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Everything posted by frenchred

  1. Don't really know why the champs was suspended at all. No need
  2. The blokes on holiday FFS, give him a break!
  3. They won't and they are playing a half decent team whereas we played the us of bloody a
  4. Dress it up all you want USA are not a good team. We made them look one!
  5. At this moment with the negative muppet in charge, no. But we have the players to be better than them yes
  6. With all at his disposal he should be winning tournaments What's he won?
  7. I'm fed up with people making excuses for Southgate and shouting that those of us who want him gone only shout when we are losing. No we don't. The bloke is the most negative coach to have held the role, his substitutions and game management are pathetic. To keep selecting his favourites is wrong. If the muppet concentrated on football instead of all the peripheral crap we might actually win something. To actually claim after the game he enjoyed how we created from the back sums him up! The quicker he is gone the quicker we can move forward
  8. I think that shows how wrong we were and not Dave!
  9. Oh dear, had a bit of a mare there in holier than thou towers
  10. The absolute worst thing a parent can go through. I hope the whole family are able to find peace.
  11. As per Davefevs previous post 52 and a half minutes average in the champ. That's a lot of time for the ball NOT to be in play!
  12. Did you miss the injury to the Saudi player?
  13. I might stay until 90th minute if I knew there was gonna be loads added!
  14. It's not exactly Argentina s fault is it. Its the use of VAR yet again
  15. That's a bit of a warped argument in all fairness, defend better!
  16. Fifa have certainly Not said it was a mistake, did you not hear the clowns soea h prior to the world Cup? Blatter said it was a mistake, the man banned from football for ummm awarding the world Cup to Qatar!!
  17. Here is Collina 'explanation You haven't seen it before because refs just don't add on the correct time lost! Chairman of Fifa's referees committee Pierluigi Collina confirmed last week that fourth officials had been instructed to keep track of time lost during the game during the tournament in Qatar, something they had also tried to do at the previous World Cup in Russia in 2018. "In Russia, we tried to be more accurate in compensating for time lost during games and that's why you saw six, seven or even eight minutes added on," he told reporters at a pre-tournament briefing. "Think about it: if you have three goals in a half, you'll probably lose four or five minutes in total to celebrations and the restart." The result of this new approach was a number of records being broken
  18. Keepers injury? 8 goals, god knows how many subs
  19. Great ain't it! Head of refs, Collina, said we asked the 4th officials to keep track of lost time in Russia and it sort of worked, we have asked them to be more accurate this time around" roughly translated. Think it's great, been a long time advocate of taking timekeeping away from refs as would stop the sheff utd's of this world with their antics. Hope it finds its way into domestic football
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