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Posts posted by redcityman

  1. 5 minutes ago, Tomarse said:

    Still got it backed up on disc somewhere. It had more pages than this thread.

    Two wins and they've come out of hiding again 

    To be honest it would be a laugh to read it again, to go from taking the piss because we were on a bad run and they were looking upwards to being closed when it backfired with their relegation and us taking the piss, mass ban for so called teds all round :laugh:.

  2. 49 minutes ago, BRFC_Gas said:

    Only due to their own failings.

    So  by that (#tedlogic) does that mean if either were to get relegated again that instantly makes us better? Of course not you belter.

    You will never make the Premiership as you are bottlers for the big occasions. Considering you have a billionaire covering your debts I'd be asking why a club like Bournemouth  can buy their way in but you still struggle in the league below, and best players are borrowed. I guess Lansdown already has the Premiership club he always wanted...

    If you are so far ahead of little old Rovers why do you still deem us important enough to have this as your top 5 threads each day, even after 2 successive promotions and sitting in a league you were struggling in not that long ago under Mcwinless?

    If any other club needed proof what a narrow minded lot you are then a look through this thread is all they would need.

    Anyway, you can all go back to admiring your dicks in a mirror, just make sure its the right way around as you may be looking at the magnified side.


    Simple really even someone as dumb as you should be able to work that out by now, we as a collective group enjoy taking the piss out of you and your club, but you would know that, because your club and muppets like you keep coming on here and supplying more amnumition on a daily basis, because you're the sort of fan who sucks up all the hype from those that run your club and never dare to seek the truth.


    Instead of venting your anger this way why not do something positive and be more proactive against the people who purport to run your club, instead of just bending over and taking it left right and center, yes sir three bags full sir!

    • Like 1
  3. 19 minutes ago, Fiale said:

    :laugh: - why not pay a couple of pound and get it done properly ..




    Was this the reason for Wally scrapping round for more backers to come on board!

    Obviously Hewlett Packard and Crayola were not interested, but on the upside a deal has been struck whereby from now on tickets for rovers matches will now be sold at Poundland.

    Happy days.

  4. 10 hours ago, S_Y_G said:

    Just had a city player say to me that " our fans obsession with u is embarrassing ".   Reads this forum.   Brilliant, maybe you guys should give rover's a rest, 340 pages on ur own forum!!!

    What embarrassing like starting an "Oh Yes" thread while ones fortunes seem to be going well and "The Sheds" fortunes are going down the pan, only to have fate completely turned around, then suddenly close said thread which had grown massively even before any input from city fans, and banning of any poster either a red or being suspected of be a "shed".

    Now that is embarrassing, typical gas reaction like to give but can't take it.

    • Like 2
  5. 3 minutes ago, Smaller than a flea said:

    Keep getting those likes Bert. It must keep you happy. 

    Have you been to many games lately? Which ones? Do you think that the club and squad have improved or declined in the last two years?

    Bert is only stating the obviously surely even you can see that!

    Put it this way, identify a site and draw up a contract with the land owner for use of said land, pay for a architect to design a house, put planning permission in with the local council, arrange for tradesmen etc to be on site and on time, and then finally ask the wife if you can actually afford the dam thing.


  6. 7 hours ago, BRFC_Gas said:

    Was discussed weeks ago, surely it must be mentioned somewhere on this massive thread about us?

    I understand the boycott from the likes of Coventry, Sheffield utd, Wycombe, Mansfield etc, but your mob, really!

    would it really make that much of an impact?

    Surely it would be like any normal match day from the previous hundred odd years!

    Besides, you gasheads are used to being shovelled any old rubbish, not like you lot to put up any sort of protest when you constantly get walked over by your own club.

  7. 3 minutes ago, BristolNorthEndRed said:

    Could this topic be placed in a subforum.  I think this inane dross has gone on long enough.

    I am fed up with checking in to this site and finding Bristol Rovers topic of conversation.

    It seems we now have Bristol Rovers followers on here to check out what is happening at their club.

    No one is forcing you to read it are they, do you suffer from a lack of free will, what is so hard than to skip past it and not read it?

    • Like 3
  8. 1 hour ago, myol'man said:

    if anyone of is on slagchat without being thrown out for being so gert ted, ask the deluded one "when was the last time you got over 17,000 for a home game? and what was the attendance at the historical final ever game at the spiritual home Eastville?"

    If ever we were to leave Ashton Gate I would bet my house it would be a dam sight more than 3200 odd, shameful the way they surrendered their home like that, typical gasheads will put up with any old shit.

  9. 3 minutes ago QuotePost by LastMinuteWinners on 3 minutes ago

    31 minutes ago LastMinuteWinners said:
    Jesus christ the 'teds are really struggling to find things to take the p**s out of us these days.

    Just took a look on their forum (don't worry i'll wash in bleach shortly) and they seem to be having a laugh at the Mem improvements, our ST sales and still going on about Santa's Grotto.

    We are "The gift that keeps on giving" apparently. yeah 2 promotions in 2 seasons, long may it continue!

    This post has appeared on OTIB pretty quick!!

    Maybe some of their posters also work for the Bristol Post?


    No pal nothing to do with the Bristol Post, more than likely because we enjoy watching idiots like you make a fool of yourself!

    • Like 3
  10. After another hard day at work I came home to find the wife naked and sat with her backside in the fridge. I asked what in hell was she was doing, she replied " well it's been such a sweltering day i thought you would like something nice and cool to slip into".

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