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Everything posted by tin

  1. I haven’t, no. Far too technical for me and I don’t fully understand it. That said, I don’t think it’s unrealistic for a club of our stature to allocate a large chunk of our budget towards paying a manager who’s been there and done it, and let them choose which players within that budget they want to sign. Bielsa was also on in excess of £60k p/w last season when Leeds were in the Championship. That gamble clearly paid off, regardless of FFP. Not for a second do I think we could get someone of Bielsa’s stature at little old Bristol City, by the way. I strongly suspect we’ll continue to shop for managers in Poundland while the current board is in place and we’ll continue to go round and round on the pitch as a result.
  2. Absolutely. It’s not rocket science to appoint the best manager out there and pay the going rate to do that. The rewards far outweigh the risks, especially if those appointments are on short-term deals. If the PL was to end today, Everton would stand to get £36m in prize money for finishing second plus more money for getting into next year’s Champions League group stages and that’s before all the TV money. That more than pays the wages of Ancelotti, for example.
  3. I’m out of likes but agree with this post, Graham. The question I have is if Holden doesn’t fancy Vyner/Moore as a central two, why bring in Mariappa and not play him - despite telling everyone he’s kept himself fit and is ready to go straight in? Wells is a proven goalscorer at this level. I keep repeating the need for him to start as the central striker, playing the width of the six-yard box where he can utilise his instincts. The problem is where his supply comes from.
  4. If he goes there at this moment in time, I give up with football. He's good enough for us right now, let alone a team 18th in the league below. I can see someone like Cowley taking it on, but I sincerely hope Cook doesn't go there.
  5. None taken. I live five minutes away from the Glos ground and know more City-supporting Glos fans than Sags. That’s not to say I don’t see Sags at Glos, but the whole concept of Glos=Gas is completely false. Also, you’d might be surprised about the amount of City fans heading on the 73 bus down Gloucester Road to the Gate on a match day. Lockleaze is probably the last Sag stronghold in Bristol, IMO.
  6. I didn’t hear anything at Lord’s that day either, but wouldn’t say that it didn’t happen. Generally more City are Glos fans than Sags, it’s just the Sag/Glos fans feel the need to stand out more. I know of one middle-aged chap who goes on England tours and has to wear Gas kit every day along with his massive flag. It’s a bit like small-man’s syndrome
  7. And Jimmy would’ve got there sooner if it wasn’t for those four dollies being dropped. Proud moment.
  8. I don’t think it’s a 4-2-4, my best guess thinks it’s a 4-3-3/4-5-1. It looks like either Afobe in on the left again in a front three, or Weimann and COD will be on the wings in a four-man midfield. Either way, more square pegs in round holes.
  9. Not sure what’s more staggering, the fact COD starts again or it seems Johnson is going with Afobe on the left again. Maenpaa Vyner Williams Baker Dasilva Smith Nagy O’Dowda Weimann Afobe Wells
  10. Wonder how many arrests were made for invading the pitch/goading opposition fans after Lambert's winner at The Mem in 2007?! Yet the Assistant Police Commisioner talks of wasting resources.
  11. Agree on both parts. I mentioned Croft on here a few weeks ago and think he'd be an ideal target for us this summer presuming Norwich would be open to offers. Lawrence was one of a few players showing promise in the lower leagues. Him and Bullard stood out for me. I remember going to Peterborough away a few years ago when we lost 4-1 and Bullard got two screamers and his ability was there for all to see. Sadly, Lawrence did go down very easily but McAllister should've been wise enough to stand him up in the knowledge Stoke play for these set pieces and that he wouldn't get done on the outside for pace. Canny play by the winger though but that's what Premier League experience brings to your team, especially when they were looking to play to their strength's by winning set pieces around the box.
  12. Marvin Elliott for me all the way. People say it takes time for a player to settle in at a new club and he's taking to it like a duck to water whilst adding another dimension to our midfield. Carey second, McIndoe third.
  13. Haha. I've done the same. With Tinman by my side we've won the Div2, Div1, back-to-back, and finished 3rd in Premiership plus grabbed the league cup(2) and the FA cup all in 3 seasons! Now its time for a raid on the Champions League. Me and Tinman would bring unprecedented glory to the Gate.
  14. Has to be Tinman with an experienced sidekick. Someone like Jim Smith or something. Finally we'd have a manager who lives and breathes BCFC and kicks every ball on the touchline instead of shirking away under the dugout!
  15. I'm a student down in Southampton, 20 years old. I reckon we'll get done over again this year and I got an awful feeling that Swindon will swindle us out in a derby day final in Cardiff! Sorry!
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