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Northern Red

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Everything posted by Northern Red

  1. I think this weekend will be off, but midweek and next weekend should be okay (if the funeral is next Saturday, games shifted to Sunday).
  2. Man Utd game goes ahead tonight "following direction from the FA and UEFA" It'll be for individual sports to decide. Will also depend on when the funeral takes place.
  3. Witchell - 'it's not for us to speculate'. Then proceeds to speculate for several minutes.
  4. My Auntie's maiden name was Conway, she was born in England and lived all her life over here but her family hail from Mayo originally, though most now reside around Dublin/Kildare. We were at a family wedding last Saturday, when we checked the latest scores and noted that Tommy had scored against Blackburn, the question was asked as to whether we knew if he had any Irish connections!
  5. With a surname like that I wouldn't be surprised if there's Irish heritage in there as well.
  6. Due to the location of Brighton's stadium and the heavy reliance on trains to get people in and out, this is somewhat of a special case, particularly as they're playing their biggest rivals. Don't expect it to become the norm.
  7. I realise that it's a novel suggestion, but anyone who doesn't find it interesting could always not bother reading it?
  8. Di Matteo lasted 6 months after winning the Champions League with them.
  9. Wouldn't surprise me. I'd really like one of the bigger clubs to give Graham Potter a shot though.
  10. Those first two defeats for Man Utd allowed a few clubs with major issues to go under the radar, Chelsea being one of them.
  11. Cracking game. I think I still have it on video somewhere.
  12. Tbh we've already seen that last season, there were plenty of defeats and dropped points but at no point did we go too long without picking up a win somewhere, certainly no more than 4 games or so.
  13. And with a more talented squad than the one that GJ did get promoted, then to the verge of the PL a few years later.
  14. That and our esteemed ex-CEO would suddenly decide to be approachable and keen to talk to the media. Again, can't see Richard Gould doing that.
  15. Same. Though to be fair, it must be at least a whole month since the resident attention seeker last did this argument, so it was probably due again.
  16. You can be sure that he's already scoping out other opportunities in case he needs to get out of there to avoid getting his comeuppance.
  17. I think it's increased to 5 since the age was dropped from U23 to U21.
  18. Indeed. I'm not sure if people have noticed, but trying to get anywhere by train at the weekend at the moment isn't exactly easy.
  19. I was passing through there on a train a few years back on a Friday afternoon and saw the Burnley squad waiting to get a train to London for an away game that weekend.
  20. No first team game this week means this is an ideal opportunity for the players who haven't seen much action to get some game time.
  21. I understand the concern, but if we were still operating under that model then either or both of Scott and Semenyo would have been sold this summer.
  22. I know some clubs do a sort of mini season ticket that entitles you to a certain number of games but you can pick and choose which ones.
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