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Posts posted by slartibartfast

  1. 11 minutes ago, Robbored said:

    Of my three mates one was neutral, one Gloucester and the other Somerset like me.

    Nether of us could work out why Arafat bowled the death over. I thought Overton would have been a better option. Conceding a six pretty much did the job for Goucester.

    But.....we enjoyed the evening along with a few pints - a good night was had by all.

    Suppose it's a case of 20/20 (get it) hindsight ! :P

  2. 7 minutes ago, RedDave said:

    Gloucestershire have bottled it, typically.  Gas-like 

    Bottle it.......yes you could do with some of our winning formula!

    Put all your eggs in one T20 basket and BLOW IT 



    LOSERS.....LOSERS...LOSERS    :clap::clap:


    (and I can't stand hit & giggle, but everytime we thrash Somerset...what the hey)



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  3. 51 minutes ago, Esmond Million's Bung said:

    Wow Albert Mcann a great player.

    Pompey fans used to sing to the tune of the Move's hit single Curly.

    Albert Mcann is wonderful man and he plays for Pompey town.

    and we love him like no other can, Mcann, Mcann, Mcann.

    and Wagstaff remember him really well, Hull had another great player back then Ken Houghton, they had a really good team in those days including another great player Chris Chilton.

    Cost them 60 k apiece, unheard of in those days !

  4. 5 hours ago, pongo88 said:

    He was a great player for Hull. At 73 he's obviously too old for City, but I'm sure he could still get into the Rovers team.  

    Remember him scoring a hat trick at the Gate in a 3-3 draw circa 66/7  !

    (as did Albert McCann in another 3-3er at home...Gibbo's worst ever game for the City)

  5. 12 hours ago, Woodsy said:

    1130 start at New Road - think Worcs are about 230 odd in front

    Chuck the bat for an hour, get to 300 in front and let Shants and Leachy plough through them for 140 just before tea



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  6. 9 hours ago, Malago said:

    You missed the bit about your ridiculous nickname.  "Pirates" I ask you.  Where did that nonsense come from.  You were formed in Purdown for goodness sake.  I suppose you could now claim that a large Somali community now leaves close to where you used to play, but apart from that I can't see any connection with Bluebeard, Captain Morgan and Jolly Jack Tar, other than some immature adolescent fantasy.

    Probably invented by City fans as a slur. Taken on by blue few as a nick-name......ring any bells ?

  7. Miah,

    I see (according to EP) one of your Leg-ends was injured in an RTA over the weekend.

    You will have watched him, as I did. My point is ,where does the EP get off calling "LEGEND" on any hobbledehoy who happens to pull on a jesters shirt for a couple of games?

    I refer of course to the world renowned.... Christian McLean !

    (wish him quick recovery BTW )

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