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Posts posted by Andy082005

  1. 7 hours ago, JP Hampton said:

    I don’t think it’s about that. It doesn’t have to be the Messiah to recognise when a manager is poorly treated.  It’s the principle in the way the sacking came about and their reasons for the sacking etc. 


    Don’t think I’ve read any comment saying NP was perfect or even getting the results we wanted, but it seemed reasonable to allow him the time of his contract to see what he could have now done, especially with the returning players. 

    I disagree on giving him the time of his contract. There may be money available in January and the question hs to be if you are the owner 

    “do we want to give money to a man we are not sure is the right man past the summer of 2024?’

    People say Pearson had the finances pulled - I don’t think he did. I just don’t think the bloke did enough to warrant a new contract past next summer, so it would be daft to have given him money in January and invest in his plan further when it was likely he would not be here 

    Pearson then used the press to force the issue in recent weeks. Has he not done that - I’m sure he would still be here 

    Time to move on 

    • Like 4
    • Hmmm 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

    My concern from the press conference was that LM didn't really speak about the squad and its qualities and the work ethic it has. Touched on it a little but not a lot. 

    It very much come across as I'm here now and we are going to do things my way. 

    I'm not sure that's the right way to go about it. 

    This is a squad that Pearson brought and the players will still feel upset about him leaving and they may have a loyalty towards him.

    To a lesser extent it reminds me of when Clough went in at Leeds after Rennie and he told the players to forget everything they had done before. It didn't end well. 

    Manning would do well to come in here and to not change things dramatically over night. Continue on the lines of Pearson and Co and slowly introduce his own ideas. 

    If he comes in with that iron hammer it will not go well.

    Ever thought the ‘work ethic’ might be the reason for all the injuries? 

    Maybe busting our bollocks every game is why players bodies keep breaking down. 

    A different style may help us 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Cristored said:

    Are you in love with Nigel? Genuine question.

    I find it genuinely weird how some people are acting. Yes - it wasn’t great how ‘Nige’ was treated, but the cold harsh reality is the football was bang average and the results the same 

    Anyone would think we had just let the messiah go 

    People have been brainwashed 

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  4. 13 hours ago, Marina's Rolls Royce said:

    However, if he winds up staying then I'll be absolutely furious that we have a manager so lacking in ambition he wouldn't take a step up when offered on a plate."

    "You should’ve called him a Judas and a selfish pr*ck and a liar and a snake and a sneaky **** and questioned his integrity as a man as well as a professional.
    You would have come across as much more reasonable”.
    "Cost us a few quid but could we just not be really petty and sack Manning before he goes? Just a tiny, small, vindictive move that I would get fully behind.”
    "I hope you get relegated, Bristol Rovers finish above you and you all come down with the shits.”
    "Bristol City are a very ordinary club that will forever be stuck in the Championship at best. No matter how much money they spend or who manages the club, they just don't seem to do anything in that league of note. Big crowds, nice ground but absolutely nothing else and I can't see how even Manning could turn it around if he went. One wrong move could easily sour is career if it doesn't work out and he wont want two sackings on his record before he's 40.

    Here is City's finishing positions since returning to the second tier: 18th, 17th, 11th, 8th, 12th, 19th, 17th, 14th. They are currently 11th and whilst nicely poised, there's probably still a good 10 teams in that league guaranteed to finish above them no matter who is in the crows nest.”
    "Hurry up and make the announcement so I can start throwing my poo at the walls and verbally abuse my fellow posters.”
    "They have spent little time in the top flight. Barely more than us. It might be tempting for obvious reasons for Manning to try his hand in the Championship. However, they are not such a big club that it is a given he will go there over trying to get us up. If it was a Leeds or Ipswich etc, it would be different.”
    "They're a bigger club than Bournemouth, Brentford or Luton......arguably Fulham too......an ambitious manager might well think they can achieve the same as that lot with Bristol City, if they get it right.”
    "Bit disappointed the club aren't giving us live coverage on what's going on."

    "In the absence of any concrete information, are there any brave forumites who fancy trawling for updates from Twitter? Feels like it's time for another update from an unverified account, who has no track record of any sort and fewer than 50 followers."

    Glad to see they are all taking it so well 

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Fuber said:

    ....? Can I ask why?

    His Salzburg team (pre Leeds) were one of the best teams I've seen live (granted it was 2021 against Wien), with regards to entertainment.

    I’ll be completely honest - I just can’t take the Americans seriously 

    Anyone who played the sport in a way where penalty shoot outs started with a run from the half way line - is not good enough to manage our club 😅

  6. 2 minutes ago, Loosey Boy said:

    Sounds like we will know who our new HC is tomorrow……I for one, hope there’s still a role for Curtis to play although, I somewhat doubt it!

    He’s well regarded by the players and that could help us in the short-medium term.

    Question is…..would he want to stay, now that this “mates” and people he respects (Nige, DR and JE) have all left? I doubt it….

    Think you will find Fleming may already be gone 

    • Like 1
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  7. 28 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    In a job. By coincidence I was with Koln and Dortmund fans today who had flown over for the game. They loved Bristol and our cyder and IPAs. Got a bit of info on the guy we're interested in.

    I should say I still think we'll make a domestic appt.

    We are going to be massively underwhelmed arnt we?

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