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Everything posted by Taz

  1. If your after the highlights package, it is now on ITV4 (basically the old Quest programme but without Colin Murray). Alternatively Sky are usually pretty good with highlights, but that can be anything from about 1 minute up to 10..
  2. It can/does carry on down the chain, so long as every transfer is bigger than the previous one. For example, if he signs for Leicester in 2 years time for £15m, Peterborough will get cut of the profit (assuming they've added one which I suspect they have), we get a cut, and then so do Colchester. If however he moves for £1m, then nobody gets anything as the fee is lower than the previous one. Stand to be corrected, but pretty sure that's how it generally works.
  3. He ran into the centre circle, pulled down his shorts and took a dump in the middle of the pitch. The referee didn't realise and stepped in it.
  4. So did they all just sell up and move? No property developer buying all the houses to build a huge shopping centre? I'd have just had an extremely large explosion happen to wipe everyone out.
  5. That's almost as bad as Rivaldo for Brazil in the world Cup, when he was waiting for the ball back to take a corner!!
  6. Also it may be worth pointing out, that the bigger fees we received - Webster, Kelly, Reid, Bryan etc, were for players who were clearly playing a level below where they could/should be. I would argue that a blind man with his arms tied behind his back could have negotiated as good a deal(s) for these players. Yes Ashton was good at getting deals done, however was that because he was so public with it when it was done - "I've done this, I've done that" etc etc. What about the Engvals? I'd argue that put Gould in the same position with the same players to sell, as well as the same market conditions (pre Covid) and he would get at least an equal amount in the sales column. Gould has overseen a a few departures of Ashtons vastly bloated salaries as well - notably Palmer to Coventry. Leave Ashton in charge of getting rid of him, and he'd probably still be here.
  7. You talking about Neighbours, or.........
  8. We considered adoption before, but due to this working and only having a 2 bed house, it's not an option at the moment. That being said we may well do if/when we have a bigger place as there are plenty of children out there who have a shit time of it, and we can give them something they don't currently have.
  9. You know what, I've refrained from posting in response to this ******* before on this thread, but this has pushed the button for me. As another father of an IVF child who is 2 this year, me and my wife tried many years but due to some unknown reason(s) on my wife's side, we were unable to have a child "naturally". Long story short, the eggs weren't embedding and the chances of it happening without going down the IVF route, we were told it would probably never happen. We were under the NHS and after jumping through many hoops, we found out that she was pregnant - the day before we went into the first lockdown. He is by far our biggest accomplishment, and when he can understand how and why, we won't hesitate to tell him how and why we had to go through IVF. What gives you the right to turn around and preach to the world saying that people going through IVF shouldn't be allowed to do so, because of climate change? Were you dropped on your head as a child, or are you just a complete tosser? I'm usually a big advocate for attacking the post and not the poster, however on this occasion you're an exception you ignorant cockwomble.
  10. Hopefully the op proves successful, cancer is an awful disease that unfortunately still takes far too many lives. Football allegiances mean nothing when something like this is involved. Really hope that there is some positive news on the end of this.
  11. To be honest to get anything for a player that was a disruption to others at the club, and clearly didn't want to be here, is a huge bonus. Most would probably have been happy to see him go on a free and offered to drive him there themselves!
  12. Well put. This isn't the first time a player (young or not) has been left out of a team because they won't sign a new contract. It's a catch 22 situation, as a manager you want him to play to develop the player and to help him move onto the next level. That being said though, when said player is not one of the best players in the squad, how can you warrant starting him every week? You can't just pick him in the hope that he may decide to sign a contract that's been on the table for numerous months. I think Pearsons stance is fair. He won't commit to the club, Pearson is trying to build a squad capable of pushing up the table, because let's be fair his job is ultimately on the line, so how can you build something for the future when a squad player is undecided what he wants to do in his own future? I'm under no illusions that Han will get minutes (NP has said so himself), but as a squad player, he has to settle for a place on the bench. If/when he gets his chance, because he will, he needs to grab it with both hands and make it impossible for Pearson to drop him again. Unfortunately, under 3 different managers, Han is yet to do that. I like him, he has potential (as pointed out he is a similar age to our other young prospects), and I hope he signs. That being said, he is far from being one of the best members of the squad. Harsh maybe, but he needs to kick on. For himself if nothing else.
