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Ronnie Sinclair

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Posts posted by Ronnie Sinclair

  1. 1 hour ago, Northern Red said:

    No doubt they're waiting for a big spike in deaths before they impose anything stricter. "Only" 48 new ones today which isn't enough for them.

    Tbh I think most people are anticipating that we'll be locked down before too long.

    How many is it going to take before the tossers infesting our society start listening? 1,000? 10,000? 100,000?  I rarely get pissed off with anything but the scenes from the seaside has left me fuming, its all 'me me me' these days.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, joe jordans teeth said:

    Starving to death won’t happen but a lot of fatties myself included will lose weight and you will always be able to eat but not 4 kebabs a week,the pollution will cut by 90% because hardly anyone will drive(I just made that figure up but Greta and her gang will be happy) and finally loved ones will not be finished off by ass holes who think I’m alright jack 

    Might be draconian, but all those ******* that converged on seaside resorts today should have their vehicles impounded or something - I was embarrassed to be British at the conduct displayed

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  3. Wife works in B&M in Brislington (the old Toys 'R' Us unit) - bog roll a plenty in there she said (she bought a couple of packets home, but they are required as now I'm working from home I have to do my toilet duties here and not using office 'resources').

    As for panic buyers, is it too much to suggest giving supermarket security guards carte blanche to taser them, in the interests of public decency?

  4. 39 minutes ago, Red-Robbo said:


    That was sort of my thoughts on my first post on this thread. Huge numbers of companies wouldn't survive 6 months of this: not just your local Dog n' Duck, but national chains. Anyone not working in food retailing or medicine basically.

    I'm interested in what the benefit claimant figures will be soon. It was 1.6m before this I think (from memory), but I can see it getting above 10m or more. And with a much smaller tax-base, you wonder where the cash for these benefits is coming from.

    A prolonged virus lockdown will break entire national economies.

    Maybe it IS time for the experts to factor this in and think if there is a way those of us who aren't over 70 or with underlying health issues can all live as normal while keeping strict isolation for those that are. It'll spread, we'll take our chances, but then it'll peak and eventually those isolating can emerge to a world that might look a bit similar.

    It's clear from the large numbers who think they have the disease but haven't been tested (I know of three in Bristol alone) that the genie is out the bottle. Containment has failed. Providing it stays with the healthy and young(ish) population, the NHS may not have to be overwhelmed.

    Is this mad? Thoughts?

    This isn't mad in my view either - I was saying something similar to this to the in-laws last weekend.  Despite a history of health anxiety I'm not worried about contracting it myself but worry about the vulnerable.  Might sound draconian to effectively lock them up for months but if it saves lives the hit might have to be taken. 

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  5. 3 minutes ago, MarcusX said:

    This has all just got a bit too much for me. Following the info I posted above and my Nan being in hospital since that chest infection / pneumonia I sadly got a call this evening to say she’d passed away.

    I don’t know if I had CV, I don’t know if I passed it to her and I don’t know if she had it, but anyone who isn’t taking this isolation and social distancing seriously (especially if it’s because you think you’ll be fine) please re think your decisions and who it could impact.

    I was a bit dismissive of the panic at first and thought maybe some people were being over the top worrying but do what you’ve got to do people. I’ll be the last to compete about a lockdown now, and I certainly couldn’t care less what happens with football anymore.

    please stay safe everyone x


    Sorry for your loss :(

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    24 minutes ago, LondonBristolian said:
    3 hours ago, Ska Junkie said:

    That's worrying as I have my dad, living on his own at 83. He's fiercely independent and I try and pop round a couple of times a week and speak to him most days. Yes, he's a fit 83 but I still don't know whether to keep going round. I'm in and out of hospitals all day at work so am possibly more likely than most to pick this bloody thing up. The last thing I want to do is expose the old fella to more risk!

    What to do for the best? 

    I honestly think the best thing to do is be honest and give him the choice. If he is healthy and has the ability to make an informed decision then it should be his decision. Explain you are concerned, be honest about what you think the risks are and let him decide what he wants you to do.

    Am in a similar boat to an extent - my dad has diabetes, lung disease and lung cancer so a bout of this could finish him off (he's only 68).  Having asked him about it he said he'd rather die of this than the alternative (that's gallows humour for you)

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  7. 2 minutes ago, JamesBCFC said:


    Going to all have a knock on effect.

    If this season is delayed then 2020-21 will potentially be late starting to give players their off season. If we then have Euros in 2021 then that could put a delay in 2021-22 as there will be the international qualifiers to catch up on.

    2022-23 is already messed up with Qatar 2022 in November/December.


    Could potentially be 2023-24 before we have a normally scheduled season again (in worst cases with all delays)

    Messrs Klopp and Guardiola already get their y-fronts in a twist about fixture congestion, this will give them both coronaries

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