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Everything posted by REDOXO

  1. :laugh:. One of my favorite quotes was ‘life is a shit sandwich and here in Jeddah the bread is very thin’. I haven’t been east of Cyprus since the last time 1000s of troops were being dumped down there. But I have friends who live in various places in the ME, and they like it, as a lot of the City’s are much improved and really quite attractive.

    Mane Out.

    Ok. So as I understand it City will get some compensation for Dheidhou playing. Does that increase for games and minutes?


    Bet the bloke wishes he signed for Man City! How many goals and assists has the bloke got for this team since he signed? No clue, but it seemed like quite a few. He wants to play! The rest is all about a stupid decision to snatch a deal under the noses of Manchester City, that the player himself took part in!
  4. What if there was a shitier thread than this?
  5. Yes I know. However it was that game he shrugged at the EE when the chant mentioned started
  6. I once gave a penalty for a goalkeeper coming out, sliding out with his studs up into the on coming forward. The forward managed, just, to get out of the way, but the foul was clear. At ht I had the manager asking me why I had given the peno as there was no contact. Oh dear!
  7. Remember The Stanley Where’s your Wife Gone game very well. it was hit and miss to a crowd reaction in the 60/70/80s when a player was stretchered off. If in general terms he was a very good player ala Bowles or a near rival player then bring on the dustbin chant and various abusive behaviors were the norm AND Expected. That was everywhere As much as some like to think that stuff doesn’t still happen, the chants about Hillsborough The Ibrox disaster Munich etc still go on. Lizzie’s in a box a few weeks ago with banners at one club, who apparently have the right to sing shit about dead soldiers etc are still common place. Few of the supporters at those clubs would be expected to give polite rounds of applause to injured players on a weekly basis Unfortunately this shit still goes on and goes unchecked and frankly doesn’t bare much analysis anymore.
  8. Mrs Melksred will surely appreciate your enhanced performance.
  9. Steve Lansdown would like a knighthood! If he gets one it remains to be seen. Bristol City will not be sold separately from Bristol Sport or the HPC AND any other asset attached to BS it would make things way to difficult for all concerned . Would Steve Lansdown break even if he sold the lot right now. Who knows! Would he get any kind profit on ROI. Who the hell knows Mr Lansdown as the defacto senior executive carry’s the can for the failures and successes. The failure to bring in and then back the right bloke and the bringing in of the wrong bloke and showering the **** with the clubs money that eventually lead to where we are is clear. However when you get that rich turning profit is a much lesser motivation, if it were the bloke certainly would not have bought a third division football club, over a period where global equity values quadrupled
  10. Brilliant!…Seriously. If only we still had Matt Smith. But exactly how I see it!
  11. I don’t think he should be praised for a number of things and most sensible people would say the same thing Including Poor management selections over all, however the club is more than one man. But yes the bloke at the top Carry's the can. We could go through a few Brian Tinnion SOD an appointment that was universally supported Here Lee Johnson Dean Holden And The fact the bloke who won us two trophies was not supported with proper finance when the utter nonsense of a man got multi millions Also crappy decisions regarding those around the club. Including Mr Ashton, Mr Lansdown jr, Mr Gould etc etc (Gould no matter what some believe was not very good the first time and the idea he wasn’t waiting for the job at The ECB or something else is laughable) His continued support of Johnson, a bloke with no experience spending money was idiocy. Johnson stupidly spent the clubs money while Mr Lansdown was underwriting the debt with stock purchases, this was always going to lead to a problem. However Covid buggered up the model faster than it otherwise would with a half wit running the team bringing us to the FFP issue we have discussed a thousand times So…. I have said personally all of this many times on this forum (my dislike of The Johnson era in my own head is pretty legendary) and Lansdown himself now knows the Johnson thing was nuts The biggest issue right now is we have a manager that is trying to make something of the Lansdown built training facilities and build/cobble together a team from that. So yes Lansdown is definitely culpable in that as he is responsible for