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Barrs Court Red

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Everything posted by Barrs Court Red

  1. They have a home game vs Brighton while Burnley are away at Spurs. I think that may well be key into how it shakes out.
  2. Listening to 3 non entities isn’t my bag, but fair play if there’s a market for it, fill your boots.
  3. All you do is moan about the club anyway.
  4. It won’t happen, but I’d love to see the ref be able to call “time off” when there’s an injury ect, like in rugby and the time is displayed in the ground.
  5. My kids always insist on getting something from the Jolly Hog, it’s really good stuff. Although yeah, pulled pork should oink off back to 2010, it’s had it’s day!
  6. It’s woeful in terms of range, which is frustrating as what they do put out is generally decent stuff. To give an example of where Bristol Sport (I’m assuming merch is their operation) they’ve missed out on at least £30 off me in the last couple of weeks. 1) boy needs a gum shield for rugby. Can’t see any sold on the online store. How hard can it be to produce and store a bears branded plastic mouth piece? 2) Boy also really wants the city home keeper shirt. Whenever I’ve checked it’s been out of stock. Annoying, but one of those things. Then this week, an advert pops up advertising it for £20 - I click the link and…sold out in all sizes. Fingers crossed the new arena build will mean the retail side of things improves 10 fold, because for a club that’s often pleading poverty, it doesn’t really seem to try very hard to increase revenue streams.
  7. No, they’ve annoyingly stopped it - I think they only did it for the first couple of years.
  8. Because if they put it on the cycle path for example, the cycle lobby would have a meltdown - which happened the last time the Bristol to Bath rail/cycle path was suggested (90s?) for example. Fun fact, Avon Valley Railway was intending to extend the track all the way to Bath and run services. Unfortunately, due to our laughable rail structure, they would have had to open it up for rival franchises, which made it unviable.
  9. It’s so they can announce it all again in a pre election budget within a year or two, to make it look like they’re spending big on infrastructure .
  10. After nearly a decade of smoking meat it seemed a worthwhile investment. It’s bloody heavy mind you - and doesn’t have a bottle opener.
  11. A Masterbuilt 800. I think Costco have them for around £600 but they don’t come with the Griddle plate that they normally come with elsewhere.
  12. I got a digital one for my birthday for that exact reason. In some ways it’s taken the “romance” out of the process but for longer cooks it’s a god send
  13. Sort of, it’s a bbq smoker
  14. This weekends effort. 7 hour smoked pork belly
  15. Tempted to get one as the kids are really enjoying going this season, it’s been over 10 years since my last one I reckon. The P&R from Bris swings it for me. Easy enough to rock up at the ground around an hour before kickoff without the faff of finding somewhere to park or the kids getting bored. Not overly bothered by the less than exciting football, as the enjoyment comes from the kids enjoying it, if that makes sense? Decent price as well in the family bit.
  16. Yeah that was an expensive one..,although I seem to remember a few chaps procuring some free booze ?
  17. You down here tonight? Not many about so looks like a low crowd
  18. Liam Fontaine when he was off form toward the end of his time with us.
  19. Not sure the region has the collective political will to see through a costly, long term project; even one that would deliver the best outcomes. The various leaders are now arguing over where WECA should be based. An underground, even if only partially underground would potentially be a game changer as it would avoid the very problems causing the congestion in Bristol (assuming it would be segregated).
  20. I don’t think that is necessarily true - because it hasn’t hampered Bears. When Bristol Rugby rebranded, Bears identified a clear aim, and a strategy to get there. An ethos set from the top, clear standards for the players and even a social media persona. With City everything feels like lip service. We heard plenty about “identity” and DNA over recent years but it’s not really been anything other than a sound bite, mainly because the top structure is so different - you won’t see the Bears chairman trolling fans on Twitter for instance. I guess the difference is how fans are valued and respected - Bristol Sport isn’t in that game, and wouldn’t set that standard.
  21. I may well have missed subsequent broadcasts from our dear and benevolent owner; but has he said much since he got on camera following a couple of Holden wins to say how great things were going and how the megamind duo of Ashton and JL were absolute right to pick Holden. It was quiet the exercise in self congratulation and to me sums up why the club could be construed as passive - The owner is happy as long as he’s shown to be right. And it’s sad that it’s got to that, as there are some elements to be really proud of over the years.
  22. I haven’t driven down for either football or rugby since the Bris Park&Ride service was stood up. I really can’t fault it, and although there were some teething issues it seems to work much better post match now. Problem is though, expanding that service from other locations costs money, and it’s pretty clear that no one involved really wants to fund an expansion. This may force the issue. As it is there is a new P&R site at Yate, with one planned for the M32. They could easily be serviced by a single route on matchdays.
  23. Sent these to someone at another club, their view was a decent price, but pointed out that there will likely be a load of Tuesday games next season due to World Cup - anyone know if that’s likely to be the case?
  24. The “value” of Sky Sports has declined massively over the years, but the cost has never reflected it. Champions League, FA Cup, Rugby Union, Test Cricket (away, including ashes) have gone. It’s not been all one way, the F1 coverage is genuinely excellent and a worthy addition, and I know this will make some cry, but The Hundred is very entertaining. There does seem to be a huge lack of variation and innovation with Sky though. No VR coverage further than Oculas headsets annoys me while the new Sky Glass service is seemingly just a rental TV with a built in box. If it wasn’t for a very good offer from Virgin I probably wouldn’t bother having both Sky and BT sport. Now Prem Rugby has its own streaming service, BT isn’t the only place I can watch it although I love watching the Italian football on a Sunday for the nostalgia factor.
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