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Everything posted by frenchred

  1. And long they may continue until the clown goes
  2. Of shite from top to bottom. This club is blessed with an owner who appears doesn't want to know, passes the back to his useless son. A manager whose fault is never his despite playing players out of position every game, falls out with players on a regular basis and employes coaching staff who appear as clueless as he is. A keeper who can't keep, a defence who can't defend, a midfield lacking in everything needed in the modern game and an attack starved of service. An absolutely pathetic showing (yet again) Pearson please go because this club is going backwards under you despite all the happy clappers telling us of progress. 23000 today! Hahahaha
  3. No it doesn't at all, it just proves OUR club has been run by mad men and it was allowed to happen by those at the top. Doesn't mean all clubs are in the same boat at all
  4. Season ticket holder mate, probably been going longer than you been alive!
  5. What a fantastically low bar you have set. "We aren't getting hammered anymore"! Wow, We are still regularly picking up the same amount of points per game "0" hence our league position. Despite his charm offensive, he's not getting the best out of the players at his disposal and should go
  6. There's only one stat that matters and it certainly ain't xg! Dress it up how you like
  7. it’s because of appointments like johnson we are in this shit state
  8. frenchred


    And that's what it should go back to now!
  9. frenchred


    What made it different was I didn't watch them
  10. Yep I really like the butchers block and they provide most of the pubs/workman's in portishead with their meat raffle meat! I just find woods in shire a bit better value for money
  11. frenchred


    Refuse to watch this crap anymore since they gave it to Hamilton. It's not even a sport!
  12. Got better stats than the current clown
  13. No matter what position we are in as a club and we appear to be in a shit state I agree, our situation is being exasperated by a coach with dated ideas who insists on playing players out of position. People would (I believe) be more forgiving if he was not so pig headed and appeared to be helping our situation Until that happens I am firmly in the Pearson out camp
  14. frenchred


    Yeah nothing to do with anyone else just Pearson's mate
  15. frenchred


    Absolute bollocks, king is an accident waiting to happen, he should be nowhere near the first team in any position, only gets in as he's Pearson's mate. Vyner should have been centre back in the middle and plenty of choice to play either side of him
  16. frenchred


    I think you are being blinded by bullshit! The only thing he can trust "kingy" for at CB is at least one mistake a game on average, often costing us points. Atkinson it could be argued was our best defender by far prior to the break, maybe the manager is finding it difficult to manage
  17. frenchred


    A proper manager does not continue to select his mates to the detriment of the club. Clueless, time to go
  18. That'll be the tomori who has had a shocker of a season up to now yeah?
  19. Woods in shirehampton. Great value, great service and great meat!
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