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Everything posted by BCFC31

  1. Jack Clarke up against tanner feels me with absolute horror
  2. It seems like manning is giving his players solutions and time will tell weather certain players can take that information in and use it in games. Clearly max was guilty of not being about to understand Blackburn had dropped off and think to him self let's try solution 2 he's just continued to lump it forward with 0 reward if I was manning on the touch like I'd be pissed right off! There will only be a certain amount of time you would hope for players to show they can do what he asks before his patience runs out. After that the only way to remedy this is to get rid and get somone else in who has been specifically scouted to do certain things manning wants in his teams then build from that platform.
  3. Lovely little dig from nige there haha what a bloke
  4. Because he said he " went to the owner " and that was were it went wrong for him if Lansdown is willing to give some one the chop because they approached him and went around ashton that just shows how bad culture is at the club granted holden was a shit manager but there is a snippet there which is quiet revealing.
  5. For me dean holdens revelation is quite telling on coaches voice he basically said he approached Lansdown about all the injuries and landowne got offended because he went around ashton and straight to him and it was the beginning of the end for him after that. It all stinks for me behind the scenes and jon and Steve are the cause of all of it.
  6. I dont think this has anything to do with pearsons sacking and more to do with what the board and tinion are doing.
  7. Mannings post match interview is very telling! He looked a man that's starting to realise the jobs alot bigger then he thought, he must have scratched his head about 6 times in bewilderment in that interview. He has inherited a very bang average lower championship squad of players that just can't buy into his philosophy and that the overhaul is alot bigger then he was led to beileve. You can just imagine tinion telling him we have the best squad in the championship. Big reality check it seems for manning i feel sorry for the bloke tbh, pearson clearly had us playing greater then the sum of our parts and this is just highlighting to me what an experienced wiley old job pearson was actually doing!
  8. For what ever reason conway and bell really just aren't doing it this season the love in does get abit sickening what happened to it being a squad game and giving other players opportunity as I have mentioned before I think the club ( and tinion ) are just desperate to find another success story from the academy so are playing these players come what may yet this should be down to the manager is manning being told to play them by tinion ? Makes you wonder what the hell is going on down there tbh but they both need pulling from the starting XI there look shot to pieces out there. Also agreed with mehmeti having his best game for us he looked a breath of fresh air when he came on!
  9. Manning has been set up to fail, you can clearly see that the squad of players we have aren't comfortable playing the way manning wants them to play. it's painful to watch yet the board seems to think we have a top 6 squad and the players can be coached how to play Manning ball there bonkers! unfortunately I think its going to be extremely painful untill the end of Jan even then manning would have to be seriously backed in the transfer market to recruit into his style of play and I feel we will just look leauge 2 for more george tanners. This is just proving it was absolutely pointless sacking pearson he played to the players strengths which was counter attacking football.
  10. I made this point in another thread us as a fan base are way to soft and accepting that's why people get shot down for speaking out against certain things. I'm with you on that a draw v huddersfield imo is absolutely not acceptable. They were there for the taking and I don't like hearing all this an away point is good nonsense aswell thats just again another kind of mediocre acceptance. The bar for the fan base expectancy is set so low but that could be more to do with the fact we just haven't had anything to get excited about for a very long time.
  11. We have to small a sample size to judge manning on our current form imo
  12. ON THE BALL tanner I'd say is better then hunt defensively though.
  13. Are you okay ? Yes your correct I did say that can you point me to where I have contradicted that statement I give up I'm not getting into a debate in a forum with a middle age gormless happy clapping belter.
  14. I have been supporting city for 18 years so there will be players some in here would have seen thats why I say " my opinion " that will of course be true to what I have seen while supporting city with my own eyes and granted over a shorter period then alot of the older mob in here
  15. I'd image you're pretty old forgive me for not having the ability to watch city when I wasn't even born
  16. Yes I did and he was shocking tanner is no better ON THE BALL then your nicky hunts of the world in my opinion.
  17. It's a very bizarre forum to be fair alot of absolute whoppers in here sort of people who wait at the players entrance to get Jon landownes autograph kinda people
  18. You can't watch many city games tanner litrally scored an own goal against Norwich and then passed the ball straight to the opposition for them to score against Huddersfield and following that up with a clear hand ball in the box that he was lucky didn't cost us the game he is shocking, yes his defensive part of the game is better then when he has the ball at his feet but id say thats because he is so bad and nervous when in possession. fans like you are the reason we as a club are known as mediocre you set the bar extremely low and are happy to just coast around the lower positions in the championship.
  19. You two boyfriends or something?
  20. Sam bell and tanner ? Your the sort of super fan who claps joyfully come what may and has absolutely 0 demand for accountability and progression just a mediocre acceptance. supporting a team doesn't mean you can't be critical when things should be better. Clearly your desire to want tanner to be a top championship player is clouding your judgment. Why don't you go round Jon's House and do some colouring in together
  21. And there you go. The response I predicted. You seem like a right little happy clapper.
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