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Everything posted by frenchred

  1. I used to rate this ref, he's either been got at by FIFA or is just as spineless as the rest of them. Messi is a cheating argie asshole
  2. Do you think we might gloat a bit if we win anything? I would!
  3. Can't see the master controller selling 51%, maybe 49%
  4. Someone (normally you) will accuse someone of it
  5. Vincent company and bilic don't appear to be doing to badly
  6. And the same reason the darts gave Fallon sherrock a free pass into the world's. Unfortunately the leading female darts player is not quite as marketable!
  7. The same reason as SKY don't employ them!
  8. Yeah but that doesn't fit today's "agenda"
  9. Whatever, maybe just more tolerant than you, can't beat seeing a nice bit of totty ?
  10. I believe Liverpool city council had the balls not to implement it after a huge backlash in manchester
  11. I don't believe you were (are) in the strikers union, I would hazard a guess that you've never played the game. if that's a penalty in the game is completely gone!
  12. After watching the last gutless cup game my mind ney will be staying firmly in my pocket for this one!
  13. Well they are manager less at the moment
  14. Yep, I get all that my post was more about the reception he got frommfansnand his football ability. I never watched the show in its prime as I just didn't find baddiel and skinner funny, and still don't! Take your point though
  15. Late notice I know as they kick off at 2 pm I think. I have 2 tickets that I can e mail out if anyone wants them?
  16. Absolute bollocks regarding Jason Lee, it was not the fact he had dreadlocks it was that he shaped them in the form of a pineapple! Are we now saying that society views pineapples as racist? Did you see him play? He tumbled down the league's because basically he was shit!
  17. Pathetic is my opinion, 26 players out, I bet a good number of them only sit on the bench. Rugby do it for the life of me I can't see why the champ had to be called off
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