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Everything posted by BCFC31

  1. Yes he has mark sykes is 100 percent playing at left back its been confirmed.
  2. I cant beileve he has put sykes at left back that's madness and weimann who's completely out of form at right wing which isn't even his best position conway up top alone again seems a very underwhelming line up this will certainly be interesting
  3. I agree I'm sick of all the crap coming from the club so far this season just looks like another complete waste. I fully expect and am demanding of a win on Saturday personally if we lose or even draw imo it's unacceptable! When does this club start having that winning mentality if we aren't able to beat the sides below us in the division then honestly what is the point what is the aim.
  4. I think they just tell us fans what they think we are likely to want to hear I'd imagine there alot more realistic with manning.
  5. I'd imagine what BT and JL say to manning and what they say infront of the media are 2 very different things
  6. It's the lansdowns imo they can't structure a football club. Look at the state of the medical department one minute we have a CEO then not then it's technical director then this bloke from Bristol sport etc you could argue our recruitment department has also been an absolute mess for years aswell. That and they also appear extremely stubborn! They fail to realise they arent football people and refuse to seek outside expertise who can challenge them in a healthy way. They haven't had a blue print for success for years always chopping and changing and just hoping to find the right formula. I don't feel we will ever get to the Premier leauge under lansdowns ownership and sooner we are bought out ( by the right owners befitting to us ) the better. People will throw the fact lansdowns has upgraded the training ground and stadium at me but what these people fail to realise those are business investments for him and his family he owns it and leases it back out to the football club in which case his family will profit from this for at least the next 108 years.
  7. Fair play some nice analysis there bud
  8. I think he said he likes a full back on one side to attack and one the other side to defend which I thought was abit odd tbh and very lop sided
  9. This has luke Williams written all over it
  10. I dont reackon we stand a chance any way you look at it. why would he go now when if he carries on his form at hull and let's say hull get promoted he stands a stong chance of being signed on a perm by a Premier league club if he were to leave Burnley. I'd say he is abit out of our range now unfortunately.
  11. Personally the best thing to do which I'm sure happens anyway is put the feelers out to twines representative's and gauge if twine would be interested. Then enquire to burnley but this would be a very speculative approach with the chances of a happy player getting games in a promoting chasing side coming to a side which let's be honest is clearly destined for mid table obscurity is highly unlikely.
  12. But then if your scott twine playing regularly, confident and helping a team towards a promotion push would you want to come here ? Personally I'd be telling burnley to leave me where I am! The summer is totally different because then you have a player surplus to requirements at burnley unless they go down who then may be interested given his past associations with manning and hogg plus I think we can do the wages ( he will know he won't be able to pick up his prem salary in the championship) and I feel he could be convinced this of course all goes out the window if say a middlesbrough westbrom or Norwich come in for him who would just blow us clean out of the water much to my frustration.
  13. Tbf cameron brannagan has been bossing that leauge for a couple of years now I'd argue he would adjust okay imo
  14. Scott twine is playing a staring roll at promotion chasing Hull city not sure why he would come here unless we offer Burnley money for him and they have a recall option on his loan. Could be one to visit in the summer though!
  15. We need GK CAM ST do I think manning will be allowed to get those In the building maybe but I don't think he will be afforded the finances to bring in the quality needed to push us on. Unless they have done some seriously good du diligence and have some gems hidden up there sleeves which going off our past recruitment I very highly doubt it. I would also say a RB to give Tanner a kick up the backside but with mccrorie coming back in Jan I beileve he will give us what we don't currently have in that position that's 1 competition and 2 an attack minded outlet on that side. The players I'd like to see the back of is as follows Weimann cornick Both to be replaced with quality as I feel these two offer us absolutely nothing.
  16. Tinion imo is still dinning out at the club on his reputation as a player. He's shown he was a truly usless manager and has some how licked ass and got him self the role as technical director!! which seems mental what an earth qualifies him. He is lansdownes puppet you could see that at the fans forum when jon would just turn to him to answer any tough questions. I'm sure they truly beileve they can get this club to the Prem but they all just have no competency what so ever its all so armature!! The best thing JL said was there looking at outside investment to offer expertise to the board sooner that happens the better. As for steve Lansdown..... well its crystal clear to me he is no longer interested and completely asleep at at the wheel these days.
  17. Infact here is tinion with his mucker he appointed him as a part of the staff all very cosy down there isnit it.
  18. Bell shouldn't be anywhere near a championship starting XI it's just all the love in with tinion being muckers with his old man and the club chucking him in regardless of is he is ready in the hope we can add to the nest egg Bell needed removing from the first team a long time ago a good leage 1 of 2 loan so he can get booted up in the air week in week out could do him some good
  19. Yes an absolutely baffling decision tbh
  20. He is absolutely spot on put aside the pearson love fest this club has a rotten culture of under performing and sheer mediocrity I would argue its the lansdowns that need changing for this to ever improve but as a club we are by no means ever great or even widely acknowledged as being a good club the football is a painful year in year out.
  21. We need a proper ball playing midfielder aswell.
  22. That's what I mean appointing manning is totally pointless unless you back him in the transfer market which I suppose we are yet to see but going of the lansdowns recent lack of investment into the playing side i can't see us really signing anyone in Jan and the narrative from the club will be ( January is a difficult market and any other load of old crap to keep the happy clappers sweet it's embarrassing
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