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Everything posted by BCFC31

  1. That's what I mean appointing manning is totally pointless unless you back him in the transfer market which I suppose we are yet to see but going of the lansdowns recent lack of investment into the playing side i can't see us really signing anyone in Jan and the narrative from the club will be ( January is a difficult market and any other load of old crap to keep the happy clappers sweet it's embarrassing
  2. I have been saying this for a long time the players we have at the club are miles off the pace bell weimann cornick Tanner mehmeti oleary matty james Naismith ( always injured) hickman ( only a loan and still raw ) pring ( bang average imo and doesn't attack like he used to ) Wells ( on his way down in his career ) thats a big number of 11 players named straight off the bat. Personally the only top half championship players we have and this isn't even top 6 is dickie and Knight. the board needs to back there man with good sound recruitment and finances otherwise its totally pointless all of it is
  3. Vyner doing his classic switching off at vital moments and george Tanner looks absolutely terrified the minute he has to move forward with the ball he just screams leauge one standard to be he has very limited quality.
  4. Jesus christ some of the arguments people get into on here is ridiculous entertaining though!
  5. Hopefully we can rely on the game its self to keep us warm tomorrow then !
  6. Win tomorrow and we go 9th and only 2 points off the play offs heading into the busy Xmas schedule and Jan transfer window looking like a massive game tomorrow tbh it really is now time for Conway to step up and start scoring some goals isn't it !
  7. Can see this being 2-1 to Norwich I'm afraid I think there attacking quality and ball retention will be to much for us.
  8. Your missing my point... I know we now lease it and that lease runs over 100 years I am saying why I beileve that situation to be irritating I also assume your an egg chasing fan.
  9. It's certainly needed I agree I guess its just all about striking the right balance with things which the current ownership has got wrong in recent times don't even get me started on giving away fans the whole stand behind our goal
  10. That's a good valid point to be fair
  11. It's not though isit. Ashton gate historically has been the home of Bristol city football club since 1887 just because lansdown now owns it and leases it to us and the bears doesn't mean we should be okay with that. Ashton gate should be rich with our footballing history instead it's all been watered down to be used multipurposely we don't even have our club crest up on the outside as you walk in the players tunnel is full of bears photos etc not for me tbh and this isn't even mentioning the wear and tare on the pitch it's a commercialised thing done by Steve bristol city is very commercialised these days which has its pros and cons but does seem to strip away some of that rich history imo
  12. It's ridiculous not sure why the bears game couldn't be moved instead ? Why can't they play Sunday afternoon and us Saturday ashton gate has been the home of Bristol city for over 100 years and we play second fiddle it also bugs me that we don't have the bristol city crest up outside as you walk into the fan village.
  13. This game won't be easy by any means Norwich have some real attacking talent in there squad if we can keep the back door shut and get at there leaky defence by being attacking then we might be okay liam manning coming up against his home town club aswell so I'd imagine he already knows alot about them.
  14. Surly we should sign illas chair if qpr go down! Sort of signings we need to make if we want to get premier leauge football that willock or even Smyth would come here aswell surely. Cheeky bid for Fred onyedinma wouldn't go a miss either seems surplus at Luton and had always looked a class tricky pacey winger when ever watching him.
  15. Ummm not sure how you can say we moved the ball well 2nd half both half's were like chalk and cheese we completely dropped off 2nd half and allowed the saints to impose there game on us all our passes went back to panicked rushed passes we completely lost our heads after the goal went in. People keep bringing up Wells he is 33 years old and doesn't score anywhere near enough goals if that's the best this football club can do then we may aswell pack up and go home.
  16. Yeah mehmeti is doing my head right in!! It really just isn't happening for him at bristol city what so ever its painful watching him at times.
  17. BCFC31


    We seem to shoe horn alot of our academy lads into the 1st team in the hope they will come good and we can get a other success story like scott. Pearson was made to soly rely on these kids at times which just isn't going to get you competing in this leauge. Tinion is behind alot of it as if he had his way he would probably just field our entire u21s team in the championship.
  18. BCFC31


    That's kinda my point he hasn't scored those chances as he hence why I say he is bang out of form.
  19. BCFC31


    Spot on the midfield are never thinking " I know I'm going to take this ball on the turn and drive forward to drive the team up the pitch it's all extremely slow and sideways no penetrative passing again we need that type of midfielder you can try and coach that into players like williams and James etc all you want but they need the mindset and quality to execute it. Scott what exactly that sort of player I get every player has his price but to take that sort of quality out the side and not replace it then say you want top 6 is bonkers.
  20. BCFC31


    This conway up top on his own is absolutely usless and is clearly a flawed tactic we need to either go out and sign a specialist lone forward or put two up top. Doesn't help with conway bang out of form he keeps getting caught flat footed and just looks a yard or 2 off the pace he's probably frustrated aswell because he just isn't in the games atall! the lansdowns HAVE to back manning financially because manning can't and will not be able to do alot with a squad of players assembled by pearson over 3 years to play a certain way. different players do different things for as long as this club close the cheque book then we won't get anywhere you brought your man in Lansdown now let's so you back him.
  21. Good as he was there main outlet until he got injured
  22. We had the better of that half can already see mannings style we are using the ball much better and some real purposeful passing aswell not just passing for passing sake but being prepared to go back to reset
  23. Tbf I like Ian seems a reasonably intelligent bloke listening on the podcast and he articulates his argument quiet well, and isn't afraid to put the cat amongst the pigeons. I was more making the point that it would have been nice for Ian dave p and the other guys who do the Pod casts to be there to make the panel sweat abit the 4 of them got such an easy ride not 1 person there with an brain cell between them proper cringe fest.
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