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Everything posted by RedM

  1. Hate to tell you this but our first Easter Eggs arrived in store last Thursday (14th Dec). They are usually put on the shelves on Boxing Day but this year we have been told to merchandise them immediately, so they are available to buy right now
  2. Totally agree. It's two fluffing days the shops are shut, so why shop like you are being under siege for a month or two and can't leave the house. Trolleys full of food costing hundreds and hundreds of £££'s. People getting into debt for two days of eating, drinking and swopping crappy presents. Garbage the lot of it. What cost of living crisis.
  3. Cornick always make me think like he is playing with a group of mates in a pub team for fun. He seems to enjoy himself and is willing to have a go, but if he gets the ball it is rarely cleanly taken cleanly and it seems almost by accident. If the ball gets passed to him it is like he is surprised and not ready for it, he then seems to panic and nothing he does seems very natural or comfortable. He is hard to watch, I'd love him to live up to his song but with the odd 10 minutes here and there it's not going to happen easily or any time soon.
  4. Sod that, I'd rather go to Watford! I am going btw, I had booked a day's leave then luckily found my workplace is closed that day now, result!
  5. It's just purely to space the games. It's Fri, Tues, Fri, Mon now. It's a day better. Home, Away, Away, Home. The Bears are away when we play Hull at home on that Friday evening, then they are home to Exeter when we are away at Birmingham the following Friday (29th).
  6. I agree but unfortunately how we now treat footballers is far removed from your normal folk. They are totally pampered in order to get the best out of them. How many people who for example have to work in Cardiff for a couple of hours get free transport provided there and back by your employer, you also have accomodation in the best hotel the evening before to say nothing off all meals provided and a massage or two before work! Even when working at home, all meals provided free of charge every day. Full medical care, parking, transport free of charge. On a home match day (and sometimes away) you can bring your partner and children, parents etc to watch you work. They are provided with food and drink, match tickets, parking etc too, all free of charge. Is this what a 'normal' person gets? Maybe I'm being a bit flippant, but hopefully some of you might get the point I'm making. I don't think it's so easy now than it was even a few years ago for players to down tools or hide. Technology sees to that. I also think players are treated almost like racehorses, pampered and flogged at the same time. But when you stop being of value there is always another to take your place and you fade out of favour pretty quickly, it's very competitive so enjoy it when they can.
  7. I'm not a youngster, but yes you have a point. I guess I was comparing it against how cold I've felt at other games recently, Southampton was bitter for example. Always feels warmer when we win though
  8. It's not freezing, it's great conditions for a game of football!
  9. I guess they just wanted to do just one print run as it's cheaper. I just think there should be a choice, I don't want to be forced into anyone's Venn diagram. I usually buy a few calenders, this year they won't get my money.
  10. Exactly. If they were going to do mixed they should have done two players per month, or even better have totally separate calendars.
  11. Yes but did you see it's a mixed calender with one month for the men and next for the women. Utter garbage, won't be buying that.
  12. I just think sooner or later he is going to take that step back. He hasn't been the same player he was since his last injury or two. He is no longer first choice and a regular starter. But obviously he is club captain and as you say has lived apart from his wife and children during all his years here, so who knows!
  13. I don't see him extending his contract. Big factor in this is that he has never moved his family down from the Midlands. I can see that he is popular in the dressing room and would would seemingly be a natural coach after he finishes playing, but that would be at another team closer to his family home would be my guess.
  14. It was all part of it though wasn't it. I loved the thrill of a proper derby day. Not many matches have come close to that since.
  15. A quick search shows 507 Gasheads at Crewe compared to 336 of us at Blackburn. So he is right. You might like to point out though that the Saturday previous to this we had an away match of not dissimilar distance whilst they were at home. Cost would be a factor here I would think.
  16. Absolutely this. Loved those days, I would go back to those times in a heartbeat.
  17. Your £1 ticket could have so easily been £30. Your £1.25 fee would have then only been around 4% of your ticket price. Would that have made you happier?
  18. Have the supporters been given free/heavily subsidised travel again?
  19. He, like Conway, play so much better when Wells is in the team.
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