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Barrs Court Red

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Everything posted by Barrs Court Red

  1. I searched for news about him after his appearance yesterday, so thanks for posting this. Got to give the guy a tonne of credit for appearing when he’s clearly struggling.
  2. Depends on the ownership situation over the next 6 to 12 months I guess. Personally I would agree with Tom, that the summer and a block of games should be fair. I’ll caveat that with the expectation that the summer window will see a number leave, and then be replaced. If that doesn’t happen, then not sure what the point would be in him staying. Transfers (and the transfer strategy) will of course depend on whose running the club in the window. New owners may choose to go in a different direction
  3. Probably pretty quiet tomorrow…
  4. Met up with a friend whose very senior at a football club, and asked them about the problems that seem to be present lately. His clubs view is that it’s youngsters, who don’t seemingly fear the pretty light touch consequences for misbehaving- these lads aren’t getting the 6’o clock knocks we saw in the 90s clampdown. Now it’s a polite warning and at worse a temporary ban.
  5. I thought City played some fantastic football tonight. Some genuinely exciting young players growing into their careers can only be another positive. If Pearson can solve the defensive frailties over the summer I think we could be in for a lot more highs than lows. Just got to grind out the rest of this season as well as possible.
  6. On programmes…I found one in the keepsake cupboard today, I wasn’t even aware I had it.
  7. Very much doubt it, as he’s continually made the same mistakes over 2 decades.
  8. My view is that Pearson is doing the dirty work needed to stop the rot, and I firmly believe things are turning around slowly but surely. I desperately want to see what he can do with another window of transfers at least. In the other corner we have JL, who as chairman has just overseen one of the most catastrophic periods in the clubs history, somehow surpassing the absolute mess he made a decade earlier the last time daddy let him loose. As chairman his failings are directly the reason City are “underperforming”, chiefly by letting our previous CEO assemble a costly yet ultimately disinterested squad.
  9. I didn’t have time to read it as I was running late, but I thought there was a change of use planning notice outside the Riser. Will it reopen as a pub?
  10. Ball carrier not releasing - big screen shows otherwise….
  11. 2nd home game running with a bent ref. A bridge too far this time.
  12. Nualango tearing guys in half and scoring tries. Love it
  13. I was going to go out there for the other cup, then Covid hit. Annoyingly we’re going to Ibiza near to the final, and I can’t justify both, because like you say, it would be lush (and a lot less tricky than a football trip there).
  14. I think top 6 is probably fantasy land at this point, but looking and recent seasons, both Wasps and Quins have both managed unlikely finishes in the league, after being written off by Christmas. Having Nualago fit and firing was a big difference today. If you didn’t see the game, I really hope the highlights showing him absolutely smash a Newcastle player, it was a hell of a hit. As for champs cup, miles off. That being said, they’ve got the ability to hurt anyone.
  15. I got a 2008e and it’s absolutely fantastic. Easily fits in the wife kids and dogs, charges overnight on my drive, or in 30mins with a rapid charger.
  16. Bristol were brilliant today, despite one of the worst refereeing performance in some time.
  17. The whole thing was weird. That Rob F seemed to take the brunt of the North Street mafia. Worked out alright in the end I guess, and relations must have thawed considering Bristol Beer factory have the supply monopoly at the Gate, meanwhile the AV residents are moaning because their bus service has been cut, as it’s not viable. Delicious.
  18. Oh it was nothing really. Once of those AV muppets reported my comment to the police and BBC (randomly), so the police had to look into it.
  19. I remember joining as a teen, and was banned shortly after, so spent a few years on Rivals.net, which was another cracking forum. The police actually looked into my comments made on here about placing landmines and snipers nests around Ashton Vale when that village Green nonsense was going on. Amazing how easily outraged some folk are. Another thing that sticks in my mind was Sarah B and her ummm fondness of Steve Brooker. Ive met a few people off here over the years, and still keep in contact with a few. I think pretty much all of them have left here now.
  20. People knew about his activities at least last year. People knew about Ryan Giggs behaviour toward women in the 90s, said nothing; undoubtedly because he was a valuable asset. Saville? People knew. Weinstein? People knew. Eipstien was so brazen he was taking the world elite to his dirty little island. It’s got to stop - journalists may be bound by shady super injunctions, but the police need to start getting their shit together on domestic violence. These things shouldn’t be brushed under the carpet because someone has connections or fancy legal teams. As as starting point, it’s way past time for a domestic violence offenders register.
  21. Fun fact, they were offered a site in that area relatively recently. I believe another sporting organisation are now going to develop it instead ?
  22. My lad wanted a Bears away kit for Christmas, but could only have the shirt as his Grandad was told in the shop “we don’t sell the shorts”. It’s baffling how poor the retail side of things is. I can get a collar for the dog yet I can’t get a branded boot bag for my girl, or a golf umbrella for myself.
  23. It’s funny how coke use has exploded in the last 20 years. It went from something you’d see on naughty football coaches to pub toilets in a short space of time, with some “high profile” (and I use the term loosely) appearing in all the tabloids because her nose was falling apart through its use. A few years ago I did a mid day pub crawl with a mate one Xmas eve, and started in the Hanham spoons for a microwaved breakfast. The queue to have a line at 11am was longer than the one to get a beer at the bar.
  24. Well done Steve, another fine mess your boy has got us into. No one could have predicted Covid, but run away costs and failure were always likely and predictable with that leadership team. It’s convenient that the two orgs that have needed careful management over this period as they take off (Bears and Ashton Gate) don’t seem to have had this issue, and have thrived as organisations.
  25. There’s another element of the same thing, which made me disbelieve it was true when I was told - The Bristol strategy for transport over that period has no provision for this site. I found that surprising. Not really sure why everything’s hidden. I suspect Wally certainly wasn’t meant to blab it in public like he did.
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