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Posts posted by Akira

  1. On 11/05/2024 at 12:34, BigTone said:

    MaloneFM was another. Then of course who will forget Giles and his love affair !!! (see "Hiya I'm new here" in archive)

    Appreciate this shout, as definitely don't remember this gem, gonna check it out now, may even roll back the years and check out some of the other classics for old times sake. Some proper hilarious threads, best is still going up to Hartlepool... 🤣

    • Haha 1
  2. On 11/05/2024 at 03:53, Ian M said:

    Anyone who joined in October 2003 probably joined earlier. That’s when we changed to invision. I was madger back in those days.

    How the hell has it taken me over 20 years being on this forum to now only find out about this?! 😂

  3. 18 minutes ago, Derby Boy said:

    We definately got the decisions in this one, I think the ref might have been swayed by the fact he totally screwed us in two previous games when he reffed us.

    Great to hear of a top official being impartial then. 

  4. 1 hour ago, And Its Smith said:

    I’d suggest anyone really angry doesn’t renew. Hit them where it hurts 

    This, 100%.

    Need our fan base to really put on a show of protest against the owners and what they've done. Lying to us fans, treating us like mugs, spouting BS and hiring mediocre in high positions (JL, BT, LM..) 

    Enough is enough. Definition of insanity, doing the same thing and expecting different results. We can't complain if we keep renewing, giving into the 'real fan' idea, and hitting them where it hurts, the pocket. 

    Protesting and staying away doesn't mean you're any less of a fan, it shows you care greatly about your club and you've had enough. A decision that absolutely is NOT taken lightly, and it angers me that it seems this is the only way to get through to them (other than bedsheets/chants at games but this realistically isn't going to happen sadly, not with our fan base now) 

    The arrogance and bullshit that's come from this club is astonishing, and it angers me greatly that not long ago, we were all united as one, heading in the right direction, being able to see what's happening with the team and the reasons for it, felt like we were in safe hands, with someone with vast experience at this level and beyond, who didn't suffer fools gladly. 

    Now we have BT and LM. Great. With JL leading the way as chairman. 

    I've never felt so detached from this club I love. And the increase in ST's just tops it off. 

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    • Facepalm 2
  5. 9 minutes ago, Better Red said:

    The squad is probably best we have had in terms of competition but lacks a sprinkle of magic that all promotion teams need.

    Pearson started it and now it needs 2 or 3 quality signings to add to it and I think we will be closer to the top 6 than we have been in a long time.

    We are having more control in games tonight aside than we have had a long time.

    You can see the pattern of play and a plan.

    Its not quiet there I except but I honestly think we are getting closer to being a top 6 team.

    We are closing the gap to the Coventrys, Watfords etc.. I think we can go and win at these teams when we have everyone fit. 

    We won’t do it this year but next year with the 2 or 3 signings I think we can give it a genuine go.

    It's always next year though ain't it... 


    • Like 3
  6. 1 hour ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    If Cardiff and their case is based to some extent xG for a sadly deceased player- RIP Sala- I don't see how they have a leg to stand on!!


    According to this they're arguing for the fee, £60m plus interest in Lost Revenue from relegation.

    I don't see how you remotely go about proving it, my God. Putting aside the ethics.

    They're now suing McKay for information about his involvement in the transfer. Jeez. 


    • Thanks 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, BigTone said:

    Every year at Christmas our local council (commune) here in France deliver a box of choccies to every resident at Christmas. 

    Today the Mayor knocked on the door with a bottle of Rose, chocolates, Quail & grape pate, Goose pate, nougat & and free christmas tree.  How civilised is that ?

    I love this country.

    That's pretty impressive to be fair. Isn't it a bit 'late' to be getting a Christmas tree though? 

    Lovely gesture. Would never in a million years happen here sadly! 

  8. 2 minutes ago, 2015 said:

    You've changed your tune given the fact you were on NP back from the moment he signed Danny Simpson.

    It's unreal ain't it. This coming from someone who says she's stepped away from watching us, but also says our football under Pearson was awful. 

    Any stick to try and beat Pearson with, she'll use it. 

    Not everyone is happy with this appointment, and rightly so. We had a manager in place, and have been lied to by the board. By their own admission, it's gotta be top 6 or this guy is out. Otherwise their lies and BS is exposed even further. 


