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Everything posted by REDOXO

  1. Christ alive there is some utter crap ? in this thread. There is Still half a season to go and a transfer window. Yes we urgently need Kalas and another defender, possibly a loan. We need to replace who we sell to fund any other signings and get the remaining dead wood off the books. Alan Dicks must laugh his cock off reading stuff like this. Building a team out of matchwood is hard! Personally I’m not as in the Pearson camp as I once was, but who the hell is better at this kind of job?
  2. I would have him back in a heartbeat if he was available and we needed a manager. No one better than him for this situation in my opinion However it’s more likely we would employ the devil himself before SC, sadly.
  3. Yes I do have some sympathy here. I think there is a player in there, but he doesn’t suit Pearson. However there really wasn’t a great deal to write home about under LJ and Holden either, outside of odd games. The memory of him having good games at QPR and Preston are telling in that people remember that odd good game. I wish the kid nothing but the best, but we haven’t as a club over four years extracted it.
  4. Ok! Good players play football, average players play football for us, those not deemed to be good enough play in the U21s Massengo doesn’t play for two reasons, possibly three 1 He’s not deemed good enough. If he was deemed good enough and added something to a struggling team he would play under any circumstances 2 He won’t sign a contract and as such is not worth developing and as reason one applies here also so he is in the under 21s 3 This applies if either or both of 1 and 2 apply. You can not sell/give away an injured player, but you do need to keep him fit thus he plays a less stressful junior game to minimize injury exposure and pray the big club that you (plural) hope exists comes in for him in January (as there are hopefully two clubs that are interested and one of them wants him more) Pearson has the final say here and if wants him in he will override all considerations. Up until now he hasn’t I did tell you what he was good at, getting in between players and little drag backs per your second sentence.
  5. Yeah I’m sorry it is accurate, which is why he isn’t in the squad despite us being pony! Where he ends up who knows, but where he is, is our U21s, which is his level for now. If he improves to become a world beater or just a decent team player. good for him!
  6. It is a rare moment indeed that Massengo moves the ball forward. What Massengo does well is little drag backs and getting his body in the way, which can look neat on occasion. He has no pace and a very limited physique.. He will lose the ball in poor positions regularly and is not the best at chasing back when the team is under pressure. He can’t pass at all well unless it’s three feet sideways/backwards which is why he only has one assist in well over a hundred games, shanks clearances regularly and melts down if he is within shooting range! But I take your point, he’s as good as most in our squad Right now
  7. Is there another Massengo I’m not aware of?
  8. There are one or two who come here, that appear to know what went down. If I remember correctly Deals we’re done for the forwards mentioned and maybe others but Mr Lansdown kaiboshed them as he didn’t like how they were done. Then SL changed his mind BUT the deals were lost. The culture when LJ came in did change. Ashton came in within days of Cotterill went and LJ was given money that SC never was. Wilbo said as much on a poddy! Steve always felt he wasn’t given the finances that LJ was. Which is undoubtedly true. The corporate game changed with Cotterill’s departure. Ashton and LJ were brought in and all of a sudden money was available for ‘clubs in the bag’. Utterly shit decision that has got us here. My thought is, Cotterill would never come back here, but if he did he would insist Lansdown stays in his tent in Botswana and playboy shows as much interest as he does now….NONE!
  9. I agree. He shouldn’t have said it if he didn’t think it was true, maybe he did though, who knows! Europa League in five years was LJs downfall, a far more idiotic statement, that lead directly to the spreadsheet at the top of the page! I don’t agree with the statement pretty much every club is in this situation! Pretty much every club has financial issues unless they are getting/still getting parachute payments that’s for sure. However how many are unable to spend money due to being so close to FFP, having spent the above, that comparatively small amounts count? The above is 100% the responsibility of the bloke who said my money my choice (what is clear is it really wasn’t his money, it was the clubs money as the club would suffer from it being flushed down the shitter, to paraphrase the OP), with LJ, MA, JL AND the idiot bunch of **** yes men board members all sucking from the idiots tit! This in itself has created the situation where, we are told with some evidence, that we must bring through our own to a much greater extent and sell to buy. Now I’m not an expert in a lot of things, but changing the strategy so massively is a major difference to many other clubs. You can point to many who have maintained a long term strategy of buy and build and then sell to ***** like Bristol City, Luton and Brentford among others immediately spring to mind. Their long term strategies are clear, ours was akin to Derby, Birmingham and others which was throw money at it and pray the **** we have in charge is up to the challenge. ******* Laughable. You now also add in to the situation the more laughable resignation of stop gap Gould (I don’t care who you are and what you think, was crap the first time) and the employment of yet to be defined (let me know if I have missed an appointment) new CEO to overlook this utter shitshow. However here we are actually implementing a pillar policy having thrown our advantages away due to the hubris, greed and sheer bloody incompetence of those mentioned. Kind of an 82 situation with money! The question is can Pearson produce again what he has before and get the Lansdown family and the supporters out of the same crapper. I’m no longer sure! I want it to work with Pearson, but we are watching shit shows, with players that are unable to perform as a unit and are frightened that their place is gone once the inevitable sales of Scott Semenyo and now on the grapevine Conway have been completed. Who is out there that would take this on? Answer loads of people, either externally or internally as staying up is the only aim! But are they better equipped with the man we have? I’m not sure either way BUT the greater issue is getting a new CEO who is able to operate unfettered and is not the sham schiester that is the hated Ashton and can hold it together coming after what ever **** wittery Gould comes up with in the next few weeks!
  10. Here we go. It’s Johnson’s fault..no it’s Ashton’s fault. Both of the ******* need to stay out of South Bristol. However Pearson is not above criticism as are Steve Lansdown, playboy Lansdown and a bunch of yes man board members.
  11. Can we have this as a splash screen for OTIB please Mods!
  12. I didn’t think we did this anymore? However if we do can we add the category MOST ACCURATE SOURCE
  13. Merry Christmas to the 70% of you that are not on ignore. The other 30% I hope your Turkey is not completely defrosted!!
  14. I’m sure you will think of something Exactly! It gets on my nerves whenever it’s used.
  15. I hear Mr Pearson saying it all the time and see it written on here all the time also I may be getting a bit crotchety in my senior years but I just hate the term. Our Supporters or our Fans just sounds so much more inclusive to me. The term Fanbase to me just sounds so corporate and feels like people that run/own clubs see the clubs supporters as a necessary evil with cash! This isn’t just a City issue by any means, but to my mind it implies “those people over there” and not a part of the club.
  16. REDOXO


