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Posts posted by Rocky

  1. 7 hours ago, Davefevs said:


    As you’ll know from the pinned thread, @Harry and a small group of us pitched to Gould and Gilhespy last year about providing Scouting for the club.  We (mainly Harry and one other guy - not on OTIB) had several meetings but it didn’t come to fruition.  We passed on players to them to put through their process.  I think if Gould was still here there would still be a relationship to grow.

    I’m sure Harry won’t mind me saying that earlier this year he and the other guy started having conversations with another club and they got close to signing an agreement (things like expenses, future commission if a recommended player got sold in future, etc, etc), and the Head of Recruitment lost his job a week later!  So that didn’t work out.

    There is another iron in the fire, email tennis at the mo’.

    The other guys are the drivers though, I’m more data than eyes, supporting how I can.

    I’m not looking for a career.  If I have the skills football might want 1) I’m too old and 2) football doesn’t pay.  Of course if under the new work permit rules someone would like to send me to Oz to scout the A-League that would be very different!

    Seriously though, I just enjoy football.  I like my day-job too…and it pays!!!

    Statman Dave MkII



  2. 27 minutes ago, Jimbo123 said:

    Bristol Post suggested it's done, that's good enough for me.

    James Piercy is credible regarding City, far better than Gregor or Shitehausen were.

    James Piercy is/was the boss of Andy, Gregor, and most recently Rich.  They all work on the same 'team' for the Post sports section and they probably have most of the same contacts - agents.

    James has been around long enough to possibly have built relationships with sources inside the club, but we'll never know that.

  3. 7 hours ago, CodeRed said:

    SL has sold much of his holding in HL over recent years to rebuild the stadium, pay off BCFC debts, and to pay for the upcoming sporting quarter project plus his Botswana projects.

    One of the truths of football ownership is that if you want to buy a football club and end up with a small fortune.......start off with a large one!

    as SL can testify.

    I’ve wondered what his Botswana projects are? I see Mrs L always retweeting safari stuff, so I guess they have interest/own a hotel over there but what else?  Also, what is Jon up to in the Caribbean?! 

  4. 2 hours ago, Stockwood gate said:

    I know we have a lot of strikers but I wonder if we could sign Ashley Barnes for a season a big strong number 9 and a fairly local lad 


    2 hours ago, Stockwood gate said:

    I know we have a lot of strikers but I wonder if we could sign Ashley Barnes for a season a big strong number 9 and a fairly local lad 


    2 hours ago, Stockwood gate said:

    I know we have a lot of strikers but I wonder if we could sign Ashley Barnes for a season a big strong number 9 and a fairly local lad 

    He shook hands with Nige quite warmly when he was subbed on. Have they been at the same club before?

  5. Lots of Wilson conclusions are being jumped into on this thread, it could be totally the opposite.  He had a fairly serious injury and one that will have to be managed for the rest of his career.  He could have any kind of knock from training, heck he could have food poisoning and too weak to play.



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