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Everything posted by Wedontplayinblue

  1. Yes, as that’s massively likely for the lads to be doing isn’t it. Jesus wept, just gets better and better on here.
  2. shows what type of country we are becoming, when people are concerned about holding some card for a display at football. No wonder the country is falling apart.
  3. Can they though? Explain how a teary face relates to my comment that some people enjoy their roles and would rather not “employ people to do it for them”. I know it’s difficult for you to actually engage properly, maybe it’s an age thing, or boredom, but at least try.
  4. @Robbored Why do you always make pointless comments, then when people try to engage you just put emoji icons? It’s almost like you are not interested unless you are winding/Trolling someone. No doubt put an emoji to this and be laughing to yourself.
  5. As they find the activities within that said role interesting?
  6. People are always going to need mortgages, regardless of the current climate.
  7. The hassle of it being free isn’t worth it with how cheap iptv is One of the subs I have, 40k movies, 10k tv show series, full range of sky channels, ppv, I follow,full tv guide, for the money it’s not worth using free apps.
  8. For the price of IPTV now days you’d be worth just getting that, anything from £30 upwards for a year and your sorted.
  9. Has to be at those prices, even if they are very very good chips
  10. https://www.bristol-sport.co.uk/news/loaded-fries-now-available-in-sports-bar/?fbclid=IwAR2_OAr8zRvjmOxZnmZQ46-BnqgD-TaWWQKZgbHdp1OgEOzk3sp6cWVw_mc Slightly wrong sorry, £6 and £9
  11. Chips from the sports bar are £6.50 for the cheapest , just plain ones, £9.50 for most expensive “loaded” ones.
  12. When Ashton gate was re done, Bristol sport made a big thing on how they wanted everyone to be employed by Bristol sport and not how it was like before, All of it has basically been undone like you have said in regards to food, nearly all of the stewards are now employed by an outside agency too. Here’s an article from 2018 singing the praises about how many they employ, it can’t be the case anymore. https://www.bristol-sport.co.uk/news/ashton-gatebristol-sport-wins-business-in-the-community-award/
  13. You rarely find home fans better than away fans though, there is hardly any grounds in the championship I’d say we’re noisy, would you? Take Coventry, their away fans were amazing the last few years yet at home the atmosphere is dreadful. I don’t think our away support noise wise is anything special, it’s just standard with other teams. Exactly what I tried to post but in a much better way.
  14. Social media, forums etc give people a much easier platform for talking about things. A lot of what is said on forums and social media you’d never say face to face in a pub for example. I’m not talking about where to stand etc, it’s clear the club wants that sort of fan far away from away fans hence not selling tickets in A Block this season unless it’s near a sell out. Im on about the songs. Surely if you (generic you, not you personally) do not like songs that are being sung, you can simply start your own? It’s not like it’s some sort of racket and only certain songs allowed. It’s all about personal taste aswell, older people wanting older songs, younger lads wanting more generic “ultra” songs. The people who sing the songs might really like them but posting on a forum saying how bad they are, atmosphere is dreadful etc without any solution to that is pretty pointless isn’t it?
  15. The people above complaining about the atmosphere, and the songs being sung etc. Is it possible to know what contribution you are giving to improve it? Or is it a case of I’ll moan that others are not doing it right? There seems to be a lot of this in all parts of modern society, complain you don’t like something without providing any other solutions.
  16. Imagine trying to use facts and still getting it wrong.
  17. It’s as they don’t use them properly, I’ve flagged it before to the club when the terrorist attack happened in liverpool and you are just met the reply of ”police are happy with this” etc I could quite easily take whatever into the ground, I’ve even offered to prove this to the club before but funnily enough they never are happy to take the offer up.
  18. That’s what I’m thinking and the reason I asked, the rising sun ups their prices on a match day.
  19. I’m amazed he was still employed after openly sexualising the Bristol rugby team, who are colleagues of his on twitter.
  20. it’s as they were trying to time it with what was being shown on the screen.
  21. Everyone has to start somewhere though , your also not really going to find vastly experienced bar staff willing to work for minimum wage, only on weekends too.
  22. Would anyone happen to know how much the Avon packet charges on a match day for lager and cider?
  23. You don’t, which is why there should be areas for fans to stand and fans who want it sit. Not really hard to sort out and really simple for clubs to do if they are allowed .
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