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Ronnie Sinclair

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Posts posted by Ronnie Sinclair

  1. 12 hours ago, Kid in the Riot said:


    Someone at my wife's work is returning from N Italy tomorrow and has already been told to work from home for two weeks. 

    Apparently he's had the audacity to be very unhappy about this, despite there being a couple of vulnerable people in the office including a lady who's 7 months pregnant.

    I honestly despair at the selfishness of some people. He could have easily cancelled or postponed his trip, but no he HAD to go despite knowing the possible consequences and is now whinging about it.

    All it takes is a bit of discipline and the virus can't spread. 

    A bloke I work with is going to Italy this weekend skiing for a week - he told HR and they told him not to come in the office when he returns until he's certain he hasn't contracted it.  I would have cancelled the trip myself.  I'm not worried about getting it myself as I am reasonably healthy but I am scared my dad will get it as he has lung disease, diabetes and lung cancer (these are the people we should really be trying to protect)

    • Like 3
  2. 36 minutes ago, pride of the west said:

    Gas have signed 7 players this window but they're all about 19 with about 5 first team games between them. Excluding the keeper who's been around. It's going to ask a lot for that bunch to gel and get up to speed this season. 

    Garner sacked by March then. Happy days. 

    I've heard there is an eighth signing on the horizon - whilst we are signing Filip Benković on loan from Leicester, they are signing Filip Filoppe on a non-contract basis.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  3. 18 minutes ago, Port Said Red said:

    Possible idea for.a tv show? Grounds Under the Hammer, hosted by Dion Dublin of course, I can just see Wael at the back of the room, behind a pillar (as that’s his normal view), bidding against a mysterious bidder who is on the other end of a phone who only seems interested in pushing the price up. 
    Dion then meets him at the ground with his dad behind him, where he states his ambitious plans, but is somewhat vague on the timescale.

    The follow up programme where nothing has happened would appear on the Really channel in about 2030, and consist of Wael blaming Stroud District Council and his own family for the lack of progress.

    and when asked why nothing has happened in the intervening years the answer would be 'these things take time'. (I would argue though the programme should be called 'Homes Under The Tarpaulin' 

  4. 11 minutes ago, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:

    Well, according to some of them they’re bigger than quite a few Championship clubs.

    Sunderland with their huge all seater stadium, recent Premier League history, double FA Cup winners, 6 times League Champions and 30,000 crowds in L1 are positively tinpot compared to the ‘mighty’ gas.

    Deluded idiots. 

    Stadium of Light or Stadium of Shite? Decisions decisions, JCH.....

  5. 3 minutes ago, RedRock said:

    Must have all stopped at the Xmas Market 8n Exeter on the way down. 

    So many competing attractions available for Rovers fans on game days. 

    Stonewall penalty denied for Muff.

    late night shopping at Trago Mills a factor as well I bet (and it’s cold)

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