    I really think people are over thinking this!!! Somehow Atkinson has pissed Pearson off and he made a point to the player. Unfortunately King ****** up. That pissed Pearson off even more!
  17. REDOXO


    As above. After Years of LJ dopple bollox. That Baker said nothing of! The bloke is manager and tells it the way he sees it, as he did with Leicester, some of those interview responses make that nursery standard by comparison! Im sure Mr Baker did have something of a non compete (NDA is something different really but that’s splitting hairs) Adam Baker like others is entitled to state any opinion he likes providing he is not being paid not to! If he chooses to say something in support of Mr Durden that’s fine, but it makes Durden look like a cry baby and doesn’t help him journalisticly as nothing was directed at Durden. Baker really should have shut up, but I support his right to make his mate look like a big girls blouse. Free speech is a great thing However Clearly Atkinson has pissed Pearson, somehow, off at some point during the World Cup period and Pearson doesn’t care who knows it. Particularly Atkinson.
  18. REDOXO


    You made completely wrong statements and given odd opinions that have been handed to you over a long period that most think were just out and out funny. Your comment was you are not allowed to criticize Nigel Pearson. My comment, was you are, no one is stopping you! Stop pretending that somehow that you are not allowed to criticize the manager as YOU STATED. AGAIN it’s a forum!
  19. REDOXO


    It’s contested by some not others. Your attack on those who support the manager, by using the term ‘you can’t criticize…is a bit of a joke. You can criticize. Just do it, it’s a bloody forum.
  20. Clearly that won’t happen under new management!
  21. I was in the Dolman right in line with it. Somehow it’s slower on film for whatever reason and where I was sitting it seemed much nearer the center circle, but that is a matter of angles I guess. If the edge of the D is 22 yards then I reckon that was 40 yards from goal. The ‘re’ emergence of this video a while back after years of people on here asking why it wasn’t available was a good day!
  22. To give places with limited space the maximum chance to play football. A pitch used to have to be 50 to 100 yards wide and 100 to 130 long, but can not be square. I’m not sure if that has changed at all in the past 25 years or so, I’m sure the Law Book does say. I believe there are rules about when you can change the size in a season. It’s not just a case of a bloke painting new lines.
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