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Everything posted by RollsRoyce

  1. Thoroughly deserved a win and a lovely classic cup tie. well done everyone, enjoy the night.
  2. Twine will offer the squad something different and is a great addition on loan.
  3. Thanks, Andi, always gave his best, scored some wonderful goals, and was a great guy too.
  4. He is not a Prem player, Prem wages, but not a Prem player. Fills a void for sure, a type of player we need. But we are signing him after the horse has bolted and overpaying for that too. With money that was not available a few weeks ago. Signing players from Prem clubs for notable fees and wages that have not made it as Prem players is a road we have gone down and just spent 3 years recovering from. As a principle, we have learnt nothing. But there is no shock there, as the club continually lies, and invents new approaches on a 2/3 yearly cycle. As a player, Twine will improve us in certain areas, and at least provide a different option. He did OK for Hull and is up to speed fitness-wise so can contribute from day 1. No excuses now for not getting promotion.
  5. So he will walk away from the loans he has in the club? Admin is not going to happen.
  6. You can add Luton to this list - Be careful what you wish for Arsenal 22/23 31 Chelsea 22/23 31 Everton 22/23 31 Liverpool 22/23 31 Manchester United 22/23 31 Tottenham 22/23 31 Aston Villa 22/23 28 Newcastle 22/23 28 West Ham 22/23 27 Manchester City 22/23 26 Southampton 22/23 24 Blackburn 11/12 18 Leicester 22/23 17 Fulham 22/23 16 Sunderland 16/17 16 Leeds 22/23 15 Middlesbrough 16/17 15 Crystal Palace 22/23 14 West Brom 20/21 13 Bolton 11/12 13 Stoke 17/18 10 Norwich 21/22 10 Coventry 00/01 9 Wolves 22/23 9 Burnley 21/22 8 Sheffield Wednesday 99/00 8 Wigan 12/13 8 Wimbledon 99/00 8 Charlton 06/07 8 Watford 21/22 8 Portsmouth 09/10 7 Swansea 17/18 7 Derby 07/08 7 Birmingham 10/11 7 QPR 14/15 7 Brighton 22/23 6 Bournemouth 22/23 6 Nottingham Forest 22/23 6 Sheffield United 20/21 5 Ipswich 01/02 5 Hull 16/17 5 Reading 12/13 3 Brentford 22/23 2 Bradford 00/01 2 Huddersfield 18/19 2 Oldham 93/94 2 Cardiff 18/19 2 Barnsley 97/98 1 Blackpool 10/11 1 Swindon 93/94 1
  7. I agree https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/brighton-hove-albion-owner-tony-bloom-interview-gambling-poker-football-club-whrvn637z
  8. I would think it would have an image of Ryan Lowe laughing at Manning with his pants down.
  9. First half we played well, but failed to convert. Second half Manning was out thought by Lowe and we were dire and a distant second best. The defensive errors of 2 years ago are back to haunt us. Hard to fathom, you look at the Watford game and second half against WHU and then how they contrast with the rubbish of the last 3 league games.
  10. Oh dear. Good goal to be fair, but again, our defence has reverted to where we were 2 years ago. Too many basics not being followed.
  11. We can come back , we were excellent first half, and we can make chances in this game. Preston are in terrible form and under pressure for results, so they will be nervous .
  12. Agree. Tanner header, Vyner and Dickie were split, Max too slow. It was the defensive unit .
  13. That was not just Max. That was the ghost of our defensive past, a collective mess up. Awful from the defensive unit.
  14. We look the better side. Typical Championship game though, with lots of bluster, and not so much real quality. But we are right in it, and a win is there for us.
  15. As you rightly state, it is the loopholes causing the issues. Take the Man City use of sponsorship, the initial Chelsea signings on 8 year deals to amortise deals over a longer period (now capped at 5 years). The Derby example of the revaluation of players each year. Which brings us to stadium revenue. `Essentially the expectation is that income comes from 3 streams, tv/media income, matchday revenue and sponsor/commercial. The area being looked at right now is stadium revenue. For example, which would relate to us, why should the football club benefit from using a stadium for rugby? If you have a hotel attached to a stadium, is that football revenue? Why should holding exhibitions in a stadium count as football revenue? Loopholes are where they all fight it out. It is one for lawyers and accountants. For a club like ours, non PP , the tv deal is what? Around £10m a season. Ticket sales and other commercial revenue for our gates? Another £10M . I would guess Us, Cardiff, Coventry with similar attendances will be around £20M in income (I will go check now) from those sources. So where does the stadium company get their turnover from? Rugby ? Concerts? weddings? Why should that count for football FFP? Little guidance in this area.
