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Barrs Court Red

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Everything posted by Barrs Court Red

  1. It’s funny how coke use has exploded in the last 20 years. It went from something you’d see on naughty football coaches to pub toilets in a short space of time, with some “high profile” (and I use the term loosely) appearing in all the tabloids because her nose was falling apart through its use. A few years ago I did a mid day pub crawl with a mate one Xmas eve, and started in the Hanham spoons for a microwaved breakfast. The queue to have a line at 11am was longer than the one to get a beer at the bar.
  2. Well done Steve, another fine mess your boy has got us into. No one could have predicted Covid, but run away costs and failure were always likely and predictable with that leadership team. It’s convenient that the two orgs that have needed careful management over this period as they take off (Bears and Ashton Gate) don’t seem to have had this issue, and have thrived as organisations.
  3. There’s another element of the same thing, which made me disbelieve it was true when I was told - The Bristol strategy for transport over that period has no provision for this site. I found that surprising. Not really sure why everything’s hidden. I suspect Wally certainly wasn’t meant to blab it in public like he did.
  4. It’s not a gun jumped, so much as it’s not really in Al Fraudys hands to do anything. He’s not driving this, it’s a consortium and the stadium is only a piece of it. It’s certainly been coming, and has been for a few years. Long before people got wind of it, as I guess you’d expect. I’m genuinely fascinated by how this will play out.
  5. Yeah, convenient for them that they found some gullible sap that could help them repurpose a dilapidated but listed building AND get tens of millions of taxpayers cash spent on making it accessible. Biggest question that needs asking, is did discussions on the Fruit Market site began before or after the decision was made to write off the money spent on arena island, and if before, did it factor in the decision to abandon the city centre arena.
  6. How fascinating it would be if someone in Bristol with some time on their hands submitted a FOI request for details of all formal and non-formal meetings and correspondence involving the deputy mayor, mayor and officials from Rovers, from say, 2016 onward.
  7. Anyone remember why the supporters trust was established? I do - because the woeful management of the owner at the time. Gold Star for anyone who can name who the owner was at the time…
  8. I thin your a **** but this is absolutely spot on.
  9. And all that debt is due to HIS decisions. Mr “I won’t spent my money for other peoples enjoyment” back when we were in league 1, struggling due to HIS woeful choices of manager. Let’s not forget the reason we got relegated from the Championship the first time was because he decided to absolutely ravage spending, only to then ramp it back up following relegation- all because HE decided to give his son the job as CEO, one he was massively out of his depth in- and yet here we are, in the same scenario 10 years later.
  10. Up the Bears. Solid defence against a strong Worcester side with flashes of brilliance creeping back into the to Bristol forward play. Tom Whiteley with a debut try that out Uren to shame. page turned? Maybe. With the injured players to return things are looking up.
  11. 10,000 season tickets sold. Phenomenal vindication of the rebrand, and the whole approach that the club has taken.
  12. Nicks hunt for the spawning ground of the plastic chair leads him to wild scrub land on the outskirts of Bristol. "The chairs will be mine" he said, with a sinister laugh"
  13. “I found out yesterday for the first time that we only have 3,416 seats here, and the way we are going that isn’t enough to accommodate the following we are gathering." How on earth can the chairman not know how many seats a football club has? SURELY that's a huge part in financial planning when setting prices. Unbelievable.
  14. I can't read it either. It just seems to be a collection of morons - the other sag forum seemed to inherit the more eloquent posters.
  15. The policy of signing older "names" has been proven to have been a failure. Bristol seem to have learnt from this, so I would be disappointed if we go for Stringer, even though the guy has been a fantastic player.
  16. I'd love to fly a drone over the Minimal on a match day playing "mind the gap" on a loop - the meltdown would be apocalyptic.
  17. I don't know. Maybe they've decided not press on without land ownership, maybe they've acquired the land in principle.
  18. Apparently quite the kerfuffle yesterday, with the Chairmans office and its surrounds sealed off as the negotiations got the critical stage. Something with substance will soon be announced, but as ever, the devil will be in the detail.
  19. They may well be an announcement in the next week or so
  20. Ah April, the time of year where work on UWE is rumoured imminent before the annual "before the autumn" announcement is made not long after.
  21. I need to negotiate the former with she who must be obeyed
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