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Everything posted by BCFC31

  1. Manning seems pretty stubborn when it comes to the lone striker formation
  2. All our midfielders had a poor game, millwall just did what millwall do against us season after season. I thought they condensed the middle of the pitch sat in a low block dragged us into an ugly scrappy game and because of there physical and hight advantage and workman like attitude also won all the 50/50s they were also hitting us on the counter to good effect with there willing runners. we then played straight into there hands by passing the ball backwards and sideways constantly allowing millwall to regroup and get bodies behind the ball we didn't have any solutions atall for it, even when we went wide to try and play around them Mehmeti just lost the ball or we turn backwards and played the ball back weimann outwide was completely anonymous we have absolutely no craft what so ever no composure on the ball in that final third of the pitch this conway uptop on his own is becoming so painful to watch aswell you cant expect to hit the ball long and conway to do anything with it as it will just come right back at you. we seriously need a big physical striker who can make the ball stick up there and an attacking midfielder who can play the passes into space and pick out those little pockets of space the opposition leave when coming at us with there press or help recycle the ball further up the field.
  3. Hickman and sykes both drop out for james and weimann must be rotation but not our strongest line up by any means certainly has all the makings of a underwhelming game what with millwall most likely coming to play for a draw like Birmingham did and our lack of craft when we have to much time to think on the ball.
  4. BCFC31


    I'd imagen we will wait untill the summer it's all agreed I don't see the sence in rushing it personally hes been good yes but for all we know he may have a massive drop off in the 2nd half of the season it would be foolish to act 6 months prematurely when we don't have to imo
  5. This happens to me alot I just scan it anyway and it still let's me in
  6. Um It's a 2023 review.... the whole point of the reel is past tence.
  7. Yes this is they way I support the club now and did when pearson was here aswell the landowns have totally lost my respect.
  8. Yes I wouldn't have thought imagine rights was an issue the club have loads of past players and managers up on the wall in the players tunnel for a start
  9. Apologies for another nige post but I noticed the Instagram post from the club recapping 2023 didn't include one photo of nigel in it! Yet manning is in there! Nigel managed this club for 10 months in 2023 for god sake. For me that's really distasteful! I am fully behind manning and like most I can see the improvements made on the pitch but pearson had given manning a very good platform in which to build from. He handed over a very committed close knit group of players and put some really strong foundations in place when quite frankly the club was on its knees, it was a total mess after the johnson and ashton era he is right when he said in his interviews " people won't recognise what we have done until I'm gone " it's a shame the club doesn't seem to respect or acknowledge the hard work he put into turning this club around from the bottom up with out pearson mannings prospects here would look totally different. Anyway happy new year all !
  10. And I stand by what I said its not my fault were absolutely toothless in the final third. Birmingham were there for the taking
  11. Exactly this ! It will be just like city to lose this game tomorrow I have seen it time and time again let's just hope for a changing of the tide under Manning we need to go there and keep those energy levels up get in there faces win our 50/50s press them from the first minute and look to really get at there makeshift defence.
  12. BCFC31

    7 in 7

    I completely disagree with your " mindless coaching phrase" good behaviours is a fundamental in football and is clearly an important part of a liam manning side it's definitely not mindless what's mindless is this stupid threat tbh who cares what he says it's clearly doing the trick the guy has us 1 point off the playoffs and hasn't made 1 single signing of his own yet give him a break
  13. BCFC31

    7 in 7

    I wonder if somone from the club reads this forum and tells manning because he said behaviours in his post match interview and laughed after saying " I know people give me stick for saying it "
  14. Rooney is an absolute belter imo he sound so thick in his interviews and uninspiring he's living off his playing career I fully expect us to take all 3 points against then they have been terrible this season rooney looked and sounded a beaten man to me in his post man interview yesterday
  15. I'm heading up to this one looking forward to it ! I can't see any reason why we can't make it 4 wins in a row there having a miserable season and personally I don't think Rooney has a clue he isn't a good manager imo
  16. I'd imagine every single person would renew and we would sell out every single game if we went up
  17. Come on let's not get carried away with threads like this I'd still be very surprised if we made the play offs this season. Let's just take it 1 game at a time and see.
  18. I dont want to speak to soon but watford look a poor side trying to play out from the back but they don't have the players to do it by the looks of it. Been watching city way to long now though to get carried away even if we are 2 up
  19. This is a quality post summed it up perfectly
  20. Personally I think all this academy stuff is very misleading. alot of these kids have like you said been put on the bench or got minutes out of necessity liam manning walked in and pretty much laughed and said these kids aren't anywhere near the level required and refused to expose them. We have had loads of injuries well run clubs don't just chuck the kids in before they are ready and expect to get anywhere in the division there bled through properly so to just harp on about it is embarrassing do you seriously think nigel wanted to used them or rely on them did he hell he had absolutely no choice.
  21. It's just the same all crap tbh copy and paste job going on about having the best academy In the world blah blah blah bore off.
  22. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all!
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