  13. What's also interesting is the fact that CDM is a position we're crying out for really, and you have to assume that the management here have looked at playing Moore in that position, but still don't like him there - whether that's because of his ability/ceiling, or his tendency to "switch off" during games and always looking like he has a mistake in him, who knows. It will be interesting if Cotts can get him playing well in that position, because as we know, he is great at getting the best out of his players. It will be something worth keeping an eye on. If he does do well there in that position, of course you have the argument that it's then at a lower level than we are currently at, so could he have done it here as well?
  14. Just listened online, good honest assessment from Nige as ever, without giving too much away with regards to who he sees as being the bulk of the first 11, and/or players who have impressed, although Kadji was mentioned as one who he likes. On to Han Noah, great lad but for me hasn't done much to warrant a big improvement with regards to contract terms. In some respect he needs to look at the example that Taylor Moore set a few years ago - accept the offer on the table but maybe try and negotiate a better one based on targets set in the next. He took a wage cut to prove his worth. Now granted, it didn't work out for Moore, but you can't fault players like that. He had a belief that he could make it here, and was quite willing to accept lower terms over a short contract to prove that, which he did. Unfortunately for him he's out on loan for the last year of his deal, but I respect him for what he did. Han and his representatives, have maybe brought into the hype that surrounded him when he first signed too much. The market has changed, clubs are less willing to take a chance on players if they don't know how and where they would fit into their teams. Unless they know of something behind the scenes, I'd say they are playing a very dangerous game.
  15. If your set on a laptop though, maybe try a chrome book? More basic than a laptop (no disc drive), but if you want one at some point get an external drive. From what you say, a decent tablet would probably be just as good.
  16. To be fair to the club, there are very few young players (or players in general) that are released and deemed "not good enough" that come back and bite us on the backside. I say not many, as there probably are one or two over the years, but I can't actually think of any currently (may be the covid fog I have though!) Yes we have players that are poached and then prove decent enough, however that is different as there isn't a lot we can do about those. Some players need to be released as it kicks them up the backside and makes them want to prove that they should have been kept, others just go down the leagues. I hope Britton has a decent career, proves himself in Ireland and gets a decent move off the back of it. Facts show though, that he probably won't get back to this level. As for the reported interest in League clubs that were interested in loans, if they were that interested then surely they would have taken him on once we released him? Even if they couldn't register him as outside of a window, surely he would have gone to train and get ready for the next available chance to register as a new player?
  17. Undisclosed so very probably very little, if anything at all. It's probably very heavily based on future appearances, clauses, and maybe a sell-on. Quite clear we just wanted him out the door, so any club that was interested would be stupid to not push for a free transfer, unless of course there was interest from other parties. Would say good luck, but he clearly didn't give a damn about the club so **** him. Least he's gone.
  18. Needed a move from Spurs for a long while before he left. This move may have come too little too late for him. Far from being over the hill, he really has to knuckle down and kick on again though, otherwise he's going to be one of those players that nobody wants because he's on too much money and doesn't give you a return for it. Touch or no touch from the keeper, it could have put Alli off slightly. That being said, he really should have connected better with it. I actually think Everton could really struggle this year.
  19. One quote this morning - from one I know - We need a bigger stadium end of - 15k. I really can't be bothered to ask him why ?
  20. I wish you'd have said sooner, I'm sat here in a pair of shorts, t shirt and flip flops (sliders are something you find in a park) freezing me wotsits off ?
  21. Quite fitting in that case - in a babestation at half-time kind of way.....
  22. Thanks, may give it a read if I can find it cheap enough. Wilson didn't really do a lot in hindsight, especially for the drinking culture around the club at the time. Think the only reason Peacock was left out of the team that time after sleeping in a ditch was because he was physically unable to play!!
  23. Anybody read the Christian Roberts book, and is it worth a read? Have been tempted for a while but price fluctuates quite a bit.
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