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Everything posted by Wedontplayinblue

  1. On the flip side, they won’t be going “please only use one as they both work”
  2. A point on this, the old turnstiles pre redevelopment didn’t have blocks on to stop you using whatever turnstiles you wanted. This is why there were always checks to the east end and the club never wanted to admit that was the reason why. I think you might find that both tickets would let you into the ground, only one way to find out.
  3. I would have no problem with a 100 / 125 year anniversary blue FA cup final kit, that’s different. Trying to ingrain blue into the club, which I feel they are trying to do is completely different which historically it isn’t a colour of ours.
  4. One minute you’re saying I’m incorrect, then you’re saying all the above including blue is correct?
  5. On what part though? The lack of away kit so far, The splat Robin it being blue etc
  6. When will what you know be public knowledge then?
  7. So what is correct then Mr Knowledge, or is it a case of “I know a source and I can’t tell you as it will get him/her/they in trouble”
  8. As the vast amount of people will be unaware that the kit will be blue, the active posters on otib is tiny compared to the whole fan base
  9. I’m still shocked people are not getting it, The away kit will be blue, they are releasing it as late as possible as people can finish complaining/moaning about the third kit, then release the blue away kit just close enough to the start of the season or just after. The people who run the club are not stupid, they know a lot of people won’t be happy.
  10. You are right, my kids have them from last year and don’t care about it at all, but, it does make them look noticeable fake. If they had the rubber badge on then no one would be able to tell, if you’re the type to wear a shirt to a game then it would be pretty obvious your knocking around in a fake from china when around others in “genuine kits”
  11. They will be given the standing terrace on the side
  12. The badge isn’t right though at all. It’s printed onto fabric and sewn on, not the rubber type. Material wise the kit is fine from china as a fake.
  13. The china kits don’t have proper badges unfortunately, not for the city kits. They are basically printed onto fabric and sewed onto the kit. Other than that they would easily be on par.
  14. Can 100% tell you I’m not gas, and it’s pretty daft to say that. My signals a bit bad so I can’t upload a snippet of my digital season ticket but when I have better signal I’ll upload it. We played in blue in 1909, as a one off kit, the same as Wembley in 2000 and the odd blue in other kits but not historically a colour of ours. People seem to be blind to what is going on.
  15. Of course it is, there’s literally been a handful of times we have played in blue. The change of badge a few years back, now the use of a generic image from a Robin, then moving to a blue away kit where absolutely no one would associate blue with city. If you asked people who were interested in football, what team in Bristol wears blue, how many are going to say city? It happened with rugby years ago with the introduction of the red away kit, now it’s the opposite for the football club. If we have a blue away kit now, it won’t be a one off. Look at the rugby club with red on their shirts, something that historically isn’t their colours. In short, why are we using colours that have nothing to do with us, the colours of our rivals (regardless if people think they are pointless now) and using a badge/emblem that no one at all likes when we only changed a few years back.
  16. Which is what my point was regarding the supporters trust, surely this is getting beyond an image just being used now and then, visually it’s everywhere compared to our actual badge. Along with the upcoming blue away kit, it really does show the lack of understanding with the majority of fans. Even take for example, the clubs post over yesterdays event, ended in “youuuu reds” yet all the players were plastered in blue, no red on any players at all.
  17. I thought they had to do a programme, it just didn’t have to be printed anymore?
  18. Find it amusing if you want phantom but it’s obvious what will happen.
  19. That is the problem, the position of the club quite frankly not caring as it’s within the rules and the MOU signed. It doesn’t mean it’s right.
  20. The splat robins is the third kit, it’s been released for months now. Im talking about the blue away kit that will be released.
  21. Can we still win 4-0 though? That then means splat Robin everyone will be happy with.
  22. You really haven’t proved much with that though Rob, you don’t associate white with being the colours of our rivals do you? Sorry, it looks like I missed the 99-00 third kit being blue. So in our long history, we have had two kits for a season which had blue, plus 2 one off kits. Again, it’s not our history .
  23. The amount of blue that has been pushed in the training gear, quite openly, how late the away kit is being released. They are doing it so people get used to seeing blue, then release it late enough so it’s a “oh, what you mean you don’t like it, we thought it was nice, we know for next year” plus the hope that we win the first away game 4-0 and no one cares. give or take a few days with the date 18/19 released jun 25th 19/20 released July 2nd 20/21 away kit released 20th august 22/23 released July 14th
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