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Everything posted by Waconda

  1. Yes it is strange and bordering on self inflicted stubbornness.
  2. You may have a point there but there is some convenient re-writing of history from some at times.
  3. Ah O.K. But just to be clear nothing was made up ?
  4. This squad of players is far better that the mess we are currently seeing. Put all the other problems aside for a moment, the managers job is to get the best out of his team (goes for a regular workplace also) it is blindingly obvious that the current manager/coaching set up is failing in this basic requirement. Many, many managers have gone into similar situations and succeeded or at the very least not made it worse. Too much of a blame culture going on - IMO. But of course I could be totally wrong and it is all the players fault. Interesting times ahead for sure.
  5. Will be interesting to see how this pans out in the next couple of weeks. I thought I said he "throws players under the bus" meaning plural ? Did it again last night with the "soft" comment, implying not his problem, nothing he can do. Of course he never names anyone, and yep not everyone in a workplace gets on.
  6. Waconda


    "take a touch and knock it"
  7. He did talk about seats on a bus - that is a fact. nothing made up.
  8. Loosing the trust and respect of the players is not meaningless - IMO A meaningless phrase might include the words "bus" and "seats" for example.
  9. They should thank their lucky stars the haven't got Pearson going on about seats on bus's.
  10. Reorganising chairs on the deck of the Titanic at this point. Any combination of eleven would struggle in the current set up.
  11. "take a touch and knock it" = Not his type of game.
  12. Certainly shouldn't be described as "dead wood" though - IMO
  13. Just read NP said we are "Inconsistent" WTF !! The one thing we are, is consistent.
  14. All managers use the lack of leaders excuse when things go badly, like they always say the squad isn't fit enough when the take over. Basically covering themselves. Many people seem to associate shouting and aggression with leadership when in many cases it has the opposite effect and certainly over time any effect it has dwindles. Kalas is a fantastic leader, Bentley leads, Weimann organises and encourages the younger players constantly. Not everyone jumps when someone shouts.
  15. Can't be long before the senior players take him aside - IMO.
  16. Injuries don't count O.K. ? I reckon Baker for Vyner and Massengo for the injured James and a 0-4 drubbing that will be LJs fault
  17. No you won't, says this after every single game.
  18. Exactly this. The constant "the players are crap" excuse still being trotted out tonight. You could see on Saturday the utter confusion and disorganisation.
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