  16. Turnover is vanity. Look at where the money comes from. The breakdown of the real incoming income, real money coming into the club, season ticket sales, POTD, tv income, and sponsorship. You get nowhere near your (their) numbers. We must be selling a lot of pies or selling intra-group to inflate turnover (and giving subsequent cost base cross charges). To lose £22m with a £30M T/O with a playing staff wage cost closer to £15m than £20m tells you everything.
  17. The issue is less about the player's ability, but the strategy and direction of City. With such a small turnover and losses of £20M plus , again, you cannot flip-flop between developing academy and youth players, or players early in their development, with a player already having a third pro contract and a multi-million transfer. it does not fit. It would be financial suicide. Again. We have already done the Chelsea trio, add in Wells, and that is close to £20M plus wages with zero return. If a player like Twine was of interest, and he was clearly known by the club, then post Swindon was the best time to gamble(as every transfer is to an extent) and at the very worst, when at MK. It is certainly not now. The boat has sailed for a club where our income is low and we we need to develop and nurture. Free transfers maybe, but that sort of fee for a player who is at a Prem club and regarded as not good enough would be a terrible financial error. We cannot repeat this nonsense. The signing of Murphy is a better example of where we need to be, and where we have had some very good success these last few years. The signs are, that we have at least understood this. Twine on loan is a different discussion and would make more financial sense.
  18. You have missed the point completely, which is unlike you. Manning is the wrong appointment if you have to change the squad to"play his way". If true, he was suited to Swansea. If you believe we should be completely changing the club from top to bottom, then you are going to be waiting a very long time for success. Manning should not define the football club. Look at the successful sides and see the difference. We would be doing the opposite. Again. However, the point was about needing to change everything to meet Mannings's needs. I would counter that, by saying Manning is not a one-trick pony, and has shown a pragmatic approach to using the available players. That is encouraging. He quickly reverted the defensive unit back to a more solid 4 after early forays made us weaker for example. Manning, like Pearson, needs a Scott replacement, and some magic in the side (as do 12/14 other non PP clubs) to try and break down the familiar Championship defensive blocks. Not sure we were a shambles when we had a fit squad. We are no longer much of a counter-attacking threat either. The last 4 years were a pragmatic solution to available resources and not the end game. If Manning is to survive and thrive , he will continue to be pragmatic, and compromise to the circumstance. But if we are talking about changing the club philosophy from top to bottom, then go to sleep for a few years as the club flip flop their approach once more.
  19. Then he is the wrong coach for what we need. The overarching principles of how we play are not determined by Manning, or any coach . Thereis a club philosophy that runs from youth teams to first team. So Tinnion made an error in appointing Manning, wrong man for the job if what you say is true.
  20. Deserved the result, second half we were the better side. well done everyone, and hope our fans had a great day out despite the travel issues.
  21. After the Watford game, there were numerous contributors coming out and stating how well-coached we were, quite clearly suggesting that we were poorly coached before (not a view BTW shared amongst a number of opposing teams we have played) . It was not even Tinnion saying it. So were we as well coached against Birmingham and Milwall, or were Birmingham and Milwall better coached than us? Because one shot on target in 2 games does not look like a well-coached side to me. That is back to the old days of Holden and LJ. We looked anything but a well-coached side in the second half against Milwall. We were out thought and the team and substitutions had no impact as the game was taken away from us. Or does Manning only coach well when we win? It has nothing to do with him when we are awful, when players are also clearly following instructions from the coach. Looks to me like Manning is learning on the job, which is normal, and he also seems adept at doing that which is positive. But some , including Tinnion and the owners are in for a shock if they think Manning is going to transform this squad into something it is not and that we were not well coached and managed before. We were, even with some minor changes to approach by Manning, the overall result differences will be marginal. We are a Scott and Semenyo sized ability short of a full load. We have no magic or stand out players. We are in the mix with the other 10/12 Championship sides who are all much the same. Inconsistent, lacking in real quality. However, if you do not turn up, do not apply yourself to every game, with commitment and desire, in the Championship that gets you into a relegation battle in my view. We will not have that unless we get a lot of injuries as the core ethics are there. It will be interesting to see if we repeat the performance against Watford in a couple of weeks. That will be an interesting test, as it will be one of the games Manning will have this season with a home and away game against the same team.
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