both on and off the pitch. We barely looked competitive under Holden. When you're trying to turn around a sinking ship with a tiny budget, aesthetics and excitement probably shouldn't be your primary concern.
  15. I also wonder if they wanted to capitalise on the 'opportunity' to sack him given that we have some winnable games coming up. "Quick, now's a good time! Let's get him gone before he beats Sheffield Wednesday and QPR"
  16. Wouldn't say I'm being especially sensitive mate. When I don't agree with someone, I at least have the balls to reply and explain my opinion on things. I don't tend to just leave a mildly insulting reaction, then run away and hide. It's bad enough being rude, but it's even worse being cowardly about it. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but no need for someone to be a pr*ck about it.
  17. Incredibly surprised to see that someone has decided to 'confused' react to this. I'm sure they'll come to their senses and remove such a strange reaction to an extremely uncontroversial post fairly soon......
  18. Don't think so. Skip ahead to approx 23 seconds on the link below - the shot rather goes through him. Not a massive blunder, but I think a Championship GK would typically hope to do better there
  19. Bit generous. Our lads defended poorly and the shot goes straight through Max
  20. Harsh on Mehmeti. One of the few players who has shown a little bit of quality at times
  21. Wouldn't say it's much of an overreaction. We're currently 16th with a massive injury list. Can't imagine many neutrals would be backing us for a top 6 finish. In fairness, I didn't expect us to finish in the top 6 this season though.
  22. How can we be so sure that we'd be in L1 without Lansdown? There probably is an alternative universe where we'd be in L1. There's also an alternative universe in which we're an upper midtable Premier League team like Brighton. Given that almost every single club of our size has out-achieved us, probability suggests that we'd have done a bit better under another owner. Regardless of one's views on Lansdown, it feels as though we're at a point where we need to accept the risks associated with a new owner if we truly want a chance at success.
  23. Seems a bit dramatic to be giving a manager that kind of abuse after 2 games in charge!
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