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Everything posted by Andy082005

  1. They are still helping Pearson up the stairs…. He will be with us shortly
  2. Can we just end the game now? call it a draw and we can all go to bed
  3. Bell and Sykes off get Mehmeti and Weimann on I say
  4. Great advert for tv currently on hold with Sky trying to sign up to a 3 year sky sports package
  5. We have been dreadful. So have Rotherham I hope they get a bollocking at half time
  6. Can’t see to many people signing up for a Sky Sports package based on this….
  7. Two shocking decisions from the ref . First one especially If those had happened in the middle of the park it would have been given as a foul - simple as that
  8. Terrible game so far. Crying out for someone to start taking control
  9. He has come on leaps and bounds in the last 12 months and deserves his payrise A footballers wages should be a reflection of their importance within the team and the future of that team The Sam Bell of now deserves to be paid more than the Sam Bell of 12 months ago.
  10. Well deserved. He has come on leaps and bounds the last 12 months
  11. Do you know what - I’m not fussed either way whether Pearson stays or goes come the end of the season. He has done his job - but - my personal opinion is we should be doing better than what we are. I certainly don’t understand the reaction from some fans that “we must keep Nige at all costs” or “will he stick around” He hasn’t done enough to get a better job then the one he has
  12. I worded it terrible - what I meant was, as sustainable as possible. You are spot on when you say there are no clubs at this level who are sustainable - but a club losing £40m a year is less appealing to a club losing say, £15-£20m That is the one real positive from the last two years. Where as on the pitch we may seem to be treading water - if the pitch we have made big strides around the overall cost of running the club . I’d even argue we have a better squad now than we did 3-4 years ago and will be paying a lot less for the privilege. Credit where credits due on that front Not sure if you have heard anything - but I was informed there had been a little interest from the U.S, but they only wanted the football side of things and not the whole of Bristol Sport
  13. And Scott very much wanted to go. I believe I have posted on here before there was pretty much an agreement in place between Scott and the club that if the price was right, we wouldn’t stand in his way Lansdown wants out. He wants to sell the club - and the only way he will get a decent deal is to pitch it as a club that is sustainable
  14. Except it isn’t . 1 win in 5 at home, and our dismal home form from last season continues
  15. You really are spot on. I scratch my head on the mindset of some fans . We did play some really decent stuff yesterday but to be 2-0 up against a team in 20th - and lose 3-2 is by no means terrific We’ve now got one win in the opening 5 league games. Where as we have improved slightly on last season performance wise - the reality is the end results haven’t Yesterday was far from terrific and was yet another wasted opportunity
  16. How can you say we didn’t crumble? We were 2-0 up and lost 3-2
  17. Not quite sure how you think it’s rare That was a typical Bristol City performance under Pearson. So weak To be 2-0 up against a team that are very average - and to lose 2-3 - is completely unacceptable . Mentally weak I really look forward to the day Pearson moves on .
  18. Agree that was embarrassing today . Saying that - some of those players need to take responsibility to. The defence were pathetic
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