our FFP ISSUES ….So we continue to not make it to the top flight, but being we are a club that have spent 4 years in it over the last 110 it is not really that big news The consistent failure of this club goes much much deeper. A couple of comments I’ve made on that recently are around. We always end up being a nice club that fails while shifting in and out of total nut baggery However we are in a position to maintain premier league football and like it or not are now an established Championship club and being as about half of my 60 years I’ve watched us in divvy 3/4 The fact is yes massive mistakes have been made but the idea of failure in a historical context is nonsense. we are in a better position as a club than we have been throughout our history. God pray that the bloke he gets in for Gould is not another knob. Anyway all this is academic as the club is still actively looking for investment, (this means a sale, no matter what some think) I’m looking forward to how that plays out as we get toward a quarter of the 21st century under our belt!
  12. Why bother answering that drivel? Ok Dave I’ll bite. To what are you referring?
  13. Exactly. I’m in my 60s as I’m sure you worked out. Nice ground, nice city, nice club, it even has a singing section. Luckily this is the manking section that very occasionally is not talking complete bollox.
  14. There was a whole series about this. Us and PNE were neck and neck for being the biggest under achievers of the Prem era. PNE were considered the ‘winner’ because they have previous league and cup wins in their history. My personal opinion is that our success in the 70s was at a time we weren’t considered nice as a club and a city. In fact the intimidation level here was pretty high from the moment you parked your car. These days we have the effing singing section and minimal vocal support behind the goal, but give that to our opponents! The utterly **** decisions in this area just make me angry and just continues the idea we are soft. Which is true.
  15. Yes. I’m not sure how everything will work now. I would love to see a Job Description and an org chart
  16. Sykes was awful. He has been for a while. As of yesterday we had three maybe four players. Scott ConwAy and Weimann plus Atkinson Also rans Sykes Williams James Klose Semenyo Martin Bajic Kadji Low was not helped but kept getting skinned King is a has Been but was better than Klose Vyner needs someone better along side Kalas has a continuing sick note or why was he not around along with the Lesser Spotted bloke from FGR and the accident waiting to happen Naismith Pearson touched on our ability, that is still, evident to sign sick notes The upside of the awful run of form is clearly currently OLeary is number one and we can not be worse than that. For the first time Pearson and his hand picked assistants are under real pressure and after that I’m close to address my to it, if not to call for his head, but to stop him making excuses about not even being a mid table team On another note, is there some rule that the match can’t be shown in the concourse bars. Why was Reading v Watford on? It would be helpful to know when the players are back and neck my well earned large scotch after watching that shitty arsed excuse of a football team in the first half
  17. REDOXO


    Pathetic. He rolled the ball wide with more than half the goal begging. He didn’t compete and had the ball stolen off him time and again.
  18. A short summary we were utter crap. A longer summary awful first half that we didn’t compete in. Semenyo is on the plane to Qatar and Klose was as awful as the 19year old who played along side him Kadji was beyond anonymous and Williams was utter utter useless Senior pros not turning up to help out debuts/almost debuts. Beyond gutless!
  19. For my sins I am unexpectedly in Brizz tonight and will be going. I called to get hospitality but it’s sold out, but told I can get pay on the day tickets. Can somebody let me know what the score is for potd. Do I rock up to a turnstile circa 1976 with cash or do I go to the ticket office and buy one there or anything else!? Any helpful comments appreciated! Many thanks Oxo.
  20. Will Bedminster cricket club have their parking open anyone know?
  21. I do. Often. However that one was deliberate. I’m in Brizz for two days and called in for hospitality for tonight (which was no longer available) and the bloke on the other end called it hostility too. However pay on the day. Looks like a couple at bedminster cricket club and fish n chips in a bag.
  22. Yes I agree. However apparently they were completely dismantled by and large on the basis of bringing in players with the right DNA. Not by the bloke who assembled them!?
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