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Everything posted by Andy082005

  1. Why would it put more fans out of pocket? Not ours it wouldn’t
  2. I read the whole interview . I hold no ill feeling towards the lad and wish him all the best - but I stand by what I said. Lots of red flags in that interview, and for me I think we have dodged a bullet.
  3. Pretty simple. Charge them the same in return
  4. I don’t think he really wants promotion. Reading that article there plenty of things in there that concern me far more than him saying moving back home would be a backward step . Like it how he talked about an easy ride before moving to Fulham Always said he and a few others looked like they downed tools that second part of the season after the Manchester games I genuinely think we have dodged a bullet here.
  5. I think there is a big difference between “wanting to leave” and “looking for the next step of your development and career” I don’t believe this lad will follow the coin. Any move will have to be 100% right for his football career Plus - this is a lad who fully recognises the fact this club has opened the door of opportunity for him As I said - there is a mutual respect and understanding there
  6. Will not happen. Scott and the club have a mutual understanding - they are all on the same page. He has told them he wishes to leave for the Prem, however he is fully switched on with how this will play out What sets this lad aside from the rest is he already has the maturity of a 30 year old
  7. Not aimed at yourself Dave - but there are plenty on here who rave on as if Alex Scott is Premier League ready etc. I’ve seen comments describing him as our “greatest ever youngster” etc and you could be forgiven for thinking he is the only up and coming English talent the way some posters carry on He is an incredible talent - with bags of potential - I’m simply saying some people on here make out like he is ready to waltz into a Premier League starting 11. Its a huge step up
  8. I rate Scott massively - however if people on this forum were to take off their rose tinted specs they would admit he still has so much to learn and improve on if he wants to go on and become a regular at a top hitting Prem club How the Scott saga is playing out is exactly how I expected it to. Clubs won’t bid for him straight away - I’d even go as far as to say he may be here the start of the season I expect him to move on towards the end of the transfer window . The club will secretly want to move him on asap though as they may not be able to bring in his long term replacement until that happens
  9. As always - completely nailed this Just to add - Alex Scott has also made it clear he would like to leave when the right opportunity comes along. It’s down to us now to get the right price for him The clubs long term plan does not include Scott for the simple reason he wants to move up a level
  10. Yes mate, pretty much. We offered a 1 year deal which would trigger an extension if/when he played x amount of games
  11. Maybe the length of the contract at Millwall is better then what we were offering
  12. I agree with this. This coupled with the fact perhaps he just decided ‘going back’ was just not right He is still a young bloke, who has lived away from home in London the last few years, as well a good few months in a foreign country Imagine doing all that in any other profession for a few years - then going home back to the same job you had before I personally liked the thought of ‘our legend Joe Bryan’ signing - rather than ‘Joe Bryan signing’ . Pearson is absolutely right in what he says - we need the right type of player with the right mentality here I’m excited about the players we have signed. Throw in a midfielder and perhaps a forward - next season could be a good one
  13. Gonna be Hull City at home I reckon
  14. It will come as no surprise that I don’t work for the Samaritans …..granted
  15. I actually wasn’t bashing the club. At the end of the day - I’ve seen enough since Christmas to say I trust Pearson and the club to make the right decision this summer on recruitment (or at the very least see how things go rolling into next season before I start my one man Pearson out crusade) If it’s not to be with Bryan - so be it .
  16. As mentioned above, apparently we only offered him a 1 year deal. If that’s the case, can’t blame him to be fair
  17. Apparently we only offered him a 1 year deal. If that’s true, can you blame him?
  18. Anyone who carves out a career in professional football has a good career to be fair - I didn’t mean to sound harsh I can remember when he first come through as a youngster - I fancied him to move up to a higher standard than is. He even sniffed around the England U21s
  19. Now there’s a player who promised so much and never quite hit the heights we all thought he could. If I remember rightly, got injured away at Plymouth when in red hot form - and never came back the same (although to be fair - my memory may be a little hazy)
  20. Yeah wasn’t to bad a season could have been better ?
  21. As always, great post Dave - but I can’t help but disagree with the squad comparisons. You have plucked out the top performers there from each club - and I agree they are excellent players, but we do have some good players ourselves. Some of have under performed for this club I don’t think I’m explaining myself properly around my expectations to be fair as I do agree with you - a good summer should see us make some ground . That’s the point I’m making. We are going to finish this season in the realms of mid-table - next season we really should be challenging up and around the play-offs. That should be our aim Ambition for me is year on year progress. I’ve always said that - but people see my posts and get out their pram because they think I’m demanding title winning teams every season. For me - if we finished 8th or 9th next year but had an outside sniff of top 6, that would be progress and success for me. If we can add a bit more consistency to our game - that would be success to We have people on this forum talking about next season being the start of a 3 year plan - I just disagree with that. Even Pearson and Lansdown expect more next season - so I don’t know why some on here don’t
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