    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, Riaz said:

    Just watched all 42 minutes 💤

    To be fair, i think Jon Lansdown was on a hiding to nothing. Whatever he said, was going to be criticised.

    I was really disappointed by this interview - it felt like two mates down the pub having a chat. To be fair to Joe, he's new in the job - so asking the hard questions, was never really going to happen.

    My thoughts for what its worth:

    They spoke about social media - couldnt care less

    They spoke about communication - couldnt care less.

    Said they want whats best for the club - I do actually believe that.

    He criticised the time off during international breaks - Sorry Jon, but i trust Dave Rennie and Nigel Pearson, alot more than you. They have more expertise and have been there and done it.

    Spoke that alot of the Alex Scott money, that they were going to spend, was spent before hand, so they werent held to ransom - i accept that and thought that was the case.

    Spoke about where we are in the table - think this is gaslighting. Two of the more easier games coming up - win those and we are top half - the timing of this sacking and then complaining about league position - you are trying to pull the wool over our eyes.




    Think I need a lie down. Since Pearson was wrongfully sacked, all things football-related, I've actually agreed with you Riaz. 

    The interviews stink. Lansdowns have stunk the place out. How on earth has a man with no credentials been given the role of chairman? And how has tins got the director role?? And we have NO CEO, but we're told by the owners son, we don't need one? Riiiiight. 

    I'm still in shock with how bad the past couple of weeks have been for our club. We're going to make the same mistakes over and over again with these clowns at the helm. 

    I've had mates ask me who I want in as a manager. My response has been, what does it matter? These guys are the ones pulling the strings. We had a great manager in charge, but his face didn't fit. So unless it's a yes man, they won't be happy. And if its rotten at the top, then it doesn't matter who is beneath them.

    • Like 6
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  10. 21 minutes ago, Winterstoke toad said:

    What a ******* joke 

    **** the lansdowns 

    I'm absolutely livid at this. **** both the Lansdowns. Get out of our club. 

    Best manager we've had in a long time, selling our best players, and not giving any back whilst letting Ashton and Co run wild with our finances. 

    Jon is an absolute disgrace of an appointment, which screams nepotism, something we've had a problem with previously (remember when LJ wouldn't get dropped in Midfield?) 

    Utterly disgraceful decision. Genuinely angry and really annoyed at this. The club has finally tipped me over the edge with this one. Another in a long list of ridiculous mistakes the hierarchy have made. 

    We need new ownership. SL & JL = GET OUT OF OUR CLUB. 

    • Like 4
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  11. 2 hours ago, Colombo Robin said:

    Hi Akira,

    Comparing ourselves to others around us is something we all do and can indeed lead to bad feelings but keep in mind that your job and earnings will never define you as a person. The relationships you have with those close to you is a much better measure of who you are and this IS something within your control. Alain de Botton wrote a great book called Status Anxiety exploring exactly this. There's a documentary also that i think is on youtube. I found it quite helpful when frustrated with injustices i saw around me, where some real a**holes seemed to have everything and some really good people struggling financially. Like you said it can lead to feelings of worthlessness, often for completely undeserving people. As i grew older, met more people and worked in a number of different countries and contexts i came to the conclusion that the idea of this supposed meritocracy in which we live in is in many many cases a bit of a con to put it politely.  But also, and more importantly, materialistically there are haves and have nots, but excluding extreme poverty, both sides are just as prone to depression and mental health issues as each other. Sounds cliche but having a flash car really doesnt make someone happy. People make people happy

    I guess my point is this, if you find yourself comparing yourself to others focus on the connections you have with people around you which is much more meaningful than the amount of stuff you own. 

    Your post really resonated with me and it was great that you shared it. Happy to chat anytime. 

    Thanks to those who reached out and replied. Guessing I wasn't quick enough with deleting or editing my post ? but as you can probably tell, was feeling really down. 

    Just reading the replies has actually helped, reading that others have struggled in similar situations, similar thoughts etc, means a lot so thanks for sharing and also caring. 

    Some nice words said, so thank you ?

    • Like 2
  12. 5 minutes ago, Super said:

    If it was a lesser player he would be already out of the club.

    He is a lesser player. He's the worst one there imo. Maybe not on the pitch, but off it, but my god, what we've all seen and heard, he can rot in the lowest of all leagues. Sadly he's been picking up £70k a week or whatever all this time, so no matter what happens, he's made for life and probably doesn't give a shit what Man Utd do. 


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