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Everything posted by UncleRed

  1. I’m the one criticising and arguing? You read this thread the last two hours
  2. Away games against last seasons relegated teams, how did that go?
  3. Think everyone on here got a PhD in psychology and kinesics, the way they interpret the early videos . I think he’s spoke well so far and as he mentioned in one of the videos, the players seem engaged and focus with eye contact. Hopefully the manning era is a successful one.
  4. Sub standard playing career doesn’t always mean his managerial career is going to play out the same
  5. Seems like any time Weimann plays out on either wing, he likes or tends to roam more inside. Think it hurts the side when he does it in front of Tanner as he’s more of a ball to feet man. But agree with you that it gave Pring space to do what Pring likes to do.
  6. As interim, being the main man, he’s represented himself and the club as professional as one could. Like you said, top guy.
  7. The majority thing was a joke, don’t know if you’ve seen my posts but they’ve caused some reactions the last few days. But I see what you’re saying mate.
  8. UncleRed


    Saw somewhere that when Steve Bruce was at WBA, he said TGH would end up playing RB as that’s his best position. From that moment I knew he would be a good young midfielder…
  9. Fans like to think it’s the fans club, reality is it’s not. Zero influence on hiring and decision making, so I don’t know how you can make that claim. As much as we might want a different owner, it’s his club.
  10. Ok will do, after scanning through this thread I think I’m with the majority for once
  11. You factoring in that it was against a team that had ten men, their best player sent off, and bottom of the table. They’ve won one game so far. passing side to side is a minimum with those factors surely?
  12. How about trying to have a civil debate with detailed opinions? Instead of just trying to undermine other peoples opinions you don’t agree with, with false claims. Laziness. Wait…where have I heard that before?
  13. I completely agree, some people get carried away when they’re sat behind their monitor or on their phone. They forget how to be civil and all manners go out the window. I’ve noticed on here it seems to be a bit cliquey. (Just stating the obvious). And people think that being in the majority or minority has an effect whether you are right or wrong. Of course, you have to assume people on here have been talking to each other for a long time and there’s some sort of bond there. Which leads to support in opinions and debates of course. But it shouldn’t effect how you talk to and welcome others. Daves put a lot of effort into this forum with his data and everything else. I think some people, not necessarily him, put him on a pedestal because of this. Then seemingly valuing other people’s opinions differently. Also I’ve noticed when you make a point of something and a fair one at that. You just get ignored, no acknowledgment or apology. Just look at a page or two back . All good though, it’s obvious they’ve read it and we move on. Won’t lose no sleep.
  14. “Yeah but he had no investment and his hand were tied” if you’ve watched the games the last few years, even with no investment our squad has been competitive to most of the others in the league. Dropping points late on was a killer, and the terrible home record has no excuse I don’t think.
  15. @Davefevs sorry but I don’t know how no one understands. The reason I use that word is not undermine anyone who thinks NP did a decent job. But a rebuttal to the way that the clear NP fans are interacting with not only me but the others that don’t share the exact same opinion. I’m always of the idea, treat others how they treat you, and speak to others how they speak to you. So fight fire with fire when needed. Didn’t say you couldn’t quote Jack, was just mentioning that it was futile to the point you was trying to make. Your resident BS employee
  16. @Davefevs was quite nice reading your post until you decided to say that I like to weaken other peoples opinions and try to validate my own. The fact you don’t see why I’ve used the phrase “cult” says to me, that you read the posts that people have put that you agree with, through rose tinted glasses. Doesn’t quite fit but couldn’t think of a better term. People that I know and speak to have shared there opinion on here, only to be shot down, and been called “stupid”, “idiot” and other words along those lines. Rather than just having a debate. Go back through this thread and I’ve been replied to with a “utter bullshit” rather than a more educated and friendlier reply. Football is a game of opinions, never going to have anyone all agree on something. But I’ve never gone at anyone aggressively on here. Yes I’ve said there is a cult, but at times you have to fight fire with fire. To say I’m pretty much shitting on other peoples opinions is rather ironic. Especially when I give mine and the assumption straight away is I’m a plant from BS edit: justify my own stance? No one knows my stance, appears they’ve just assumed my stance and gone from there. And you don’t have to go quote jack, don’t know if you realised but it was me and him who was reply to each other. Despite having slightly different opinions, in a friendly manner
  17. UncleRed


    Like I’ve said, I’m neither anti NP or pro SL. Just giving my two cents. Starting to think a lot of the NP love on here stems from the fact some people view it as a NP versus Lansdown. And obviously choosing a side and being slightly biased off of that rather than seeing the pros and cons in both. Your resident BS employee
  18. @Superjack although we don’t share the same opinion overall, I think it’s good to have an open mind. I agree he shouldn’t have been sacked in this current situation. The likelihood is they’re not going to hire someone we all agree on is right for the job. But let’s hope they hire someone who takes us to the promise land…For once.
  19. Despite what many think early on on this forum, I’m not anti NP or pro SL. But can I ask you what makes you so certain NP was the right man going forward, and that no one else out there can also do the job?
  20. UncleRed


    Thanks for letting me know the time where you are. Point proven again though. Typical response from the NP fan club
  21. UncleRed


    Not really, could say the same about you going through posts that you don’t agree with laughing at them. point proven though thanks. Matter of opinion I suppose jack, you may have found it exciting on the whole. Which I’m jealous of because at least it was money well spent for you. But in my opinion we’ve not been playing attacking on the front foot football? Think the stats might back that up.
  22. UncleRed


    Seeing as you’ve gone through all my posts and put a laughing reaction I’m guessing this is partly aimed at me? I’m just going to make a general statement, make of that what you will. Supporting this club for many years then being told about it by a new friend, signing up, then posting once a big event happens for this club is ridiculous to you? Unlike most of the pro-NP members, i think there is no reason to suggest whether the decision made would be bad for the club with such certainty. I also think that this decision has a chance to be a bad one, but time will tell and no matter what I’ll be down the gate giving my support. Another thing, seeing how the pro-NP members communicate with the members that have different opinions than them is quite embarrassing, seeing as we’re supposed to be all supporting the same thing. Of course it goes the other way as well, but no where near as much.
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