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Posts posted by redcityman

  1. Typical form from the squatters.


    This from the family bunch who wanted us to die in 1982 so that they could have our ground. "Trashton" they call it.....Honestly, they look more and more stupid every day.


    What time are the administrators due? I think I have had just about all the side splitting comedy I can take from this lot.....Like another poster once said....It's like kicking a dead dog.....It's just cringe worthy and embarrassing for Bristol. Would some creditor please put this terminally ill club out of it's misery?!!!

    Wouldn't give them the use of a second hand bog roll yet alone a financial donation of any sorts, unfortunately some of our fans have short memories when it come the the antics of the so called family club, I remember 1982 very well, the way in which BRFC and their fan base conducted itself in aiding a fellow club survive going out of business.

    Every time we get anything they whinge that anybody, everybody, even us shit heads should bend over backward to ensure they get it too, difference being they don't want to or can't pay for it, yet the minute it looks like we may get a bit of help they start polls/lobby's , write letters etc.

    **** em, quicker they go bust the better.

    • Like 10
  2. Hate figure? Not with me. The blokes a comedy genius! May he reign over the Gash for the rest of thier exsistance!

    Abso****inglutely, no gas chairman in my 40 odd year of following Bristols' oldest unbroken league team has given me so many laughs, long may it continue.

    • Like 1
  3. Shoot me down if you wish, but will there ever be a day when rovers aren't discussed in so much detail on this forum?  I can't be the only one who feels sick of seeing their name seemingly glued to the pages of OTIB for almost 2 years now.  Sorry, I just had to say it and get it off my chest!!!

    Hopefully a day will come, the day they go bust.

    Until then I'm enjoying the constant piss taking.

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  4. Fingers crossed come next month they'll be bringing out another book celebrating the fact that they are staying within their roots at the ramshackle of a stadium for the foreseeable future, there will also be a special addition showing pictures of fans who donate blue or white tester pots, chairs/sofas for the up and coming refurb of the Minimal Ground.

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