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Everything posted by BCFC31

  1. BCFC31


    He litrally let 3 goals in
  2. Still no scott twine.... becoming abit of a joke that situation now isn't it.
  3. Tbf this is what happens when your team is putting out a pathetic awful performance against one of your rivals
  4. I disagree we have litrally just lost 3 games in a row showing absolutely 0 ability or determination by three shocking sides in this division. If you have that attitude then not sure what the point is in even going ? Surely most if not all city fans want to see success on the pitch ? Sounds like your more then fine with us just knocking about twiddling our thumbs in the lower echelons of the championship which I find baffling.
  5. Is your head alright ? How can you take not being outplayed by an extremely poor and out of form Cardiff side on our own turf and turn that into a positive decent strikers to come back ? Aye surely you are on a wind up
  6. Surely no one actually thinks Steve Cooper would come to us?
  7. All just a complete shit show
  8. But that angers me how precious are these footballers ? There paid an absolute fortune that must be so infuriating as a manager watching your players be unable to do the very basics especially at championship level
  9. What makes the last 2 games even more worst is there has been a full weeks planning and prep to be ready for those games and that's still not made a blind bit of difference and that's usually mannings main excuse is the fast turn around of games and lack of time on the training pitches but he can't say that now
  10. Did anyone see williams litrally pass a simple 3 yard pass straight out the pitch it's also stuff like that our players really struggle with the basics
  11. Good we are a shambles the players have completely stopped performing for manning now by the looks of it there is sooo much wrong at the club in terms of the actual football structure it's beggers belief the incompetency down there. Ran by a bunch of absolute muppets we can't even keep a footballer fit for more then 2 seconds just all screams of total amateur
  12. BCFC31


    Doesn't look like there is many streams about today for the game
  13. BCFC31


    Any streams can you lost it in here please
  14. BCFC31


    Any streams can you post them in here please
  15. Personally I haven't seen anything from yeboah to suggest he should be anywhere near our first team. He is 17 and raw as hell it thinks its more a case of how bad we are that people want to see a raw 17 year old in there instead if more senior pros. He has pace and obviously potential but just looked lost in the games I watched him in during the pearson era.
  16. Well we have obviously been lied to come on look at the state of our jan recruitment? Can you honestly think that's a club " going for it " bird isn't available until next season Murphy isn't even getting u21 games twine is injured because our medical and sports science is a disgrace hickman we already had and mebude is an unknown rookie and then there is that other lad from the conference who isn't here also. We're not going for it in the slightest.
  17. Personally I feel the conversions in mannings interview and remit given to him were very different to what JL and BT said in the interview to fans. What was said in the media was to appease a very disgruntled fan base and to try and justify sacking nige. Honestly it's the people above manning who are absolute morons and they are destroying the club with there rank amateur behaviour. This team has been set up by nige to counter attack manning does now need time to bring his own player in so he can set the team up to play how he wants again if people have a issue with that then look no further then JL and BT because they have created this whole situation. Forget all the crap about making the players better etc it's absolute nonsense we don't have the personnel to play how manning wants us to play it doesn't take a scientist to work that one out. And I now beileve manning has thankfully worked that out now. Again this isn't mannings fault yes you could argue that he should be playing to there strengths but BT and JL probably told him how they want to see the team play and it wasn't counter attacking football so again if I'm manning I'm going to the board and saying " back me then " otherwise we have no chance. Personally I think manning has been hung out to dry and now everyone is scapegoating him
  18. As annoying as it is that's only the same luxury those before him were afforded.
  19. In mannings defence here this squad has never been able to do the basics properly even under nige holden Johnson etc we are constantly the masters of our own downfall.with poor touches poor 3 or 4 yard passing no basic give and go, turning back not being brave enough on the ball etc but that is exactly what you get with bang average to below average players! This will only ever change once better quality is brough in. But then you have to spend decent money! ( Lansdown ) and improve the recruitment. these players I feel would be alot more coachable and will be alot more receptive and execution wise under Manning style head coach and the way manning wants us to play we don't have the type of players imo also where the hell was twine ? He was in the bench last week and not this week has he had a set back ? No Naismith eaither ridiculous
  20. This is nonsense the guy is working with pearson and Dean holdens players give him a chance different players do different things we need addions who can go and effect games the way manning wants. Forget the crap from the board we don't have a top 6 squad it's bang average. The problem isn't with Manning it's the idiotic lansdowns who haven't a clue how to set up a football operation.
  21. This shows what everyone already knows, when we have more of the ball due to the opposition dropping deeper we can't break them down or go around them or over them to win the game, we have less space to be able to open teams up so we end up going side to side then back to the defence. The only way we solve this is personnel in my opinion, james and Williams just don't have the craft we need neither does hickman, jason knight doesn't have it either as much as I rate him threading those balls through the lines and moving the ball quickly just isnt his game it won't come from king eaither our wide men create very little which also doesnt help maybe twine comes good and we get him on a perm and he is the answer who knows? I do feel for Conway and wells because if I was a striker running around and putting a shift in getting my self Into good areas I'd be fuming with how slow we are in possession and the lack of vision from the midfield to see my runs ( this can be worked on in training to some extent i guess ) but then we get the excuses from manning that he cant train the players because of the schedule wasnt that the main reason he was brough into the club ? Wasnt this discussed in the interview? we need to be supplying our forwards with QUICK forward passes and we just don't do that.
  22. Tbf we have a bang average squad spend some money buy some genuine quality in key areas and you will find we will do much better. We are atrocious right at the top end of the pitch imo we need that creative attacking midfielder and a striker who's on the same page
  23. I am a manning fan but I wasn't impressed with that post match interview, seemed very soft to me just lost to a relegation side at home who had a day less rest then us after they played Wednesday and he's talking about giving the players a nice lovely break. Qpr totally had our number today its obvious what you do against us is form that low block and get us on the transition I do think we need better personnel but he can't find an answer or plan B for sides that do that against us.
  24. BCFC31


    Every single player were awful today not just mebude non of them looked up for it very lazy sloppy performance everyone just going through the motions proper odd as that isn't like us
  25. In his defence bell is litter.
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